Source code for brainpy._src.connect.random_conn

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from functools import partial
from typing import Optional

from jax import vmap, jit, numpy as jnp
import numpy as np

import brainpy.math as bm
from brainpy.errors import ConnectorError
from import numba_seed, numba_jit, numba_range, format_seed
from import SUPPORT_NUMBA
from .base import *

__all__ = [


[docs] class FixedProb(TwoEndConnector): """Connect the post-synaptic neurons with fixed probability. Parameters ---------- prob: float The conn probability. pre_ratio: float The ratio of pre-synaptic neurons to connect. include_self : bool Whether create (i, i) conn? allow_multi_conn: bool Allow one pre-synaptic neuron connects to multiple post-synaptic neurons? .. versionadded:: seed : optional, int Seed the random generator. """ def __init__(self, prob, pre_ratio=1., include_self=True, allow_multi_conn=False, seed=None, **kwargs): super(FixedProb, self).__init__(**kwargs) assert 0. <= prob <= 1. assert 0. <= pre_ratio <= 1. self.prob = prob self.pre_ratio = pre_ratio self.include_self = include_self self.seed = format_seed(seed) self.allow_multi_conn = allow_multi_conn self._jaxrand = bm.random.default_rng(self.seed) self._nprand = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) def __repr__(self): return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(prob={self.prob}, pre_ratio={self.pre_ratio}, ' f'include_self={self.include_self}, allow_multi_conn={self.allow_multi_conn}, ' f'seed={self.seed})') def _iii(self): if (not self.include_self) and (self.pre_num != self.post_num): raise ConnectorError(f'We found pre_num != post_num ({self.pre_num} != {self.post_num}). ' f'But `include_self` is set to True.') if self.pre_ratio < 1.: pre_num_to_select = int(self.pre_num * self.pre_ratio) pre_ids = self._jaxrand.choice(self.pre_num, size=(pre_num_to_select,), replace=False) else: pre_num_to_select = self.pre_num pre_ids = jnp.arange(self.pre_num) post_num_total = self.post_num post_num_to_select = int(self.post_num * self.prob) if self.allow_multi_conn: selected_post_ids = self._jaxrand.randint(0, post_num_total, (pre_num_to_select, post_num_to_select)) else: if SUPPORT_NUMBA: rng = np.random numba_seed(self._nprand.randint(0, int(1e8))) else: rng = self._nprand @numba_jit # (parallel=True, nogil=True) def single_conn(): posts = np.zeros((pre_num_to_select, post_num_to_select), dtype=IDX_DTYPE) for i in numba_range(pre_num_to_select): posts[i] = rng.choice(post_num_total, post_num_to_select, replace=False) return posts selected_post_ids = jnp.asarray(single_conn()) return pre_num_to_select, post_num_to_select, bm.as_jax(selected_post_ids), bm.as_jax(pre_ids)
[docs] def build_coo(self): _, post_num_to_select, selected_post_ids, pre_ids = self._iii() selected_post_ids = selected_post_ids.flatten() selected_pre_ids = jnp.repeat(pre_ids, post_num_to_select) if not self.include_self: true_ids = selected_pre_ids != selected_post_ids selected_pre_ids = selected_pre_ids[true_ids] selected_post_ids = selected_post_ids[true_ids] return selected_pre_ids.astype(get_idx_type()), selected_post_ids.astype(get_idx_type())
[docs] def build_csr(self): pre_num_to_select, post_num_to_select, selected_post_ids, pre_ids = self._iii() pre_nums = jnp.ones(pre_num_to_select) * post_num_to_select if not self.include_self: true_ids = selected_post_ids == jnp.reshape(pre_ids, (-1, 1)) pre_nums -= jnp.sum(true_ids, axis=1) selected_post_ids = selected_post_ids.flatten()[jnp.logical_not(true_ids).flatten()] else: selected_post_ids = selected_post_ids.flatten() selected_pre_inptr = jnp.cumsum(jnp.concatenate([jnp.zeros(1), pre_nums])) return selected_post_ids.astype(get_idx_type()), selected_pre_inptr.astype(get_idx_type())
[docs] def build_mat(self): if self.pre_ratio < 1.: pre_state = self._jaxrand.uniform(size=(self.pre_num, 1)) < self.pre_ratio mat = (self._jaxrand.uniform(size=(self.pre_num, self.post_num)) < self.prob) * pre_state else: mat = (self._jaxrand.uniform(size=(self.pre_num, self.post_num)) < self.prob) mat = bm.asarray(mat) if not self.include_self: bm.fill_diagonal(mat, False) return mat.astype(MAT_DTYPE)
[docs] class FixedTotalNum(TwoEndConnector): """Connect the synaptic neurons with fixed total number. Parameters ---------- num : float,int The conn total number. allow_multi_conn : bool, optional Whether allow one pre-synaptic neuron connects to multiple post-synaptic neurons. seed: int, optional The random number seed. """ def __init__(self, num, allow_multi_conn=False, seed=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(num, int): assert num >= 0, '"num" must be a non-negative integer.' elif isinstance(num, float): assert 0. <= num <= 1., '"num" must be in [0., 1.).' else: raise ConnectorError(f'Unknown type: {type(num)}') self.num = num self.seed = format_seed(seed) self.allow_multi_conn = allow_multi_conn self.rng = bm.random.RandomState(self.seed)
