Source code for brainpy._src.dyn.rates.populations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Union, Callable

import jax

from brainpy import math as bm
from brainpy._src.context import share
from brainpy._src.dyn.others.noise import OUProcess
from brainpy._src.dyn.base import NeuDyn
from brainpy._src.initialize import (Initializer,
from brainpy._src.integrators.joint_eq import JointEq
from brainpy._src.integrators.ode.generic import odeint
from brainpy.check import is_initializer
from brainpy.types import Shape, ArrayType

__all__ = [

class RateModel(NeuDyn):

[docs] class FHN(RateModel): r"""FitzHugh-Nagumo system used in [1]_. .. math:: \frac{dx}{dt} = -\alpha V^3 + \beta V^2 + \gamma V - w + I_{ext}\\ \tau \frac{dy}{dt} = (V - \delta - \epsilon w) Parameters ---------- size: Shape The model size. x_ou_mean: Parameter The noise mean of the :math:`x` variable, [mV/ms] y_ou_mean: Parameter The noise mean of the :math:`y` variable, [mV/ms]. x_ou_sigma: Parameter The noise intensity of the :math:`x` variable, [mV/ms/sqrt(ms)]. y_ou_sigma: Parameter The noise intensity of the :math:`y` variable, [mV/ms/sqrt(ms)]. x_ou_tau: Parameter The timescale of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process of :math:`x` variable, [ms]. y_ou_tau: Parameter The timescale of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process of :math:`y` variable, [ms]. References ---------- .. [1] Kostova, T., Ravindran, R., & Schonbek, M. (2004). FitzHugh–Nagumo revisited: Types of bifurcations, periodical forcing and stability regions by a Lyapunov functional. International journal of bifurcation and chaos, 14(03), 913-925. """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, # fhn parameters alpha: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 3.0, beta: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 4.0, gamma: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = -1.5, delta: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, epsilon: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.5, tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 20.0, # noise parameters x_ou_mean: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, x_ou_sigma: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, x_ou_tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 5.0, y_ou_mean: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, y_ou_sigma: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, y_ou_tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 5.0, # other parameters x_initializer: Union[Initializer, Callable, ArrayType] = Uniform(0, 0.05), y_initializer: Union[Initializer, Callable, ArrayType] = Uniform(0, 0.05), method: str = 'exp_auto', name: str = None, # parameter for training mode: bm.Mode = None, input_var: bool = True, ): super().__init__(size=size, name=name, keep_size=keep_size, mode=mode) # model parameters self.alpha = parameter(alpha, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.beta = parameter(beta, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.gamma = parameter(gamma, self.varshape, allow_none=False) = parameter(delta, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.epsilon = parameter(epsilon, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.tau = parameter(tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # noise parameters self.x_ou_mean = parameter(x_ou_mean, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # mV/ms, OU process self.y_ou_mean = parameter(y_ou_mean, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # mV/ms, OU process self.x_ou_sigma = parameter(x_ou_sigma, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # mV/ms/sqrt(ms), noise intensity self.y_ou_sigma = parameter(y_ou_sigma, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # mV/ms/sqrt(ms), noise intensity self.x_ou_tau = parameter(x_ou_tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # ms, timescale of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process self.y_ou_tau = parameter(y_ou_tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # ms, timescale of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process self.input_var = input_var # initializers is_initializer(x_initializer, 'x_initializer') is_initializer(y_initializer, 'y_initializer') self._x_initializer = x_initializer self._y_initializer = y_initializer # variables self.x = variable_(self._x_initializer, self.varshape, self.mode) self.y = variable_(self._y_initializer, self.varshape, self.mode) if