# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from brainpy import math as bm
from brainpy import tools
from brainpy.errors import ConnectorError
from .base import *
__all__ = [
class MatConn(TwoEndConnector):
"""Connector built from the dense connection matrix."""
def __init__(self, conn_mat, **kwargs):
super(MatConn, self).__init__(**kwargs)
assert isinstance(conn_mat, (np.ndarray, bm.Array, jax.Array)) and conn_mat.ndim == 2
self.pre_num, self.post_num = conn_mat.shape
self.pre_size, self.post_size = (self.pre_num,), (self.post_num,)
self.conn_mat = jnp.asarray(conn_mat).astype(MAT_DTYPE)
def __call__(self, pre_size, post_size):
assert self.pre_num == tools.size2num(pre_size)
assert self.post_num == tools.size2num(post_size)
return self
def build_mat(self):
assert self.conn_mat.shape[0] == self.pre_num
assert self.conn_mat.shape[1] == self.post_num
return self.conn_mat
class IJConn(TwoEndConnector):
"""Connector built from the ``pre_ids`` and ``post_ids`` connections."""
def __init__(self, i, j, **kwargs):
super(IJConn, self).__init__(**kwargs)
assert isinstance(i, (np.ndarray, bm.Array, jnp.ndarray)) and i.ndim == 1
assert isinstance(j, (np.ndarray, bm.Array, jnp.ndarray)) and j.ndim == 1
assert i.size == j.size
# initialize the class via "pre_ids" and "post_ids"
self.pre_ids = jnp.asarray(i).astype(IDX_DTYPE)
self.post_ids = jnp.asarray(j).astype(IDX_DTYPE)
self.max_pre = self.pre_ids.max()
self.max_post = self.post_ids.max()
def __call__(self, pre_size, post_size):
super(IJConn, self).__call__(pre_size, post_size)
if self.max_pre >= self.pre_num:
raise ConnectorError(f'pre_num ({self.pre_num}) should be greater than '
f'the maximum id ({self.max_pre}) of self.pre_ids.')
if self.max_post >= self.post_num:
raise ConnectorError(f'post_num ({self.post_num}) should be greater than '
f'the maximum id ({self.max_post}) of self.post_ids.')
return self
def build_coo(self):
if self.pre_num <= self.max_pre:
raise ConnectorError(f'pre_num ({self.pre_num}) should be greater than '
f'the maximum id ({self.max_pre}) of self.pre_ids.')
if self.post_num <= self.max_post:
raise ConnectorError(f'post_num ({self.post_num}) should be greater than '
f'the maximum id ({self.max_post}) of self.post_ids.')
return self.pre_ids, self.post_ids
class CSRConn(TwoEndConnector):
"""Connector built from the CSR sparse connection matrix."""
def __init__(self, indices, inptr, **kwargs):
super(CSRConn, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.indices = jnp.asarray(indices, dtype=IDX_DTYPE)
self.inptr = jnp.asarray(inptr, dtype=IDX_DTYPE)
self.pre_num = self.inptr.size - 1
self.max_post = self.indices.max()
def build_csr(self):
if self.pre_num != self.pre_num:
raise ConnectorError(f'(pre_size, post_size) is inconsistent with '
f'the shape of the sparse matrix.')
if self.post_num <= self.max_post:
raise ConnectorError(f'post_num ({self.post_num}) should be greater than '
f'the maximum id ({self.max_post}) of self.post_ids.')
return self.indices, self.inptr
class SparseMatConn(CSRConn):
"""Connector built from the sparse connection matrix"""
def __init__(self, csr_mat, **kwargs):
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
raise ConnectorError(f'Using SparseMatConn requires the scipy package. '
f'Please run "pip install scipy" to install scipy.')
assert isinstance(csr_mat, csr_matrix)
self.csr_mat = csr_mat
super(SparseMatConn, self).__init__(indices=jnp.asarray(self.csr_mat.indices, dtype=IDX_DTYPE),
inptr=jnp.asarray(self.csr_mat.indptr, dtype=IDX_DTYPE),
self.pre_num = csr_mat.shape[0]
self.post_num = csr_mat.shape[1]