Source code for brainpy._src.integrators.runner

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import time
import warnings
from functools import partial
from typing import Union, Dict, Sequence, Callable

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from jax.experimental.host_callback import id_tap
from jax.tree_util import tree_flatten

from brainpy import math as bm
from brainpy._src.math.object_transform.base import Collector
from brainpy._src.running.runner import Runner
from brainpy.errors import RunningError
from .base import Integrator

__all__ = [

[docs] class IntegratorRunner(Runner): """Structural runner for numerical integrators in brainpy. Examples -------- Example to run an ODE integrator, >>> import brainpy as bp >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> a=0.7; b=0.8; tau=12.5 >>> dV = lambda V, t, w, I: V - V * V * V / 3 - w + I >>> dw = lambda w, t, V, a, b: (V + a - b * w) / tau >>> integral = bp.odeint(bp.JointEq([dV, dw]), method='exp_auto') >>> >>> runner = bp.IntegratorRunner( >>> integral, # the simulation target >>> monitors=['V', 'w'], # the variables to monitor >>> inits={'V': bm.random.rand(10), >>> 'w': bm.random.normal(size=10)}, # the initial values >>> ) >>>, >>> args={'a': 1., 'b': 1.}, # update arguments >>> dyn_args={'I': bp.inputs.ramp_input(0, 4, 100)}, # each time each current input >>> ) >>> bp.visualize.line_plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon.V, plot_ids=[0, 1, 4], show=True) Example to run an SDE intragetor, >>> import brainpy as bp >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> # stochastic Lorenz system >>> sigma=10; beta=8 / 3; rho=28 >>> g = lambda x, y, z, t, p: (p * x, p * y, p * z) >>> f = lambda x, y, z, t, p: [sigma * (y - x), x * (rho - z) - y, x * y - beta * z] >>> lorenz = bp.sdeint(f, g, method='milstein2') >>> >>> runner = bp.IntegratorRunner( >>> lorenz, >>> monitors=['x', 'y', 'z'], >>> inits=[1., 1., 1.], # initialize all variable to 1. >>> dt=0.01 >>> ) >>>, args={'p': 0.1},) >>> >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') >>> plt.plot(runner.mon.x.squeeze(), runner.mon.y.squeeze(), runner.mon.z.squeeze()) >>> ax.set_xlabel('x') >>> ax.set_xlabel('y') >>> ax.set_xlabel('z') >>> """ def __init__( self, target: Integrator, # IntegratorRunner specific arguments inits: Union[Sequence, Dict] = None, # regular/common arguments dt: Union[float, int] = None, monitors: Sequence[str] = None, dyn_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None, jit: Union[bool, Dict[str, bool]] = True, numpy_mon_after_run: bool = True, progress_bar: bool = True, # deprecated args: Dict = None, dyn_args: Dict[str, Union[bm.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]] = None, fun_monitors: Dict[str, Callable] = None, ): """Initialization of structural runner for integrators. Parameters ---------- target: Integrator The target to run. monitors: sequence of str The variables to monitor. fun_monitors: dict The monitors with callable functions. .. deprecated:: 2.3.1 inits: sequence, dict The initial value of variables. With this parameter, you can easily control the number of variables to simulate. For example, if one of the variable has the shape of 10, then all variables will be an instance of :py:class:`brainpy.math.Variable` with the shape of :math:`(10,)`. args: dict The equation arguments to update. Note that if one of the arguments are heterogeneous (i.e., a tensor), it means we should run multiple trials. However, you can set the number of the elements in the variables so that each pair of variables can correspond to one set of arguments. .. deprecated:: 2.3.1 Will be removed after version 2.4.0. dyn_args: dict The dynamically changed arguments. This means this argument can control the argument dynamically changed. For example, if you want to inject a time varied currents into the HH neuron model, you can pack the currents into this ``dyn_args`` argument. .. deprecated:: 2.3.1 Will be removed after version 2.4.0. dt: float, int dyn_vars: dict jit: bool progress_bar: bool numpy_mon_after_run: bool """ if not isinstance(target, Integrator): raise TypeError(f'Target must be instance of {Integrator.__name__}, ' f'but we got {type(target)}') # get maximum size and initial variables if inits is not None: if isinstance(inits, (list, tuple, bm.Array, jnp.ndarray)): assert len(target.variables) == len(inits) inits = {k: inits[i] for i, k in enumerate(target.variables)} assert isinstance(inits, dict), f'"inits" must be a dict, but we got {type(inits)}' sizes = np.unique([np.size(v) for v in list(inits.values())]) max_size = np.max(sizes) else: max_size = 1 inits = dict() # initialize variables self.variables = {v: bm.Variable(bm.zeros(max_size)) for v in target.variables} for k in inits.keys(): self.variables[k][:] = inits[k] # format string monitors if isinstance(monitors, (tuple, list)): monitors = self._format_seq_monitors(monitors) monitors = {k: (self.variables[k], i) for k, i in monitors} elif isinstance(monitors, dict): monitors = self._format_dict_monitors(monitors) monitors = {k: ((self.variables[i], i) if isinstance(i, str) else i) for k, i in monitors.items()} else: raise ValueError # initialize super class super(IntegratorRunner, self).