self.input_var: self.input = variable_(bm.zeros, self.varshape, self.mode) self.input_y = variable_(bm.zeros, self.varshape, self.mode) # noise variables self.x_ou = self.y_ou = None if bm.any(self.x_ou_mean > 0.) or bm.any(self.x_ou_sigma > 0.): self.x_ou = OUProcess(self.varshape, self.x_ou_mean, self.x_ou_sigma, self.x_ou_tau, method=method) if bm.any(self.y_ou_mean > 0.) or bm.any(self.y_ou_sigma > 0.): self.y_ou = OUProcess(self.varshape, self.y_ou_mean, self.y_ou_sigma, self.y_ou_tau, method=method) # integral functions self.integral = odeint(f=JointEq(self.dx, self.dy), method=method) def reset_state(self, batch_or_mode=None, **kwargs): self.x.value = variable(self._x_initializer, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.y.value = variable(self._y_initializer, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) if self.input_var: self.input.value = variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.input_y.value = variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) def dx(self, x, t, y, x_ext): return - self.alpha * x ** 3 + self.beta * x ** 2 + self.gamma * x - y + x_ext def dy(self, y, t, x, y_ext=0.): return (x - - self.epsilon * y) / self.tau + y_ext
[docs] def update(self, inp_x=None, inp_y=None): t = share.load('t') dt = share.load('dt') # input if self.input_var: if inp_x is not None: self.input += inp_x if self.x_ou is not None: self.input += self.x_ou() if inp_y is not None: self.input_y += inp_y if self.y_ou is not None: self.input_y += self.y_ou() input_x = self.input.value input_y = self.input_y.value else: input_x = inp_x if (inp_x is not None) else 0. if self.x_ou is not None: input_x += self.x_ou() input_y = inp_y if (inp_y is not None) else 0. if self.y_ou is not None: input_y += self.y_ou() # integral x, y = self.integral(self.x.value, self.y.value, t, x_ext=input_x, y_ext=input_y, dt=dt) self.x.value = x self.y.value = y return x
[docs] def clear_input(self): if self.input_var: self.input.value = bm.zeros_like(self.input) self.input_y.value = bm.zeros_like(self.input_y)
[docs] class FeedbackFHN(RateModel): r"""FitzHugh-Nagumo model with recurrent neural feedback. The equation of the feedback FitzHugh-Nagumo model [4]_ is given by .. math:: \begin{aligned} \frac{dx}{dt} &= x(t) - \frac{x^3(t)}{3} - y(t) + \mu[x(t-\mathrm{delay}) - x_0] \\ \frac{dy}{dt} &= [x(t) + a - b y(t)] / \tau \end{aligned} **Model Examples** >>> import brainpy as bp >>> fhn = bp.rates.FeedbackFHN(1, delay=10.) >>> runner = bp.DSRunner(fhn, inputs=('input', 1.), monitors=['x', 'y']) >>> >>> bp.visualize.line_plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon.y, legend='y') >>> bp.visualize.line_plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon.x, legend='x', show=True) **Model Parameters** ============= ============== ======== ======================== **Parameter** **Init Value** **Unit** **Explanation** ------------- -------------- -------- ------------------------ a 1 \ Positive constant b 1 \ Positive constant tau 12.5 ms Membrane time constant. delay 10 ms Synaptic delay time constant. V_th 1.8 mV Threshold potential of spike. v0 -1 mV Resting potential. mu 1.8 \ The feedback strength. When positive, it is a excitatory feedback; when negative, it is a inhibitory feedback. ============= ============== ======== ======================== Parameters ---------- x_ou_mean: Parameter The noise mean of the :math:`x` variable, [mV/ms] y_ou_mean: Parameter The noise mean of the :math:`y` variable, [mV/ms]. x_ou_sigma: Parameter The noise intensity of the :math:`x` variable, [mV/ms/sqrt(ms)]. y_ou_sigma: Parameter The noise intensity of the :math:`y` variable, [mV/ms/sqrt(ms)]. x_ou_tau: Parameter The timescale of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process of :math:`x` variable, [ms]. y_ou_tau: Parameter The timescale of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process of :math:`y` variable, [ms]. References ---------- .. [4] Plant, Richard E. (1981). *A FitzHugh Differential-Difference Equation Modeling Recurrent Neural Feedback. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 40(1), 150–162.