Source code for brainpy._src.analysis.lowdim.lowdim_bifurcation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from functools import partial

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import vmap
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy

from brainpy import errors
import brainpy._src.math as bm
from brainpy._src.analysis import stability, plotstyle, utils, constants as C
from brainpy._src.analysis.lowdim.lowdim_analyzer import *

pyplot = None

__all__ = [

[docs] class Bifurcation1D(Num1DAnalyzer): """Bifurcation analysis of 1D system. Using this class, we can make co-dimension1 or co-dimension2 bifurcation analysis. """ def __init__(self, model, target_pars, target_vars, fixed_vars=None, pars_update=None, resolutions=None, options=None): super().__init__(model=model, target_pars=target_pars, target_vars=target_vars, fixed_vars=fixed_vars, pars_update=pars_update, resolutions=resolutions, options=options) if len(self.target_pars) == 0: raise ValueError @property def F_vmap_dfxdx(self): if C.F_vmap_dfxdx not in self.analyzed_results: f = jax.jit(vmap(bm.vector_grad(self.F_fx, argnums=0)), device=self.jit_device) self.analyzed_results[C.F_vmap_dfxdx] = f return self.analyzed_results[C.F_vmap_dfxdx] def plot_bifurcation(self, with_plot=True, show=False, with_return=False, tol_aux=1e-8, loss_screen=None): global pyplot if pyplot is None: from matplotlib import pyplot utils.output('I am making bifurcation analysis ...') xs = self.resolutions[self.x_var] vps = jnp.meshgrid(xs, *tuple(self.resolutions[p] for p in self.target_par_names)) vps = tuple(jnp.moveaxis(bm.as_jax(vp), 0, 1).flatten() for vp in vps) candidates = vps[0] pars = vps[1:] fixed_points, _, pars = self._get_fixed_points(candidates, *pars, tol_aux=tol_aux, loss_screen=loss_screen, num_seg=len(xs)) dfxdx = np.asarray(self.F_vmap_dfxdx(jnp.asarray(fixed_points), *pars)) pars = tuple(np.asarray(p) for p in pars) if with_plot: if len(self.target_pars) == 1: container = {c: {'p': [], 'x': []} for c in stability.get_1d_stability_types()} # fixed point for p, x, dx in zip(pars[0], fixed_points, dfxdx): fp_type = stability.stability_analysis(dx) container[fp_type]['p'].append(p) container[fp_type]['x'].append(x) # visualization pyplot.figure(self.x_var) for fp_type, points in container.items(): if len(points['x']): plot_style = deepcopy(plotstyle.plot_schema[fp_type]) pyplot.plot(points['p'], points['x'], **plot_style, label=fp_type) pyplot.xlabel(self.target_par_names[0]) pyplot.ylabel(self.x_var) scale = (self.lim_scale - 1) / 2 pyplot.xlim(*utils.rescale(self.target_pars[self.target_par_names[0]], scale=scale)) pyplot.ylim(*utils.rescale(self.target_vars[self.x_var], scale=scale)) pyplot.legend() if show: elif len(self.target_pars) == 2: container = {c: {'p0': [], 'p1': [], 'x': []} for c in stability.get_1d_stability_types()} # fixed point for p0, p1, x, dx in zip(pars[0], pars[1], fixed_points, dfxdx): fp_type = stability.stability_analysis(dx) container[fp_type]['p0'].append(p0) container[fp_type]['p1'].append(p1) container[fp_type]['x'].append(x) # visualization fig = pyplot.figure(self.x_var) ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') for fp_type, points in container.items(): if len(points['x']): plot_style = deepcopy(plotstyle.plot_schema[fp_type]) xs = points['p0'] ys = points['p1'] zs = points['x'] plot_style.pop('linestyle') plot_style['s'] = plot_style.pop('markersize', None) ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, **plot_style, label=fp_type) ax.set_xlabel(self.target_par_names[0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.target_par_names[1]) ax.set_zlabel(self.x_var) scale = (self.lim_scale - 1) / 2 ax.set_xlim(*utils.rescale(self.target_pars[self.target_par_names[0]], scale=scale)) ax.set_ylim(*utils.rescale(self.target_pars[self.target_par_names[1]], scale=scale)) ax.set_zlim(*utils.rescale(self.target_vars[self.x_var], scale=scale)) ax.grid(True) ax.legend() if show: else: raise errors.BrainPyError(f'Cannot visualize co-dimension {len(self.target_pars)} ' f'bifurcation.') if with_return: return fixed_points, pars, dfxdx
