Source code for brainpy._src.connect.regular_conn

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Union, Tuple, List

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np

from brainpy.errors import ConnectorError
from .base import *

__all__ = [
  'One2One', 'one2one',
  'All2All', 'all2all',
  'GridFour', 'grid_four',
  'GridEight', 'grid_eight',

[docs] class One2One(TwoEndConnector): """Connect two neuron groups one by one. This means The two neuron groups should have the same size. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(One2One, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, pre_size, post_size): super(One2One, self).__call__(pre_size, post_size) try: assert self.pre_num == self.post_num except AssertionError: raise ConnectorError(f'One2One connection must be defined in two groups with the ' f'same size, but {self.pre_num} != {self.post_num}.') return self
[docs] def build_coo(self): if self.pre_num != self.post_num: raise ConnectorError(f'One2One connection must be defined in two groups with the ' f'same size, but {self.pre_num} != {self.post_num}.') return np.arange(self.pre_num, dtype=get_idx_type()), np.arange(self.post_num, dtype=get_idx_type()),
[docs] def build_csr(self): if self.pre_num != self.post_num: raise ConnectorError(f'One2One connection must be defined in two groups with the ' f'same size, but {self.pre_num} != {self.post_num}.') ind = np.arange(self.pre_num) indptr = np.arange(self.pre_num + 1) return (np.asarray(ind, dtype=get_idx_type()), np.asarray(indptr, dtype=get_idx_type()))
[docs] def build_mat(self): if self.pre_num != self.post_num: raise ConnectorError(f'One2One connection must be defined in two groups with the ' f'same size, but {self.pre_num} != {self.post_num}.') mat = np.zeros((self.pre_num, self.post_num), dtype=MAT_DTYPE) np.fill_diagonal(mat, True) return mat
one2one = One2One()
[docs] class All2All(TwoEndConnector): """Connect each neuron in first group to all neurons in the post-synaptic neuron groups. It means this kind of conn will create (num_pre x num_post) synapses. """ def __init__(self, *args, include_self: bool = True, **kwargs): self.include_self = include_self super(All2All, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(include_self={self.include_self})'
[docs] def build_mat(self): mat = np.ones((self.pre_num, self.post_num), dtype=MAT_DTYPE) if not self.include_self: np.fill_diagonal(mat, False) return mat
all2all = All2All(include_self=True) def get_size_length(sizes: Union[Tuple, List]): if not isinstance(sizes, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError lengths = [] a = 1 for s in reversed(sizes): lengths.insert(0, a) a *= s return np.asarray(lengths) class GridConn(OneEndConnector): def __init__( self, strides, include_self: bool = False, periodic_boundary: bool = False, **kwargs ): super(GridConn, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.strides = strides self.include_self = include_self self.periodic_boundary = periodic_boundary def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(include_self={self.include_self}, periodic_boundary={self.periodic_boundary})' def _format(self): dim = len(self.post_size) if self.pre_num != self.post_num: raise ConnectorError(f'{self.__class__.__name__} is used to for connection within ' f'a same population. But we detect pre_num != post_num ' f'({self.pre_num} != {self.post_num}).') # point indices indices = jnp.meshgrid(*(jnp.arange(size) for size in self.post_size), indexing='ij') indices = jnp.asarray(indices) indices = indices.reshape(dim, self.post_num).T lengths = jnp.asarray(self.post_size) return lengths, dim, indices def _get_strides(self, dim): # increments increments = np.asarray(np.meshgrid(*(self.strides for _ in range(dim)))).reshape(dim, -1).T select_ids = self._select_stride(increments) increments = jnp.asarray(increments[select_ids]) return increments def _select_stride(self, stride: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError def _select_dist(self, dist: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError def build_mat(self): sizes, _, indices = self._format() @jax.vmap def f_connect(pre_id): # pre_id: R^(num_dim) dist = jnp.abs(pre_id - indices) if self.periodic_boundary: dist = jnp.where(dist > sizes / 2, sizes - dist, dist) return self._select_dist(dist) return jnp.asarray(f_connect(indices), dtype=MAT_DTYPE) def build_coo(self): sizes, dim, indices = self._format() strides = self._get_strides(dim) @jax.vmap def f_connect(pre_id): # pre_id: R^(num_dim) post_ids = pre_id + strides if self.periodic_boundary: post_ids = post_ids % sizes else: post_ids = jnp.where(post_ids < sizes, post_ids, -1) size = len(post_ids) pre_ids = jnp.repeat(pre_id, size).reshape(dim, size).T return pre_ids, post_ids pres, posts = f_connect(indices) pres = pres.reshape(-1, dim) posts = posts.reshape(-1, dim) idx = jnp.nonzero(jnp.all(posts >= 0, axis=1))[0] pres = pres[idx] posts = posts[idx] if dim == 1: pres = pres.flatten() posts = posts.flatten() else: strides = jnp.asarray(get_size_length(self.post_size)) pres = jnp.sum(pres * strides, axis=1) posts = jnp.sum(posts * strides, axis=1) return jnp.asarray(pres, dtype=get_idx_type()), jnp.asarray(posts, dtype=get_idx_type())
[docs] class GridFour(GridConn): """The nearest four neighbors connection method. Parameters ---------- periodic_boundary : bool Whether the neuron encode the value space with the periodic boundary. .. versionadded:: include_self : bool Whether create connection at the same position. """ def __init__( self, include_self: bool = False, periodic_boundary: bool = False, **kwargs ): super(GridFour, self).__init__(strides=np.asarray([-1, 0, 1]), include_self=include_self, periodic_boundary=periodic_boundary, **kwargs) self.include_self = include_self self.periodic_boundary = periodic_boundary def _select_stride(self, stride: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: temp = abs(stride).sum(axis=1) return (temp <= 1) if self.include_self else (temp == 1) def _select_dist(self, dist: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: dist = jnp.linalg.norm(dist, axis=1) return dist <= 1 if self.include_self else dist == 1
grid_four = GridFour()
[docs] class GridN(GridConn): """The nearest (2*N+1) * (2*N+1) neighbors conn method. Parameters ---------- N : int Extend of the conn scope. For example: When N=1, [x x x] [x I x] [x x x] When N=2, [x x x x x] [x x x x x] [x x I x x] [x x x x x] [x x x x x] include_self : bool Whether create (i, i) conn ? periodic_boundary: bool Whether the neuron encode the value space with the periodic boundary. .. versionadded:: """ def __init__( self, N: int = 1, include_self: bool = False, periodic_boundary: bool = False, **kwargs ): super(GridN, self).__init__(strides=np.arange(-N, N + 1, 1), include_self=include_self, periodic_boundary=periodic_boundary, **kwargs) self.N = N def __repr__(self): return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(N={self.N}, ' f'include_self={self.include_self}, ' f'periodic_boundary={self.periodic_boundary})') def _select_stride(self, stride: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return (np.ones(len(stride), dtype=bool) if self.include_self else (np.sum(np.abs(stride), axis=1) > 0)) def _select_dist(self, dist: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: if self.include_self: return jnp.all(dist <= self.N, axis=1) else: return jnp.logical_and(jnp.all(dist <= self.N, axis=1), jnp.logical_not(jnp.all(dist == 0, axis=1)))
[docs] class GridEight(GridN): """The nearest eight neighbors conn method. Parameters ---------- include_self : bool Whether create (i, i) conn ? periodic_boundary: bool Whether the neurons encode the value space with the periodic boundary. .. versionadded:: """ def __init__(self, include_self: bool = False, periodic_boundary: bool = False, **kwargs): super(GridEight, self).__init__(N=1, include_self=include_self, periodic_boundary=periodic_boundary, **kwargs)
grid_eight = GridEight()