* doi:10.1137/0140012 """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, # model parameters a: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.7, b: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.8, delay: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 10., tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 12.5, mu: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1.6886, v0: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = -1, # noise parameters x_ou_mean: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, x_ou_sigma: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, x_ou_tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 5.0, y_ou_mean: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, y_ou_sigma: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, y_ou_tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 5.0, # other parameters x_initializer: Union[Initializer, Callable, ArrayType] = Uniform(0, 0.05), y_initializer: Union[Initializer, Callable, ArrayType] = Uniform(0, 0.05), method: str = 'exp_auto', name: str = None, # parameter for training mode: bm.Mode = None, input_var: bool = True, ): super(FeedbackFHN, self).__init__(size=size, name=name, keep_size=keep_size, mode=mode) # parameters self.a = parameter(a, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.b = parameter(b, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.delay = parameter(delay, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.tau = parameter(tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) = parameter(mu, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # feedback strength self.v0 = parameter(v0, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # resting potential # noise parameters self.x_ou_mean = parameter(x_ou_mean, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.y_ou_mean = parameter(y_ou_mean, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.x_ou_sigma = parameter(x_ou_sigma, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.y_ou_sigma = parameter(y_ou_sigma, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.x_ou_tau = parameter(x_ou_tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.y_ou_tau = parameter(y_ou_tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.input_var = input_var # initializers is_initializer(x_initializer, 'x_initializer') is_initializer(y_initializer, 'y_initializer') self._x_initializer = x_initializer self._y_initializer = y_initializer # variables self.x = variable(x_initializer, self.mode, self.varshape) self.y = variable(y_initializer, self.mode, self.varshape) self.x_delay = bm.TimeDelay(self.x, self.delay, dt=bm.dt, interp_method='round') if self.input_var: self.input = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) self.input_y = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) # noise variables self.x_ou = self.y_ou = None if bm.any(self.x_ou_mean > 0.) or bm.any(self.x_ou_sigma > 0.): self.x_ou = OUProcess(self.varshape, self.x_ou_mean, self.x_ou_sigma, self.x_ou_tau, method=method) if bm.any(self.y_ou_mean > 0.) or bm.any(self.y_ou_sigma > 0.): self.y_ou = OUProcess(self.varshape, self.y_ou_mean, self.y_ou_sigma, self.y_ou_tau, method=method) # integral self.integral = odeint(method=method, f=JointEq([self.dx, self.dy]), state_delays={'x': self.x_delay}) def reset_state(self, batch_or_mode=None, **kwargs): self.x.value = variable(self._x_initializer, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.y.value = variable(self._y_initializer, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.x_delay.reset(self.x, self.delay) if self.input_var: self.input = variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.input_y = variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) def dx(self, x, t, y, x_ext): return x - x * x * x / 3 - y + x_ext + * (self.x_delay(t - self.delay) - self.v0) def dy(self, y, t, x, y_ext): return (x + self.a - self.b * y + y_ext) / self.tau
[docs] def update(self, inp_x=None, inp_y=None): t = share.load('t') dt = share.load('dt') # input if self.input_var: if inp_x is not None: self.input += inp_x if self.x_ou is not None: self.input += self.x_ou() if inp_y is not None: self.input_y += inp_y if self.y_ou is not None: self.input_y += self.y_ou() input_x = self.input.value input_y = self.input_y.value else: input_x = inp_x if (inp_x is not None) else 0. if self.x_ou is not None: input_x += self.x_ou() input_y = inp_y if (inp_y is not None) else 0. if self.y_ou is not None: input_y += self.y_ou() x, y = self.integral(self.x.value, self.y.value, t, x_ext=input_x, y_ext=input_y, dt=dt) self.x.value = x self.y.value = y return x
[docs] def clear_input(self): if self.input_var: self.input.value = bm.zeros_like(self.input) self.input_y.value = bm.zeros_like(self.input_y)