[docs] def build_coo(self): mat_element_num = self.pre_num * self.post_num if self.num > mat_element_num: raise ConnectorError(f'"num" must be smaller than "all2all num", ' f'but got {self.num} > {mat_element_num}') if self.allow_multi_conn: selected_pre_ids = self.rng.randint(0, self.pre_num, (self.num,)) selected_post_ids = self.rng.randint(0, self.post_num, (self.num,)) else: index = self.rng.choice(mat_element_num, size=(self.num,), replace=False) selected_pre_ids = index // self.post_num selected_post_ids = index % self.post_num return selected_pre_ids.astype(get_idx_type()), selected_post_ids.astype(get_idx_type())
def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(num={self.num}, seed={self.seed})'
class FixedNum(TwoEndConnector): def __init__(self, num, include_self=True, allow_multi_conn=False, seed=None, **kwargs): super(FixedNum, self).__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(num, int): assert num >= 0, '"num" must be a non-negative integer.' elif isinstance(num, float): assert 0. <= num <= 1., '"num" must be in [0., 1.).' else: raise ConnectorError(f'Unknown type: {type(num)}') self.num = num self.seed = format_seed(seed) self.include_self = include_self self.allow_multi_conn = allow_multi_conn self.rng = bm.random.RandomState(self.seed) if allow_multi_conn else np.random.RandomState(self.seed) def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(num={self.num}, include_self={self.include_self}, seed={self.seed})'
[docs] class FixedPreNum(FixedNum): """Connect a fixed number pf pre-synaptic neurons for each post-synaptic neuron. Parameters ---------- num : float, int The conn probability (if "num" is float) or the fixed number of connectivity (if "num" is int). include_self : bool Whether create (i, i) conn ? seed : None, int Seed the random generator. allow_multi_conn: bool Allow one pre-synaptic neuron connects to multiple post-synaptic neurons? .. versionadded:: """
[docs] def build_coo(self): if isinstance(self.num, int) and self.num > self.pre_num: raise ConnectorError(f'"num" must be smaller than "pre_num", ' f'but got {self.num} > {self.pre_num}') if (not self.include_self) and (self.pre_num != self.post_num): raise ConnectorError(f'We found pre_num != post_num ({self.pre_num} != {self.post_num}). ' f'But `include_self` is set to True.') pre_num_to_select = int(self.pre_num * self.num) if isinstance(self.num, float) else self.num pre_num_total = self.pre_num post_num_total = self.post_num if self.allow_multi_conn: selected_pre_ids = self.rng.randint(0, pre_num_total, (post_num_total, pre_num_to_select,)) else: if SUPPORT_NUMBA: rng = np.random numba_seed(self.rng.randint(0, int(1e8))) else: rng = self.rng @numba_jit # (parallel=True, nogil=True) def single_conn(): posts = np.zeros((post_num_total, pre_num_to_select), dtype=IDX_DTYPE) for i in numba_range(post_num_total): posts[i] = rng.choice(pre_num_total, pre_num_to_select, replace=False) return posts selected_pre_ids = jnp.asarray(single_conn()) post_nums = jnp.ones((post_num_total,), dtype=get_idx_type()) * pre_num_to_select if not self.include_self: true_ids = selected_pre_ids == jnp.reshape(jnp.arange(pre_num_total), (-1, 1)) post_nums -= jnp.sum(true_ids, axis=1) selected_pre_ids = selected_pre_ids.flatten()[jnp.logical_not(true_ids).flatten()] else: selected_pre_ids = selected_pre_ids.flatten() selected_post_ids = jnp.repeat(jnp.arange(post_num_total), post_nums) return selected_pre_ids.astype(get_idx_type()), selected_post_ids.astype(get_idx_type())
[docs] class FixedPostNum(FixedNum): """Connect the fixed number of post-synaptic neurons for each pre-synaptic neuron. Parameters ---------- num : float, int The conn probability (if "num" is float) or the fixed number of connectivity (if "num" is int). include_self : bool Whether create (i, i) conn ? seed : None, int Seed the random generator. allow_multi_conn: bool Allow one pre-synaptic neuron connects to multiple post-synaptic neurons? .. versionadded:: """ def _ii(self): if isinstance(self.num, int) and self.num > self.post_num: raise ConnectorError(f'"num" must be smaller than "post_num", ' f'but got {self.num} > {self.post_num}') if (not self.include_self) and (self.pre_num != self.post_num): raise ConnectorError(f'We found pre_num != post_num ({self.pre_num} != {self.post_num}). ' f'But `include_self` is set to True.') post_num_to_select = int(self.post_num * self.num) if isinstance(self.num, float) else self.num pre_num_to_select = self.pre_num pre_ids = jnp.arange(self.pre_num) post_num_total = self.post_num if self.allow_multi_conn: selected_post_ids = self.rng.randint(0, post_num_total, (pre_num_to_select, post_num_to_select,)) else: if SUPPORT_NUMBA: rng = np.random numba_seed(self.rng.randint(0, int(1e8))) else: rng = self.rng @numba_jit # (parallel=True, nogil=True) def single_conn(): posts = np.zeros((pre_num_to_select, post_num_to_select), dtype=IDX_DTYPE) for i in numba_range(pre_num_to_select): posts[i] = rng.choice(post_num_total, post_num_to_select, replace=False) return posts selected_post_ids = jnp.asarray(single_conn()) return pre_num_to_select, post_num_to_select, bm.as_jax(selected_post_ids), bm.as_jax(pre_ids)