__init__(target=target, monitors=monitors, fun_monitors=fun_monitors, jit=jit, progress_bar=progress_bar, dyn_vars=dyn_vars, numpy_mon_after_run=numpy_mon_after_run) self.register_implicit_vars(self.variables) # parameters dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt if not isinstance(dt, (int, float)): raise RunningError(f'"dt" must be scalar, but got {dt}') self.dt = dt # target if not isinstance(, Integrator): raise RunningError(f'"target" must be an instance of {Integrator.__name__}, ' f'but we got {type(target)}: {target}') # arguments of the integral function if args is not None: warnings.warn('Set "args" in `` function, instead of __init__ function. ' 'Will be removed since 2.4.0', UserWarning) assert isinstance(args, dict), (f'"args" must be a dict, but ' f'we got {type(args)}: {args}') self._static_args = args else: self._static_args = dict() if dyn_args is not None: warnings.warn('Set "dyn_args" in `` function, instead of __init__ function. ' 'Will be removed since 2.4.0', UserWarning) assert isinstance(dyn_args, dict), (f'"dyn_args" must be a dict, but we get ' f'{type(dyn_args)}: {dyn_args}') sizes = np.unique([len(v) for v in dyn_args.values()]) num_size = len(sizes) if num_size != 1: raise RunningError(f'All values in "dyn_args" should have the same length. ' f'But we got {num_size}: {sizes}') self._dyn_args = dyn_args else: self._dyn_args = dict() # start simulation time and index self.start_t = bm.Variable(bm.zeros(1)) self.idx = bm.Variable(bm.zeros(1, dtype=bm.int_)) def _run_fun_integration(self, static_args, dyn_args, times, indices): return bm.for_loop(partial(self._step_fun_integrator, static_args), (dyn_args, times, indices), jit=self.jit['predict']) def _step_fun_integrator(self, static_args, dyn_args, t, i): # arguments kwargs = Collector(dt=self.dt, t=t) kwargs.update(static_args) kwargs.update(dyn_args) kwargs.update({k: v.value for k, v in self.variables.items()}) # call integrator function update_values =**kwargs) if len( == 1: self.variables[[0]].update(update_values) else: for i, v in enumerate( self.variables[v].update(update_values[i]) # progress bar if self.progress_bar: id_tap(lambda *args: self._pbar.update(), ()) # return of function monitors shared = dict(t=t + self.dt, dt=self.dt, i=i) returns = dict() for k, v in self._monitors.items(): if callable(v): returns[k] = bm.as_jax(v(shared)) else: returns[k] = self.variables[k].value return returns
[docs] def run( self, duration: float, start_t: float = None, eval_time: bool = False, args: Dict = None, dyn_args: Dict = None, ): """The running function. Parameters ---------- duration : float, int, tuple, list The running duration. start_t : float, optional The start time to simulate. eval_time: bool Evaluate the running time or not? args: dict The equation arguments to update. .. versionadded:: 2.3.1 dyn_args: dict The dynamically changed arguments over time. The size of first dimension should be equal to the running ``duration``. .. versionadded:: 2.3.1 """ args = dict() if args is None else args dyn_args = dict() if dyn_args is None else dyn_args assert isinstance(args, dict), f'"args" must be a dict, but we got {type(args)}: {args}' assert isinstance(dyn_args, dict), f'"dyn_args" must be a dict, but we got {type(dyn_args)}: {dyn_args}' args.update(self._static_args) dyn_args.update(self._dyn_args) # time step if start_t is None: start_t = self.start_t[0] end_t = start_t + duration # times times = bm.arange(start_t, end_t, self.dt).value indices = bm.arange(times.size).value + self.idx.value _dyn_args, _ = tree_flatten(dyn_args) for _d in _dyn_args: if jnp.shape(_d)[0] != times.size: raise ValueError(f'The shape of `dyn_args` does not match the given duration. ' f'{jnp.shape(_d)[0]} != {times.size} (duration={duration}, dt={self.dt}).') del _d del _dyn_args # running if self.progress_bar: self._pbar = self._pbar.set_description(f"Running a duration of {round(float(duration), 3)} ({times.size} steps)", refresh=True) if eval_time: t0 = time.time() hists = self._run_fun_integration(args, dyn_args, times, indices) if eval_time: running_time = time.time() - t0 if self.progress_bar: self._pbar.close() # post-running times += self.dt if self.numpy_mon_after_run: times = np.asarray(times) for key in list(hists.keys()): hists[key] = np.asarray(hists[key]) self.mon.ts = times for key in hists.keys(): self.mon[key] = hists[key] self.start_t[0] = end_t self.idx[0] += times.size if eval_time: return running_time