[docs] class QIF(RateModel): r"""A mean-field model of a quadratic integrate-and-fire neuron population. **Model Descriptions** The QIF population mean-field model, which has been derived from a population of all-to-all coupled QIF neurons in [5]_. The model equations are given by: .. math:: \begin{aligned} \tau \dot{r} &=\frac{\Delta}{\pi \tau}+2 r v \\ \tau \dot{v} &=v^{2}+\bar{\eta}+I(t)+J r \tau-(\pi r \tau)^{2} \end{aligned} where :math:`r` is the average firing rate and :math:`v` is the average membrane potential of the QIF population [5]_. This mean-field model is an exact representation of the macroscopic firing rate and membrane potential dynamics of a spiking neural network consisting of QIF neurons with Lorentzian distributed background excitability. While the mean-field derivation is mathematically only valid for all-to-all coupled populations of infinite size, it has been shown that there is a close correspondence between the mean-field model and neural populations with sparse coupling and population sizes of a few thousand neurons [6]_. **Model Parameters** ============= ============== ======== ======================== **Parameter** **Init Value** **Unit** **Explanation** ------------- -------------- -------- ------------------------ tau 1 ms the population time constant eta -5. \ the mean of a Lorenzian distribution over the neural excitability in the population delta 1.0 \ the half-width at half maximum of the Lorenzian distribution over the neural excitability J 15 \ the strength of the recurrent coupling inside the population ============= ============== ======== ======================== Parameters ---------- x_ou_mean: Parameter The noise mean of the :math:`x` variable, [mV/ms] y_ou_mean: Parameter The noise mean of the :math:`y` variable, [mV/ms]. x_ou_sigma: Parameter The noise intensity of the :math:`x` variable, [mV/ms/sqrt(ms)]. y_ou_sigma: Parameter The noise intensity of the :math:`y` variable, [mV/ms/sqrt(ms)]. x_ou_tau: Parameter The timescale of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process of :math:`x` variable, [ms]. y_ou_tau: Parameter The timescale of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process of :math:`y` variable, [ms]. References ---------- .. [5] E. Montbrió, D. Pazó, A. Roxin (2015) Macroscopic description for networks of spiking neurons. Physical Review X, 5:021028, .. [6] R. Gast, H. Schmidt, T.R. Knösche (2020) A Mean-Field Description of Bursting Dynamics in Spiking Neural Networks with Short-Term Adaptation. Neural Computation 32.9 (2020): 1615-1634. """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, # model parameters tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1., eta: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = -5.0, delta: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1.0, J: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 15., # noise parameters x_ou_mean: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, x_ou_sigma: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, x_ou_tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 5.0, y_ou_mean: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, y_ou_sigma: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, y_ou_tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 5.0, # other parameters x_initializer: Union[Initializer, Callable, ArrayType] = Uniform(0, 0.05), y_initializer: Union[Initializer, Callable, ArrayType] = Uniform(0, 0.05), method: str = 'exp_auto', name: str = None, input_var: bool = True, # parameter for training mode: bm.Mode = None, ): super(QIF, self).__init__(size=size, name=name, keep_size=keep_size, mode=mode) # parameters self.tau = parameter(tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # the mean of a Lorenzian distribution over the neural excitability in the population self.eta = parameter(eta, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # the half-width at half maximum of the Lorenzian distribution over the neural excitability = parameter(delta, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # the strength of the recurrent coupling inside the population self.J = parameter(J, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # noise parameters self.x_ou_mean = parameter(x_ou_mean, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.y_ou_mean = parameter(y_ou_mean, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.x_ou_sigma = parameter(x_ou_sigma, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.y_ou_sigma = parameter(y_ou_sigma, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.x_ou_tau = parameter(x_ou_tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.y_ou_tau = parameter(y_ou_tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.input_var = input_var # initializers is_initializer(x_initializer, 'x_initializer') is_initializer(y_initializer, 'y_initializer') self._x_initializer = x_initializer self._y_initializer = y_initializer # variables self.x = variable(x_initializer, self.mode, self.varshape) self.y = variable(y_initializer, self.mode, self.varshape) if self.input_var: self.input = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) self.input_y = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) # noise variables self.x_ou = self.y_ou = None if bm.any(self.x_ou_mean > 0.) or bm.any(self.x_ou_sigma > 0.): self.x_ou = OUProcess(self.varshape, self.x_ou_mean, self.x_ou_sigma, self.x_ou_tau, method=method) if bm.any(self.y_ou_mean > 0.) or bm.any(self.y_ou_sigma > 0.): self.y_ou = OUProcess(self.varshape, self.y_ou_mean, self.y_ou_sigma, self.y_ou_tau, method=method) # functions self.integral = odeint(JointEq([self.dx, self.dy]), method=method) def reset_state(self, batch_or_mode=None, **kwargs): self.x.value = variable(self._x_initializer, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.y.value = variable(self._y_initializer, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) if self.input_var: self.input.value = variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.input_y.value = variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) def dy(self, y, t, x, y_ext): return ( / (bm.pi * self.tau) + 2. * x * y + y_ext) / self.tau def dx(self, x, t, y, x_ext): return (x ** 2 + self.eta + x_ext + self.J * y * self.tau - (bm.pi * y * self.tau) ** 2) / self.tau
[docs] def update(self, inp_x=None, inp_y=None): t = share.load('t') dt = share.load('dt') # input if self.input_var: if inp_x is not None: self.input += inp_x if self.x_ou is not None: self.input += self.x_ou() if inp_y is not None: self.input_y += inp_y if self.y_ou is not None: self.input_y += self.y_ou() input_x = self.input.value input_y = self.input_y.value else: input_x = inp_x if (inp_x is not None) else 0. if self.x_ou is not None: input_x += self.x_ou() input_y = inp_y if (inp_y is not None) else 0. if self.y_ou is not None: input_y += self.y_ou() x, y = self.integral(self.x, self.y, t=t, x_ext=input_x, y_ext=input_y, dt=dt) self.x.value = x self.y.value = y return x
[docs] def clear_input(self): if self.input_var: self.input.value = bm.zeros_like(self.input) self.input_y.value = bm.zeros_like(self.input_y)
[docs] class StuartLandauOscillator(RateModel): r""" Stuart-Landau model with Hopf bifurcation. .. math:: \frac{dx}{dt} = (a - x^2 - y^2) * x - w*y + I^x_{ext} \\ \frac{dy}{dt} = (a - x^2 - y^2) * y + w*x + I^y_{ext} Parameters ---------- x_ou_mean: Parameter The noise mean of the :math:`x` variable, [mV/ms] y_ou_mean: Parameter The noise mean of the :math:`y` variable, [mV/ms]. x_ou_sigma: Parameter The noise intensity of the :math:`x` variable, [mV/ms/sqrt(ms)]. y_ou_sigma: Parameter The noise intensity of the :math:`y` variable, [mV/ms/sqrt(ms)]. x_ou_tau: Parameter The timescale of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process of :math:`x` variable, [ms]. y_ou_tau: Parameter The timescale of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process of :math:`y` variable, [ms]. """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, # model parameters a: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.25, w: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.2, # noise parameters x_ou_mean: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, x_ou_sigma: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, x_ou_tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 5.0, y_ou_mean: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, y_ou_sigma: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, y_ou_tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 5.0, # other parameters x_initializer: Union[Initializer, Callable, ArrayType] = Uniform(0, 0.5), y_initializer: Union[Initializer, Callable, ArrayType] = Uniform(0, 0.5), method: str = 'exp_auto', name: str = None, # parameter for training mode: bm.Mode = None, input_var: bool = True, ): super(StuartLandauOscillator, self).