[docs] class Bifurcation2D(Num2DAnalyzer): """Bifurcation analysis of 2D system. Using this class, we can make co-dimension1 or co-dimension2 bifurcation analysis. """ def __init__(self, model, target_pars, target_vars, fixed_vars=None, pars_update=None, resolutions=None, options=None): super().__init__(model=model, target_pars=target_pars, target_vars=target_vars, fixed_vars=fixed_vars, pars_update=pars_update, resolutions=resolutions, options=options) if len(self.target_pars) == 0: raise ValueError self._fixed_points = None @property def F_vmap_jacobian(self): if C.F_vmap_jacobian not in self.analyzed_results: f1 = lambda xy, *args: jnp.array([self.F_fx(xy[0], xy[1], *args), self.F_fy(xy[0], xy[1], *args)]) f2 = jax.jit(vmap(bm.jacobian(f1)), device=self.jit_device) self.analyzed_results[C.F_vmap_jacobian] = f2 return self.analyzed_results[C.F_vmap_jacobian]
[docs] def plot_bifurcation(self, with_plot=True, show=False, with_return=False, tol_aux=1e-8, tol_unique=1e-2, tol_opt_candidate=None, num_par_segments=1, num_fp_segment=1, nullcline_aux_filter=1., select_candidates='aux_rank', num_rank=100): """Make the bifurcation analysis. Parameters ---------- with_plot: bool Whether plot the bifurcation figure. show: bool Whether show the figure. with_return: bool Whether return the computed bifurcation results. tol_aux: float The loss tolerance of auxiliary function :math:`f_{aux}` to confirm the fixed point. Default is 1e-7. Once :math:`f_{aux}(x_1) < \mathrm{tol\_aux}`, :math:`x_1` will be a fixed point. tol_unique: float The tolerance of distance between candidate fixed points to confirm they are the same. Default is 1e-2. If :math:`|x_1 - x_2| > \mathrm{tol\_unique}`, then :math:`x_1` and :math:`x_2` are unique fixed points. Otherwise, :math:`x_1` and :math:`x_2` will be treated as a same fixed point. tol_opt_candidate: float, optional The tolerance of auxiliary function :math:`f_{aux}` to select candidate initial points for fixed point optimization. num_par_segments: int, sequence of int How to segment parameters. num_fp_segment: int How to segment fixed points. nullcline_aux_filter: float The select_candidates: str The method to select candidate fixed points. It can be: - ``fx-nullcline``: use the points of fx-nullcline. - ``fy-nullcline``: use the points of fy-nullcline. - ``nullclines``: use the points in both of fx-nullcline and fy-nullcline. - ``aux_rank``: use the minimal value of points for the auxiliary function. num_rank: int The number of candidates to be used to optimize the fixed points. rank to use. Returns ------- results : tuple Return a tuple of analyzed results: - fixed points: a 2D matrix with the shape of (num_point, num_var) - parameters: a 2D matrix with the shape of (num_point, num_par) - jacobians: a 3D tensors with the shape of (num_point, 2, 2) """ global pyplot if pyplot is None: from matplotlib import pyplot utils.output('I am making bifurcation analysis ...') if self._can_convert_to_one_eq(): if self.convert_type() == C.x_by_y: X = bm.as_jax(self.resolutions[self.y_var]) else: X = bm.as_jax(self.resolutions[self.x_var]) pars = tuple(bm.as_jax(self.resolutions[p]) for p in self.target_par_names) mesh_values = jnp.meshgrid(*((X,) + pars)) mesh_values = tuple(jnp.moveaxis(v, 0, 1).flatten() for v in mesh_values) candidates = mesh_values[0] parameters = mesh_values[1:] else: if select_candidates == 'fx-nullcline': fx_nullclines = self._get_fx_nullcline_points(num_segments=num_par_segments, fp_aux_filter=nullcline_aux_filter) candidates = fx_nullclines[0] parameters = fx_nullclines[1:] elif select_candidates == 'fy-nullcline': fy_nullclines = self._get_fy_nullcline_points(num_segments=num_par_segments, fp_aux_filter=nullcline_aux_filter) candidates = fy_nullclines[0] parameters = fy_nullclines[1:] elif select_candidates == 'nullclines': fx_nullclines = self._get_fx_nullcline_points(num_segments=num_par_segments, fp_aux_filter=nullcline_aux_filter) fy_nullclines = self._get_fy_nullcline_points(num_segments=num_par_segments, fp_aux_filter=nullcline_aux_filter) candidates = jnp.vstack([fx_nullclines[0], fy_nullclines[0]]) parameters = [jnp.concatenate([fx_nullclines[i], fy_nullclines[i]]) for i in range(1, len(fy_nullclines))] elif select_candidates == 'aux_rank': assert nullcline_aux_filter > 0. candidates, parameters = self._get_fp_candidates_by_aux_rank(num_segments=num_par_segments, num_rank=num_rank) else: raise ValueError candidates, _, parameters = self._get_fixed_points(candidates, *parameters, tol_aux=tol_aux, tol_unique=tol_unique, tol_opt_candidate=tol_opt_candidate, num_segment=num_fp_segment) candidates = np.asarray(candidates) parameters = np.stack(tuple(np.asarray(p) for p in parameters)).T utils.output('I am trying to filter out duplicate fixed points ...') final_fps = [] final_pars = [] for par in np.unique(parameters, axis=0): ids = np.where(np.all(parameters == par, axis=1))[0] fps, ids2 = utils.keep_unique(candidates[ids], tolerance=tol_unique) final_fps.append(fps) final_pars.append(parameters[ids[ids2]]) final_fps = np.vstack(final_fps) # with the shape of (num_point, num_var) final_pars = np.vstack(final_pars) # with the shape of (num_point, num_par) jacobians = np.asarray(self.F_vmap_jacobian(jnp.asarray(final_fps), *final_pars.T)) utils.output(f'{C.prefix}Found {len(final_fps)} fixed points.') # remember the fixed points for later limit cycle plotting self._fixed_points = (final_fps, final_pars) if with_plot: # bifurcation analysis of co-dimension 1 if len(self.target_pars) == 1: container = {c: {'p': [], self.x_var: [], self.y_var: []} for c in stability.get_2d_stability_types()} # fixed point for p, xy, J in zip(final_pars, final_fps, jacobians): fp_type = stability.stability_analysis(J) container[fp_type]['p'].append(p[0]) container[fp_type][self.x_var].append(xy[0]) container[fp_type][self.y_var].append(xy[1]) # visualization for var in self.target_var_names: pyplot.figure(var) for fp_type, points in container.items(): if len(points['p']): plot_style = deepcopy(plotstyle.plot_schema[fp_type]) pyplot.plot(points['p'], points[var], **plot_style, label=fp_type) pyplot.xlabel(self.target_par_names[0]) pyplot.ylabel(var) scale = (self.lim_scale - 1) / 2 pyplot.xlim(*utils.rescale(self.target_pars[self.target_par_names[0]], scale=scale)) pyplot.ylim(*utils.rescale(self.target_vars[var], scale=scale)) pyplot.legend() if show: # bifurcation analysis of co-dimension 2 elif len(self.target_pars) == 2: container = {c: {'p0': [], 'p1': [], self.x_var: [], self.y_var: []} for c in stability.get_2d_stability_types()} # fixed point for p, xy, J in zip(final_pars, final_fps, jacobians): fp_type = stability.stability_analysis(J) container[fp_type]['p0'].append(p[0]) container[fp_type]['p1'].append(p[1]) container[fp_type][self.x_var].append(xy[0]) container[fp_type][self.y_var].append(xy[1]) # visualization for var in self.target_var_names: fig = pyplot.figure(var) ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') for fp_type, points in container.items(): if len(points['p0']): plot_style = deepcopy(plotstyle.plot_schema[fp_type]) xs = points['p0'] ys = points['p1'] zs = points[var] plot_style.pop('linestyle') plot_style['s'] = plot_style.pop('markersize', None) ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, **plot_style, label=fp_type) ax.set_xlabel(self.target_par_names[0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.target_par_names[1]) ax.set_zlabel(var) scale = (self.lim_scale - 1) / 2 ax.set_xlim(*utils.rescale(self.target_pars[self.target_par_names[0]], scale=scale)) ax.set_ylim(*utils.rescale(self.target_pars[self.target_par_names[1]], scale=scale)) ax.set_zlim(*utils.rescale(self.target_vars[var], scale=scale)) ax.grid(True) ax.legend() if show: else: raise ValueError('Unknown length of parameters.') if with_return: return final_fps, final_pars, jacobians