[docs] def build_coo(self): _, post_num_to_select, selected_post_ids, pre_ids = self._ii() selected_post_ids = selected_post_ids.flatten() selected_pre_ids = jnp.repeat(pre_ids, post_num_to_select) if not self.include_self: true_ids = selected_pre_ids != selected_post_ids selected_pre_ids = selected_pre_ids[true_ids] selected_post_ids = selected_post_ids[true_ids] return selected_pre_ids.astype(get_idx_type()), selected_post_ids.astype(get_idx_type())
[docs] def build_csr(self): pre_num_to_select, post_num_to_select, selected_post_ids, pre_ids = self._ii() pre_nums = jnp.ones(pre_num_to_select) * post_num_to_select if not self.include_self: true_ids = selected_post_ids == jnp.reshape(pre_ids, (-1, 1)) pre_nums -= jnp.sum(true_ids, axis=1) selected_post_ids = selected_post_ids.flatten()[jnp.logical_not(true_ids).flatten()] else: selected_post_ids = selected_post_ids.flatten() selected_pre_inptr = jnp.cumsum(jnp.concatenate([jnp.zeros(1), pre_nums])) return selected_post_ids.astype(get_idx_type()), selected_pre_inptr.astype(get_idx_type())
@jit @partial(vmap, in_axes=(0, None, None)) def gaussian_prob_dist_cal1(i_value, post_values, sigma): dists = jnp.abs(i_value - post_values) exp_dists = jnp.exp(-(jnp.sqrt(jnp.sum(dists ** 2, axis=0)) / sigma) ** 2 / 2) return bm.asarray(exp_dists) @jit @partial(vmap, in_axes=(0, None, None, None)) def gaussian_prob_dist_cal2(i_value, post_values, value_sizes, sigma): dists = jnp.abs(i_value - post_values) dists = jnp.where(dists > (value_sizes / 2), value_sizes - dists, dists) exp_dists = jnp.exp(-(jnp.sqrt(jnp.sum(dists ** 2, axis=0)) / sigma) ** 2 / 2) return bm.asarray(exp_dists)
[docs] class GaussianProb(OneEndConnector): r"""Builds a Gaussian connectivity pattern within a population of neurons, where the connection probability decay according to the gaussian function. Specifically, for any pair of neurons :math:`(i, j)`, .. math:: p(i, j)=\exp(-\frac{\sum_{k=1}^n |v_k^i - v_k^j|^2 }{2\sigma^2}) where :math:`v_k^i` is the :math:`i`-th neuron's encoded value at dimension :math:`k`. Parameters ---------- sigma : float Width of the Gaussian function. encoding_values : optional, list, tuple, int, float The value ranges to encode for neurons at each axis. - If `values` is not provided, the neuron only encodes each positional information, i.e., :math:`(i, j, k, ...)`, where :math:`i, j, k` is the index in the high-dimensional space. - If `values` is a single tuple/list of int/float, neurons at each dimension will encode the same range of values. For example, ``values=(0, np.pi)``, neurons at each dimension will encode a continuous value space ``[0, np.pi]``. - If `values` is a tuple/list of list/tuple, it means the value space will be different for each dimension. For example, ``values=((-np.pi, np.pi), (10, 20), (0, 2 * np.pi))``. periodic_boundary : bool Whether the neuron encode the value space with the periodic boundary. normalize : bool Whether normalize the connection probability . include_self : bool Whether create the connection at the same position. seed : int The random seed. """ def __init__( self, sigma: float, encoding_values: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, normalize: bool = True, include_self: bool = True, periodic_boundary: bool = False, seed: int = None, **kwargs ): super(GaussianProb, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.sigma = sigma self.encoding_values = encoding_values self.normalize = normalize self.include_self = include_self self.periodic_boundary = periodic_boundary self.seed = format_seed(seed) self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) def __repr__(self): return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(sigma={self.sigma}, ' f'normalize={self.normalize}, ' f'periodic_boundary={self.periodic_boundary}, ' f'include_self={self.include_self}, ' f'seed={self.seed})')
[docs] def build_mat(self, isOptimized=True): self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) # value range to encode if self.encoding_values is None: value_ranges = tuple([(0, s) for s in self.pre_size]) elif isinstance(self.encoding_values, (tuple, list)): if len(self.encoding_values) == 0: raise ConnectorError(f'encoding_values has a length of 0.') elif isinstance(self.encoding_values[0], (int, float)): assert len(self.encoding_values) == 2 assert self.encoding_values[0] < self.encoding_values[1] value_ranges = tuple([self.encoding_values for _ in self.pre_size]) elif isinstance(self.encoding_values[0], (tuple, list)): if len(self.encoding_values) != len(self.pre_size): raise ConnectorError(f'The network size has {len(self.pre_size)} dimensions, while ' f'the encoded values provided only has {len(self.encoding_values)}-D. ' f'Error in {str(self)}.') for v in self.encoding_values: assert isinstance(v[0], (int, float)) assert len(v) == 2 value_ranges = tuple(self.encoding_values) else: raise ConnectorError(f'Unsupported encoding values: {self.encoding_values}') else: raise ConnectorError(f'Unsupported encoding values: {self.encoding_values}') # values values = [np.linspace(vs[0], vs[1], n + 1)[:n] for vs, n in zip(value_ranges, self.pre_size)] # post_values = np.stack([v.flatten() for v in np.meshgrid(*values, indexing='ij')]) post_values = np.stack([v.flatten() for v in np.meshgrid(*values)]) value_sizes = np.array([v[1] - v[0] for v in value_ranges]) if value_sizes.ndim < post_values.ndim: value_sizes = np.expand_dims(value_sizes, axis=tuple([i + 1 for i in range(post_values.ndim - 1)])) # probability of connections if isOptimized: i_value_list = np.zeros(shape=(self.pre_num, len(self.pre_size), 1)) for i in range(self.pre_num): list_index = i # values for node i i_coordinate = tuple() for s in self.pre_size[:-1]: i, pos = divmod(i, s) i_coordinate += (pos,) i_coordinate += (i,) i_value = np.array([values[i][c] for i, c in enumerate(i_coordinate)]) if i_value.ndim < post_values.ndim: i_value = np.expand_dims(i_value, axis=tuple([i + 1 for i in range(post_values.ndim - 1)])) i_value_list[list_index] = i_value if self.periodic_boundary: prob_mat = gaussian_prob_dist_cal2(i_value_list, post_values, value_sizes, self.sigma) else: prob_mat = gaussian_prob_dist_cal1(i_value_list, post_values, self.sigma) else: prob_mat = [] for i in range(self.pre_num): # values for node i i_coordinate = tuple() for s in self.pre_size[:-1]: i, pos = divmod(i, s) i_coordinate += (pos,) i_coordinate += (i,) i_value = np.array([values[i][c] for i, c in enumerate(i_coordinate)]) if i_value.ndim < post_values.ndim: i_value = np.expand_dims(i_value, axis=tuple([i + 1 for i in range(post_values.ndim - 1)])) # distances dists = np.abs(i_value - post_values) if self.periodic_boundary: dists = np.where(dists > value_sizes / 2, value_sizes - dists, dists) exp_dists = np.exp(-(np.linalg.norm(dists, axis=0) / self.sigma) ** 2 / 2) prob_mat.append(exp_dists) prob_mat = np.stack(prob_mat) if self.normalize: prob_mat /= prob_mat.max() # connectivity conn_mat = np.asarray(prob_mat) >= self.rng.random(prob_mat.shape) if not self.include_self: np.fill_diagonal(conn_mat, False) return conn_mat
[docs] class SmallWorld(TwoEndConnector): """Build a Watts–Strogatz small-world graph. Parameters ---------- num_neighbor : int Each node is joined with its `k` nearest neighbors in a ring topology. prob : float The probability of rewiring each edge directed : bool Whether the graph is a directed graph. include_self : bool Whether include the node self. Notes ----- First create a ring over :math:`num\_node` nodes [1]_. Then each node in the ring is joined to its :math:`num\_neighbor` nearest neighbors (or :math:`num\_neighbor - 1` neighbors if :math:`num\_neighbor` is odd). Then shortcuts are created by replacing some edges as follows: for each edge :math:`(u, v)` in the underlying ":math:`num\_node`-ring with :math:`num\_neighbor` nearest neighbors" with probability :math:`prob` replace it with a new edge :math:`(u, w)` with uniformly random choice of existing node :math:`w`. References ---------- .. [1] Duncan J. Watts and Steven H. Strogatz, Collective dynamics of small-world networks, Nature, 393, pp. 440--442, 1998. """ def __init__( self, num_neighbor, prob, directed=False, include_self=False, seed=None, **kwargs ): super(SmallWorld, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.prob = prob self.directed = directed self.num_neighbor = num_neighbor self.include_self = include_self self.seed = format_seed(seed) self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed) rng = np.random if SUPPORT_NUMBA else self.rng def _smallworld_rewire(i, all_j): if rng.random(1) < prob: non_connected = np.where(np.logical_not(all_j))[0] if len(non_connected) <= 1: return -1 # Enforce no self-loops or multiple edges w = rng.choice(non_connected) while (not include_self) and w == i: # non_connected.remove(w) w = rng.choice(non_connected) return w else: return -1 self._connect = numba_jit(_smallworld_rewire) def __repr__(self): return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(prob={self.prob}, ' f'directed={self.directed}, ' f'num_neighbor={self.num_neighbor}, ' f'include_self={self.include_self}, ' f'seed={self.seed})')
[docs] def build_conn(self): assert self.pre_size == self.post_size # seed self.seed = self.rng.randint(1, int(1e7)) numba_seed(self.seed) if isinstance(self.pre_size, int) or (isinstance(self.pre_size, (tuple, list)) and len(self.pre_size) == 1): num_node = self.pre_num if self.num_neighbor > num_node: raise ConnectorError("num_neighbor > num_node, choose smaller num_neighbor or larger num_node") # If k == n, the graph is complete not Watts-Strogatz if self.num_neighbor == num_node: conn = np.ones((num_node, num_node), dtype=MAT_DTYPE) else: conn = np.zeros((num_node, num_node), dtype=MAT_DTYPE) nodes = np.array(list(range(num_node))) # nodes are labeled 0 to n-1 # connect each node to k/2 neighbors for j in range(1, self.num_neighbor // 2 + 1): targets = np.concatenate([nodes[j:], nodes[0:j]]) # first j nodes are now last in list conn[nodes, targets] = True conn[targets, nodes] = True # rewire edges from each node # loop over all nodes in order (label) and neighbors in order (distance) # no self loops or multiple edges allowed for j in range(1, self.num_neighbor // 2 + 1): # outer loop is neighbors targets = np.concatenate([nodes[j:], nodes[0:j]]) # first j nodes are now last in list if self.directed: # inner loop in node order for u, v in zip(nodes, targets): w = self._connect(prob=self.prob, i=u, all_j=conn[u]) if w != -1: conn[u, v] = False conn[u, w] = True w = self._connect(prob=self.prob, i=u, all_j=conn[:, u]) if w != -1: conn[v, u] = False conn[w, u] = True else: # inner loop in node order for u, v in zip(nodes, targets): w = self._connect(i=u, all_j=conn[u]) if w != -1: conn[u, v] = False conn[v, u] = False conn[u, w] = True conn[w, u] = True # conn = np.asarray(conn, dtype=MAT_DTYPE) else: raise ConnectorError('Currently only support 1D ring connection.') return 'mat', conn