__init__(size=size, name=name, keep_size=keep_size, mode=mode) # model parameters self.a = parameter(a, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.w = parameter(w, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # noise parameters self.x_ou_mean = parameter(x_ou_mean, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.y_ou_mean = parameter(y_ou_mean, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.x_ou_sigma = parameter(x_ou_sigma, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.y_ou_sigma = parameter(y_ou_sigma, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.x_ou_tau = parameter(x_ou_tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.y_ou_tau = parameter(y_ou_tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.input_var = input_var # initializers is_initializer(x_initializer, 'x_initializer') is_initializer(y_initializer, 'y_initializer') self._x_initializer = x_initializer self._y_initializer = y_initializer # variables self.x = variable(x_initializer, self.mode, self.varshape) self.y = variable(y_initializer, self.mode, self.varshape) if input_var: self.input = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) self.input_y = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) # noise variables self.x_ou = self.y_ou = None if bm.any(self.x_ou_mean > 0.) or bm.any(self.x_ou_sigma > 0.): self.x_ou = OUProcess(self.varshape, self.x_ou_mean, self.x_ou_sigma, self.x_ou_tau, method=method) if bm.any(self.y_ou_mean > 0.) or bm.any(self.y_ou_sigma > 0.): self.y_ou = OUProcess(self.varshape, self.y_ou_mean, self.y_ou_sigma, self.y_ou_tau, method=method) # integral functions self.integral = odeint(f=JointEq([self.dx, self.dy]), method=method) def reset_state(self, batch_or_mode=None, **kwargs): self.x.value = variable(self._x_initializer, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.y.value = variable(self._y_initializer, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) if self.input_var: self.input.value = variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.input_y.value = variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) def dx(self, x, t, y, x_ext, a, w): return (a - x * x - y * y) * x - w * y + x_ext def dy(self, y, t, x, y_ext, a, w): return (a - x * x - y * y) * y - w * y + y_ext
[docs] def update(self, inp_x=None, inp_y=None): t = share.load('t') dt = share.load('dt') # input if self.input_var: if inp_x is not None: self.input += inp_x if self.x_ou is not None: self.input += self.x_ou() if inp_y is not None: self.input_y += inp_y if self.y_ou is not None: self.input_y += self.y_ou() input_x = self.input.value input_y = self.input_y.value else: input_x = inp_x if (inp_x is not None) else 0. if self.x_ou is not None: input_x += self.x_ou() input_y = inp_y if (inp_y is not None) else 0. if self.y_ou is not None: input_y += self.y_ou() x, y = self.integral(self.x, self.y, t=t, x_ext=input_x, y_ext=input_y, a=self.a, w=self.w, dt=dt) self.x.value = x self.y.value = y return x
[docs] def clear_input(self): if self.input_var: self.input.value = bm.zeros_like(self.input) self.input_y.value = bm.zeros_like(self.input_y)
[docs] class WilsonCowanModel(RateModel): """Wilson-Cowan population model. Parameters ---------- x_ou_mean: Parameter The noise mean of the :math:`x` variable, [mV/ms] y_ou_mean: Parameter The noise mean of the :math:`y` variable, [mV/ms]. x_ou_sigma: Parameter The noise intensity of the :math:`x` variable, [mV/ms/sqrt(ms)]. y_ou_sigma: Parameter The noise intensity of the :math:`y` variable, [mV/ms/sqrt(ms)]. x_ou_tau: Parameter The timescale of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process of :math:`x` variable, [ms]. y_ou_tau: Parameter The timescale of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process of :math:`y` variable, [ms]. """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, # Excitatory parameters E_tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1., # excitatory time constant E_a: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1.2, # excitatory gain E_theta: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 2.8, # excitatory firing threshold # Inhibitory parameters I_tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1., # inhibitory time constant I_a: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1., # inhibitory gain I_theta: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 4.0, # inhibitory firing threshold # connection parameters wEE: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 12., # local E-E coupling wIE: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 4., # local E-I coupling wEI: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 13., # local I-E coupling