def plot_limit_cycle_by_sim( self, duration=100, with_plot: bool = True, with_return: bool = False, plot_style: dict = None, tol: float = 0.001, show: bool = False, dt: float = None, offset: float = 1. ): global pyplot if pyplot is None: from matplotlib import pyplot utils.output('I am plotting the limit cycle ...') if self._fixed_points is None: utils.output('No fixed points found, you may call "plot_bifurcation(with_plot=True)" first.') return final_fps, final_pars = self._fixed_points dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt traject_model = utils.TrajectModel( initial_vars={self.x_var: final_fps[:, 0] + offset, self.y_var: final_fps[:, 1] + offset}, integrals={self.x_var: self.F_int_x, self.y_var: self.F_int_y}, pars={p: v for p, v in zip(self.target_par_names, final_pars.T)}, dt=dt ) mon_res = # find limit cycles vs_limit_cycle = tuple({'min': [], 'max': []} for _ in self.target_var_names) ps_limit_cycle = tuple([] for _ in self.target_par_names) for i in range(mon_res[self.x_var].shape[1]): data = mon_res[self.x_var][:, i] max_index = utils.find_indexes_of_limit_cycle_max(data, tol=tol) if max_index[0] != -1: cycle = data[max_index[0]: max_index[1]] vs_limit_cycle[0]['max'].append(mon_res[self.x_var][max_index[1], i]) vs_limit_cycle[0]['min'].append(cycle.min()) cycle = mon_res[self.y_var][max_index[0]: max_index[1], i] vs_limit_cycle[1]['max'].append(mon_res[self.y_var][max_index[1], i]) vs_limit_cycle[1]['min'].append(cycle.min()) for j in range(len(self.target_par_names)): ps_limit_cycle[j].append(final_pars[i, j]) vs_limit_cycle = tuple({k: np.asarray(v) for k, v in lm.items()} for lm in vs_limit_cycle) ps_limit_cycle = tuple(np.array(p) for p in ps_limit_cycle) # visualization if with_plot: if plot_style is None: plot_style = dict() fmt = plot_style.pop('fmt', '*') if len(self.target_par_names) == 2: if len(ps_limit_cycle[0]): for i, var in enumerate(self.target_var_names): pyplot.figure(var) pyplot.plot(ps_limit_cycle[0], ps_limit_cycle[1], vs_limit_cycle[i]['max'], **plot_style, label='limit cycle (max)') pyplot.plot(ps_limit_cycle[0], ps_limit_cycle[1], vs_limit_cycle[i]['min'], **plot_style, label='limit cycle (min)') pyplot.legend() elif len(self.target_par_names) == 1: if len(ps_limit_cycle[0]): for i, var in enumerate(self.target_var_names): pyplot.figure(var) pyplot.plot(ps_limit_cycle[0], vs_limit_cycle[i]['max'], fmt, **plot_style, label='limit cycle (max)') pyplot.plot(ps_limit_cycle[0], vs_limit_cycle[i]['min'], fmt, **plot_style, label='limit cycle (min)') pyplot.legend() else: raise errors.AnalyzerError if show: if with_return: return vs_limit_cycle, ps_limit_cycle
[docs] class FastSlow1D(Bifurcation1D): def __init__( self, model, fast_vars: dict, slow_vars: dict, fixed_vars: dict = None, pars_update: dict = None, resolutions=None, options: dict = None ): super().__init__(model=model, target_pars=slow_vars, target_vars=fast_vars, fixed_vars=fixed_vars, pars_update=pars_update, resolutions=resolutions, options=options) # standard integrators self._std_integrators = dict() for key, intg in self.model.name2integral.items(): wrap_x = utils.std_derivative(utils.get_args(self.model.name2derivative[key])[1], self.target_var_names + self.target_par_names, []) self._std_integrators[key] = partial(wrap_x(self.model.name2integral[key]), **(self.pars_update + self.fixed_vars)) def plot_trajectory(self, initials, duration, plot_durations=None, dt=None, show=False, with_plot=True, with_return=False): global pyplot if pyplot is None: from matplotlib import pyplot utils.output('I