# def _random_subset(seq, m, rng): # """Return m unique elements from seq. # # This differs from random.sample which can return repeated # elements if seq holds repeated elements. # # Note: rng is a random.Random or numpy.random.RandomState instance. # """ # targets = set() # while len(targets) < m: # x = rng.choice(seq) # targets.add(x) # return targets
[docs] class ScaleFreeBA(TwoEndConnector): """Build a random graph according to the Barabási–Albert preferential attachment model. A graph of :math:`num\_node` nodes is grown by attaching new nodes each with :math:`m` edges that are preferentially attached to existing nodes with high degree. Parameters ---------- m : int Number of edges to attach from a new node to existing nodes seed : integer, random_state, or None (default) Indicator of random number generation state. Raises ------ ConnectorError If `m` does not satisfy ``1 <= m < n``. References ---------- .. [1] A. L. Barabási and R. Albert "Emergence of scaling in random networks", Science 286, pp 509-512, 1999. """ def __init__(self, m, directed=False, seed=None, **kwargs): super(ScaleFreeBA, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.m = m self.directed = directed self.seed = format_seed(seed) self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) rng = np.random if SUPPORT_NUMBA else self.rng def _random_subset(seq, m): targets = set() while len(targets) < m: x = rng.choice(seq) targets.add(x) return targets self._connect = numba_jit(_random_subset) def __repr__(self): return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(m={self.m}, ' f'directed={self.directed}, ' f'seed={self.seed})')
[docs] def build_mat(self, isOptimized=True): assert self.pre_num == self.post_num # seed self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) numba_seed(self.seed) num_node = self.pre_num if self.m < 1 or self.m >= num_node: raise ConnectorError(f"Barabási–Albert network must have m >= 1 and " f"m < n, while m = {self.m} and n = {num_node}") # Add m initial nodes (m0 in barabasi-speak) conn = np.zeros((num_node, num_node), dtype=MAT_DTYPE) # Target nodes for new edges targets = list(range(self.m)) # List of existing nodes, with nodes repeated once for each adjacent edge if not isOptimized: repeated_nodes = [] # Start adding the other n-m nodes. The first node is m. source = self.m while source < num_node: # Add edges to m nodes from the source. origins = [source] * self.m conn[origins, targets] = True if not self.directed: conn[targets, origins] = True # Add one node to the list for each new edge just created. repeated_nodes.extend(targets) # And the new node "source" has m edges to add to the list. repeated_nodes.extend([source] * self.m) # Now choose m unique nodes from the existing nodes # Pick uniformly from repeated_nodes (preferential attachment) targets = list(self._connect(np.asarray(repeated_nodes), self.m)) source += 1 return conn # List of existing nodes, with nodes repeated once for each adjacent edge # Preallocate repeated_nodes as a numpy array repeated_nodes = np.empty(2 * num_node * self.m, dtype=int) size_repeated_nodes = 0 # Start adding the other n-m nodes. The first node is m. source = self.m while source < num_node: # Add edges to m nodes from the source. origins = [source] * self.m conn[origins, targets] = True if not self.directed: conn[targets, origins] = True # Add one node to the list for each new edge just created. repeated_nodes[size_repeated_nodes:size_repeated_nodes + self.m] = targets size_repeated_nodes += self.m # And the new node "source" has m edges to add to the list. repeated_nodes[size_repeated_nodes:size_repeated_nodes + self.m] = source size_repeated_nodes += self.m # Now choose m unique nodes from the existing nodes # Pick uniformly from repeated_nodes (preferential attachment) targets = list(self._connect(repeated_nodes[:size_repeated_nodes], self.m)) source += 1 return conn