wII: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 11., # local I-I coupling # Refractory parameter r: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1., # noise parameters x_ou_mean: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, x_ou_sigma: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, x_ou_tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 5.0, y_ou_mean: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, y_ou_sigma: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.0, y_ou_tau: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 5.0, # state initializer x_initializer: Union[Initializer, Callable, ArrayType] = Uniform(max_val=0.05), y_initializer: Union[Initializer, Callable, ArrayType] = Uniform(max_val=0.05), # other parameters method: str = 'exp_euler_auto', name: str = None, # parameter for training mode: bm.Mode = None, input_var: bool = True, ): super(WilsonCowanModel, self).__init__(size=size, name=name, keep_size=keep_size, mode=mode) # model parameters self.E_a = parameter(E_a, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.I_a = parameter(I_a, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.E_tau = parameter(E_tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.I_tau = parameter(I_tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.E_theta = parameter(E_theta, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.I_theta = parameter(I_theta, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.wEE = parameter(wEE, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.wIE = parameter(wIE, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.wEI = parameter(wEI, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.wII = parameter(wII, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.r = parameter(r, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.input_var = input_var # noise parameters self.x_ou_mean = parameter(x_ou_mean, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.y_ou_mean = parameter(y_ou_mean, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.x_ou_sigma = parameter(x_ou_sigma, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.y_ou_sigma = parameter(y_ou_sigma, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.x_ou_tau = parameter(x_ou_tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.y_ou_tau = parameter(y_ou_tau, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # initializers is_initializer(x_initializer, 'x_initializer') is_initializer(y_initializer, 'y_initializer') self._x_initializer = x_initializer self._y_initializer = y_initializer # variables self.x = variable(x_initializer, self.mode, self.varshape) self.y = variable(y_initializer, self.mode, self.varshape) if self.input_var: self.input = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) self.input_y = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) # noise variables self.x_ou = self.y_ou = None if bm.any(self.x_ou_mean > 0.) or bm.any(self.x_ou_sigma > 0.): self.x_ou = OUProcess(self.varshape, self.x_ou_mean, self.x_ou_sigma, self.x_ou_tau, method=method) if bm.any(self.y_ou_mean > 0.) or bm.any(self.y_ou_sigma > 0.): self.y_ou = OUProcess(self.varshape, self.y_ou_mean, self.y_ou_sigma, self.y_ou_tau, method=method) # functions self.integral = odeint(f=JointEq([self.dx, self.dy]), method=method) def reset_state(self, batch_or_mode=None, **kwargs): self.x.value = variable(self._x_initializer, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.y.value = variable(self._y_initializer, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) if self.input_var: self.input.value = variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.input_y.value = variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) def F(self, x, a, theta): return 1 / (1 + bm.exp(-a * (x - theta))) - 1 / (1 + bm.exp(a * theta)) def dx(self, x, t, y, x_ext): xx = self.wEE * x - self.wIE * y + x_ext return (-x + (1 - self.r * x) * self.F(xx, self.E_a, self.E_theta)) / self.E_tau def dy(self, y, t, x, y_ext): xx = self.wEI * x - self.wII * y + y_ext return (-y + (1 - self.r * y) * self.F(xx, self.I_a, self.I_theta)) / self.I_tau
[docs] def update(self, inp_x=None, inp_y=None): t = share.load('t') dt = share.load('dt') # input if self.input_var: if inp_x is not None: self.input += inp_x if self.x_ou is not None: self.input += self.x_ou() if inp_y is not None: self.input_y += inp_y if self.y_ou is not None: self.input_y += self.y_ou() input_x = self.input.value input_y = self.input_y.value else: input_x = inp_x if (inp_x is not None) else 0. if self.x_ou is not None: input_x += self.x_ou() input_y = inp_y if (inp_y is not None) else 0. if self.y_ou is not None: input_y += self.y_ou() x, y = self.integral(self.x, self.y, t, x_ext=input_x, y_ext=input_y, dt=dt) self.x.value = x self.y.value = y return x