am plotting the trajectory ...') # check the initial values initials = utils.check_initials(initials, self.target_var_names + self.target_par_names) # 2. format the running duration assert isinstance(duration, (int, float)) # 3. format the plot duration plot_durations = utils.check_plot_durations(plot_durations, duration, initials) # 5. run the network dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt traject_model = utils.TrajectModel(initial_vars=initials, integrals=self._std_integrators, dt=dt) mon_res = if with_plot: assert len(self.target_par_names) <= 2 # plots for i, initial in enumerate(zip(*list(initials.values()))): # legend legend = f'$traj_{i}$: ' for j, key in enumerate(self.target_var_names): legend += f'{key}={initial[j]}, ' legend = legend[:-2] # visualization start = int(plot_durations[i][0] / dt) end = int(plot_durations[i][1] / dt) p1_var = self.target_par_names[0] if len(self.target_par_names) == 1: lines = pyplot.plot(mon_res[self.x_var][start: end, i], mon_res[p1_var][start: end, i], label=legend) elif len(self.target_par_names) == 2: p2_var = self.target_par_names[1] lines = pyplot.plot(mon_res[self.x_var][start: end, i], mon_res[p1_var][start: end, i], mon_res[p2_var][start: end, i], label=legend) else: raise ValueError utils.add_arrow(lines[0]) # # visualization of others # plt.xlabel(self.x_var) # plt.ylabel(self.target_par_names[0]) # scale = (self.lim_scale - 1.) / 2 # plt.xlim(*utils.rescale(self.target_vars[self.x_var], scale=scale)) # plt.ylim(*utils.rescale(self.target_vars[self.target_par_names[0]], scale=scale)) pyplot.legend() if show: if with_return: return mon_res
[docs] class FastSlow2D(Bifurcation2D): def __init__( self, model, fast_vars: dict, slow_vars: dict, fixed_vars: dict = None, pars_update: dict = None, resolutions=0.1, options: dict = None ): super().__init__(model=model, target_pars=slow_vars, target_vars=fast_vars, fixed_vars=fixed_vars, pars_update=pars_update, resolutions=resolutions, options=options) # standard integrators self._std_integrators = dict() for key, intg in self.model.name2integral.items(): wrap_x = utils.std_derivative(utils.get_args(self.model.name2derivative[key])[1], self.target_var_names + self.target_par_names, []) self._std_integrators[key] = partial(wrap_x(self.model.name2integral[key]), **(self.pars_update + self.fixed_vars)) def plot_trajectory(self, initials, duration, plot_durations=None, dt=None, show=False, with_plot=True, with_return=False): global pyplot if pyplot is None: from matplotlib import pyplot utils.output('I am plotting the trajectory ...') # check the initial values initials = utils.check_initials(initials, self.target_var_names + self.target_par_names) # 2. format the running duration assert isinstance(duration, (int, float)) # 3. format the plot duration plot_durations = utils.check_plot_durations(plot_durations, duration, initials) # 5. run the network dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt traject_model = utils.TrajectModel(initial_vars=initials, integrals=self._std_integrators, dt=dt) mon_res = if with_plot: assert len(self.target_par_names) <= 1 # plots for i, initial in enumerate(zip(*list(initials.values()))): # legend legend = f'$traj_{i}$: ' for j, key in enumerate(self.target_var_names): legend += f'{key}={initial[j]}, ' legend = legend[:-2] start = int(plot_durations[i][0] / dt) end = int(plot_durations[i][1] / dt) # visualization pyplot.figure(self.x_var) lines = pyplot.plot(mon_res[self.target_par_names[0]][start: end, i], mon_res[self.x_var][start: end, i], label=legend) utils.add_arrow(lines[0]) pyplot.figure(self.y_var) lines = pyplot.plot(mon_res[self.target_par_names[0]][start: end, i], mon_res[self.y_var][start: end, i], label=legend) utils.add_arrow(lines[0]) pyplot.figure(self.x_var) pyplot.legend() pyplot.figure(self.y_var) pyplot.legend() if show: if with_return: return mon_res