[docs] class ScaleFreeBADual(TwoEndConnector): r"""Build a random graph according to the dual Barabási–Albert preferential attachment model. A graph of :math::`num\_node` nodes is grown by attaching new nodes each with either $m_1$ edges (with probability :math:`p`) or :math:`m_2` edges (with probability :math:`1-p`) that are preferentially attached to existing nodes with high degree. Parameters ---------- m1 : int Number of edges to attach from a new node to existing nodes with probability :math:`p` m2 : int Number of edges to attach from a new node to existing nodes with probability :math:`1-p` p : float The probability of attaching :math:`m\_1` edges (as opposed to :math:`m\_2` edges) seed : integer, random_state, or None (default) Indicator of random number generation state. Raises ------ ConnectorError If `m1` and `m2` do not satisfy ``1 <= m1,m2 < n`` or `p` does not satisfy ``0 <= p <= 1``. References ---------- .. [1] N. Moshiri "The dual-Barabasi-Albert model", arXiv:1810.10538. """ def __init__(self, m1, m2, p, directed=False, seed=None, **kwargs): super(ScaleFreeBADual, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.m1 = m1 self.m2 = m2 self.p = p self.directed = directed self.seed = format_seed(seed) self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) rng = np.random if SUPPORT_NUMBA else self.rng def _random_subset(seq, m): targets = set() while len(targets) < m: x = rng.choice(seq) targets.add(x) return targets self._connect = numba_jit(_random_subset) def __repr__(self): return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(m1={self.m1}, m2={self.m2}, ' f'p={self.p}, directed={self.directed}, seed={self.seed})')
[docs] def build_mat(self, isOptimized=True): assert self.pre_num == self.post_num # seed self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) numba_seed(self.seed) num_node = self.pre_num if self.m1 < 1 or self.m1 >= num_node: raise ConnectorError(f"Dual Barabási–Albert network must have m1 >= 1 and m1 < num_node, " f"while m1 = {self.m1} and num_node = {num_node}.") if self.m2 < 1 or self.m2 >= num_node: raise ConnectorError(f"Dual Barabási–Albert network must have m2 >= 1 and m2 < num_node, " f"while m2 = {self.m2} and num_node = {num_node}.") if self.p < 0 or self.p > 1: raise ConnectorError(f"Dual Barabási–Albert network must have 0 <= p <= 1, while p = {self.p}") # Add max(m1,m2) initial nodes (m0 in barabasi-speak) conn = np.zeros((num_node, num_node), dtype=MAT_DTYPE) if not isOptimized: # List of existing nodes, with nodes repeated once for each adjacent edge repeated_nodes = [] # Start adding the remaining nodes. source = max(self.m1, self.m2) # Pick which m to use first time (m1 or m2) m = self.m1 if self.rng.random() < self.p else self.m2 # Target nodes for new edges targets = list(range(m)) while source < num_node: # Add edges to m nodes from the source. origins = [source] * m conn[origins, targets] = True if not self.directed: conn[targets, origins] = True # Add one node to the list for each new edge just created. repeated_nodes.extend(targets) # And the new node "source" has m edges to add to the list. repeated_nodes.extend([source] * m) # Pick which m to use next time (m1 or m2) m = self.m1 if self.rng.random() < self.p else self.m2 # Now choose m unique nodes from the existing nodes # Pick uniformly from repeated_nodes (preferential attachment) targets = list(self._connect(np.asarray(repeated_nodes), m)) source += 1 return conn # List of existing nodes, with nodes repeated once for each adjacent edge # Preallocate repeated_nodes as a numpy array repeated_nodes = np.empty(2 * num_node * max(self.m1, self.m2), dtype=int) size_repeated_nodes = 0 # Start adding the remaining nodes. source = max(self.m1, self.m2) # Pick which m to use first time (m1 or m2) m = self.m1 if self.rng.random() < self.p else self.m2 # Target nodes for new edges targets = list(range(m)) while source < num_node: # Add edges to m nodes from the source. origins = [source] * m conn[origins, targets] = True if not self.directed: conn[targets, origins] = True # Add one node to the list for each new edge just created. repeated_nodes[size_repeated_nodes:size_repeated_nodes + m] = targets size_repeated_nodes += m # And the new node "source" has m edges to add to the list. repeated_nodes[size_repeated_nodes:size_repeated_nodes + m] = source size_repeated_nodes += m # Pick which m to use next time (m1 or m2) m = self.m1 if self.rng.random() < self.p else self.m2 # Now choose m unique nodes from the existing nodes # Pick uniformly from repeated_nodes (preferential attachment) targets = list(self._connect(repeated_nodes[:size_repeated_nodes], m)) source += 1 return conn
[docs] class PowerLaw(TwoEndConnector): """Holme and Kim algorithm for growing graphs with powerlaw degree distribution and approximate average clustering. Parameters ---------- m : int the number of random edges to add for each new node p : float, Probability of adding a triangle after adding a random edge seed : integer, random_state, or None (default) Indicator of random number generation state. Notes ----- The average clustering has a hard time getting above a certain cutoff that depends on :math:`m`. This cutoff is often quite low. The transitivity (fraction of triangles to possible triangles) seems to decrease with network size. It is essentially the Barabási–Albert (BA) growth model with an extra step that each random edge is followed by a chance of making an edge to one of its neighbors too (and thus a triangle). This algorithm improves on BA in the sense