[docs] def clear_input(self): if self.input_var: self.input.value = bm.zeros_like(self.input) self.input_y.value = bm.zeros_like(self.input_y)
class JansenRitModel(RateModel): pass class KuramotoOscillator(RateModel): pass class ThetaNeuron(RateModel): pass class RateQIFWithSFA(RateModel): pass class VanDerPolOscillator(RateModel): pass
[docs] class ThresholdLinearModel(RateModel): r"""A threshold linear rate model. The threshold linear rate model is given by [1]_ .. math:: \begin{aligned} &\tau_{E} \frac{d \nu_{E}}{d t}=-\nu_{E}+\beta_{E}\left[I_{E}\right]_{+} \\ &\tau_{I} \frac{d \nu_{I}}{d t}=-\nu_{I}+\beta_{I}\left[I_{I}\right]_{+} \end{aligned} where :math:`\left[I_{E}\right]_{+}=\max \left(I_{E}, 0\right)`. :math:`v_E` and :math:`v_I` denote the firing rates of the excitatory and inhibitory populations respectively, :math:`\tau_E` and :math:`\tau_I` are the corresponding intrinsic time constants. Reference --------- .. [1] Chaudhuri, Rishidev, et al. "A large-scale circuit mechanism for hierarchical dynamical processing in the primate cortex." Neuron 88.2 (2015): 419-431. """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, tau_e: Union[float, Callable, Initializer, ArrayType] = 2e-2, tau_i: Union[float, Callable, Initializer, ArrayType] = 1e-2, beta_e: Union[float, Callable, Initializer, ArrayType] = .066, beta_i: Union[float, Callable, Initializer, ArrayType] = .351, noise_e: Union[float, Callable, Initializer, ArrayType] = 0., noise_i: Union[float, Callable, Initializer, ArrayType] = 0., e_initializer: Union[ArrayType, Callable, Initializer] = ZeroInit(), i_initializer: Union[ArrayType, Callable, Initializer] = ZeroInit(), seed: int = None, keep_size: bool = False, name: str = None, # parameter for training mode: bm.Mode = None, input_var: bool = True, ): super(ThresholdLinearModel, self).__init__(size, name=name, keep_size=keep_size, mode=mode) # parameters self.seed = seed self.tau_e = parameter(tau_e, self.varshape, False) self.tau_i = parameter(tau_i, self.varshape, False) self.beta_e = parameter(beta_e, self.varshape, False) self.beta_i = parameter(beta_i, self.varshape, False) self.noise_e = parameter(noise_e, self.varshape, False) self.noise_i = parameter(noise_i, self.varshape, False) self._e_initializer = e_initializer self._i_initializer = i_initializer self.input_var = input_var # variables self.e = variable(e_initializer, self.mode, self.varshape) # Firing rate of excitatory population self.i = variable(i_initializer, self.mode, self.varshape) # Firing rate of inhibitory population if self.input_var: self.Ie = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) # Input of excitaory population self.Ii = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) # Input of inhibitory population def reset_state(self, batch_or_mode=None, **kwargs): self.e.value = variable(self._e_initializer, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.i.value = variable(self._i_initializer, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) if self.input_var: self.Ie.value = variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode, self.varshape) self.Ii.value = variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode, self.varshape)
[docs] def update(self, inp_e=None, inp_i=None): dt = share.load('dt') # input if self.input_var: if inp_e is not None: self.Ie += inp_e if inp_i is not None: self.Ii += inp_i input_e = self.Ie.value input_i = self.Ii.value else: input_e = inp_e if (inp_e is not None) else 0. input_i = inp_i if (inp_i is not None) else 0. de = -self.e + self.beta_e * bm.maximum(input_e, 0.) with jax.ensure_compile_time_eval(): has_noise = bm.any(self.noise_e != 0.) if has_noise: de += bm.random.randn(self.varshape) * self.noise_e de = de / self.tau_e self.e.value = bm.maximum(self.e + de * dt, 0.) di = -self.i + self.beta_i * bm.maximum(input_i, 0.) with jax.ensure_compile_time_eval(): has_noise = bm.any(self.noise_i != 0.) if has_noise: di += bm.random.randn(self.varshape) * self.noise_i di = di / self.tau_i self.i.value = bm.maximum(self.i + di * dt, 0.) return self.e.value
[docs] def clear_input(self): if self.input_var: self.Ie.value = bm.zeros_like(self.Ie) self.Ii.value = bm.zeros_like(self.Ii)