that it enables a higher average clustering to be attained if desired. It seems possible to have a disconnected graph with this algorithm since the initial :math:`m` nodes may not be all linked to a new node on the first iteration like the BA model. Raises ------ ConnectorError If :math:`m` does not satisfy :math:`1 <= m <= n` or :math:`p` does not satisfy :math:`0 <= p <= 1`. References ---------- .. [1] P. Holme and B. J. Kim, "Growing scale-free networks with tunable clustering", Phys. Rev. E, 65, 026107, 2002. """ def __init__(self, m: int, p: float, directed=False, seed=None, **kwargs): super(PowerLaw, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.m = m self.p = p if self.p > 1 or self.p < 0: raise ConnectorError(f"p must be in [0,1], while p={self.p}") self.directed = directed self.seed = format_seed(seed) self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) rng = np.random if SUPPORT_NUMBA else self.rng def _random_subset(seq, m): targets = set() while len(targets) < m: x = rng.choice(seq) targets.add(x) return targets self._connect = numba_jit(_random_subset) def __repr__(self): return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(m={self.m}, p={self.p}, directed={self.directed}, seed={self.seed})')
[docs] def build_mat(self, isOptimized=True): assert self.pre_num == self.post_num # seed self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) numba_seed(self.seed) num_node = self.pre_num if self.m < 1 or num_node < self.m: raise ConnectorError(f"Must have m>1 and m<n, while m={self.m} and n={num_node}") # add m initial nodes (m0 in barabasi-speak) conn = np.zeros((num_node, num_node), dtype=MAT_DTYPE) if not isOptimized: repeated_nodes = list(range(self.m)) # list of existing nodes to sample from # with nodes repeated once for each adjacent edge source = self.m # next node is m while source < num_node: # Now add the other n-1 nodes possible_targets = self._connect(np.asarray(repeated_nodes), self.m) # do one preferential attachment for new node target = possible_targets.pop() conn[source, target] = True if not self.directed: conn[target, source] = True repeated_nodes.append(target) # add one node to list for each new link count = 1 while count < self.m: # add m-1 more new links if self.rng.random() < self.p: # clustering step: add triangle neighbors = np.where(conn[target])[0] neighborhood = [nbr for nbr in neighbors if not conn[source, nbr] and not nbr == source] if neighborhood: # if there is a neighbor without a link nbr = self.rng.choice(neighborhood) conn[source, nbr] = True # add triangle if not self.directed: conn[nbr, source] = True repeated_nodes.append(nbr) count = count + 1 continue # go to top of while loop # else do preferential attachment step if above fails target = possible_targets.pop() conn[source, target] = True if not self.directed: conn[target, source] = True repeated_nodes.append(target) count = count + 1 repeated_nodes.extend([source] * self.m) # add source node to list m times source += 1 return conn # Preallocate repeated_nodes as a numpy array repeated_nodes = np.empty(2 * num_node * self.m, dtype=int) repeated_nodes[:self.m] = np.arange(self.m) size_repeated_nodes = self.m source = self.m # next node is m while source < num_node: # Now add the other n-1 nodes possible_targets = list(self._connect(repeated_nodes[:size_repeated_nodes], self.m)) possible_targets.reverse() # do one preferential attachment for new node target = possible_targets.pop() conn[source, target] = True if not self.directed: conn[target, source] = True repeated_nodes[size_repeated_nodes] = target size_repeated_nodes += 1 count = 1 while count < self.m: # add m-1 more new links if self.rng.random() < self.p: # clustering step: add triangle neighbors = np.where(conn[target])[0] neighborhood = [nbr for nbr in neighbors if not conn[source, nbr] and nbr != source] if neighborhood: # if there is a neighbor without a link nbr = self.rng.choice(neighborhood) conn[source, nbr] = True # add triangle if not self.directed: conn[nbr, source] = True repeated_nodes[size_repeated_nodes] = nbr size_repeated_nodes += 1 count += 1 continue # go to top of while loop # else do preferential attachment step if above fails target = possible_targets.pop() conn[source, target] = True if not self.directed: conn[target, source] = True repeated_nodes[size_repeated_nodes] = target size_repeated_nodes += 1 count += 1 repeated_nodes[size_repeated_nodes:size_repeated_nodes + self.m] = source size_repeated_nodes += self.m source += 1 return conn
@numba_jit def pos2ind(pos, size): idx = 0 for i, p in enumerate(pos): idx += p *[i + 1:]) return idx
[docs] class ProbDist(TwoEndConnector): """Connection with a maximum distance under a probability `p`. .. versionadded:: 2.1.13 Parameters ---------- dist: float, int The maximum distance between two points. prob: float The connection probability, within 0. and 1. pre_ratio: float The ratio of pre-synaptic neurons to connect. seed: optional, int The random seed. include_self: bool Whether include the point at the same position. """ def __init__(self, dist=1, prob=1., pre_ratio=1., seed=None, include_self=True, **kwargs): super(ProbDist, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.prob = prob self.pre_ratio = pre_ratio self.dist = dist self.seed = format_seed(seed) self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) self.include_self = include_self rng = np.random if SUPPORT_NUMBA else self.rng @numba_jit def _connect_1d_jit(pre_pos, pre_size, post_size, n_dim): all_post_ids = np.zeros(post_size[0], dtype=IDX_DTYPE) all_pre_ids = np.zeros(post_size[0], dtype=IDX_DTYPE) size = 0 if rng.random() < pre_ratio: normalized_pos = np.zeros(n_dim) for i in range(n_dim): pre_len = pre_size[i] post_len = post_size[i] normalized_pos[i] = pre_pos[i] * post_len / pre_len for i in range(post_size[0]): post_pos = np.asarray((i,)) d = np.abs(pre_pos[0] - post_pos[0]) if d <= dist: if d == 0. and not include_self: continue if rng.random() <= prob: all_post_ids[size] = pos2ind(post_pos, post_size) all_pre_ids[size] = pos2ind(pre_pos, pre_size) size += 1 return all_pre_ids[:size], all_post_ids[:size] @numba_jit def _connect_2d_jit(pre_pos, pre_size, post_size, n_dim): max_size = post_size[0] * post_size[1] all_post_ids = np.zeros(max_size, dtype=IDX_DTYPE) all_pre_ids = np.zeros(max_size, dtype=IDX_DTYPE) size = 0 if rng.random() < pre_ratio: normalized_pos = np.zeros(n_dim) for i in range(n_dim): pre_len = pre_size[i] post_len = post_size[i] normalized_pos[i] = pre_pos[i] * post_len / pre_len for i in range(post_size[0]): for j in range(post_size[1]): post_pos = np.asarray((i, j)) d = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(pre_pos - post_pos))) if d <= dist: if d == 0. and not include_self: continue if rng.random() <= prob: all_post_ids[size] = pos2ind(post_pos, post_size) all_pre_ids[size] = pos2ind(pre_pos, pre_size) size += 1 return all_pre_ids[:size], all_post_ids[:size] # Return filled part of the arrays @numba_jit def _connect_3d_jit(pre_pos, pre_size, post_size, n_dim): max_size = post_size[0] * post_size[1] * post_size[2] all_post_ids = np.zeros(max_size, dtype=IDX_DTYPE) all_pre_ids = np.zeros(max_size, dtype=IDX_DTYPE) size = 0 if rng.random() < pre_ratio: normalized_pos = np.zeros(n_dim) for i in range(n_dim): pre_len = pre_size[i] post_len = post_size[i] normalized_pos[i] = pre_pos[i] * post_len / pre_len for i in range(post_size[0]): for j in range(post_size[1]): for k in range(post_size[2]): post_pos = np.asarray((i, j, k)) d = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(pre_pos - post_pos))) if d <= dist: if d == 0. and not include_self: continue if rng.random() <= prob: all_post_ids[size] = pos2ind(post_pos, post_size) all_pre_ids[size] = pos2ind(pre_pos, pre_size) size += 1 return all_pre_ids[:size], all_post_ids[:size] @numba_jit def _connect_4d_jit(pre_pos, pre_size, post_size, n_dim): max_size = post_size[0] * post_size[1] * post_size[2] * post_size[3] all_post_ids = np.zeros(max_size, dtype=IDX_DTYPE) all_pre_ids = np.zeros(max_size, dtype=IDX_DTYPE) size = 0 if rng.random() < pre_ratio: normalized_pos = np.zeros(n_dim) for i in range(n_dim): pre_len = pre_size[i] post_len = post_size[i] normalized_pos[i] = pre_pos[i] * post_len / pre_len for i in range(post_size[0]): for j in range(post_size[1]): for k in range(post_size[2]): for l in range(post_size[3]): post_pos = np.asarray((i, j, k, l)) d = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(pre_pos - post_pos))) if d <= dist: if d == 0. and not include_self: continue if rng.random() <= prob: all_post_ids[size] = pos2ind(post_pos, post_size) all_pre_ids[size] = pos2ind(pre_pos, pre_size) size += 1 return all_pre_ids[:size], all_post_ids[:size] self._connect_1d_jit = _connect_1d_jit self._connect_2d_jit = _connect_2d_jit self._connect_3d_jit = _connect_3d_jit self._connect_4d_jit = _connect_4d_jit
[docs] def build_coo(self, isOptimized=True): if len(self.pre_size) != len(self.post_size): raise ValueError('The dimensions of shapes of two objects to establish connections should ' f'be the same. But we got dimension {len(self.pre_size)} != {len(self.post_size)}. ' f'Specifically, pre size = {self.pre_size}, post size = {self.post_size}') self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) numba_seed(self.seed) # connections n_dim = len(self.pre_size) if n_dim == 1: f = self._connect_1d_jit elif n_dim == 2: f = self._connect_2d_jit elif n_dim == 3: f = self._connect_3d_jit elif n_dim == 4: f = self._connect_4d_jit else: raise NotImplementedError('Does not support the network dimension bigger than 4.') pre_size = np.asarray(self.pre_size) post_size = np.asarray(self.post_size) connected_pres = [] connected_posts = [] pre_ids = np.meshgrid(*(np.arange(p) for p in self.pre_size), indexing='ij') pre_ids = tuple([(np.moveaxis(p, 0, 1).flatten()) if p.ndim > 1 else p.flatten() for p in pre_ids]) size = for i in range(size): pre_pos = np.asarray([p[i] for p in pre_ids]) pres, posts = f(pre_pos, pre_size=pre_size, post_size=post_size, n_dim=n_dim) connected_pres.extend(pres) connected_posts.extend(posts) return np.asarray(connected_pres), np.asarray(connected_posts)