Source code for brainpy._src.math.object_transform.controls

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import functools
import numbers
from typing import Union, Sequence, Any, Dict, Callable, Optional

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.errors import UnexpectedTracerError
from jax.experimental.host_callback import id_tap
from jax.tree_util import tree_flatten, tree_unflatten
from import tqdm

from brainpy import errors, tools
from brainpy._src.math.interoperability import as_jax
from brainpy._src.math.ndarray import (Array, _as_jax_array_)
from .base import BrainPyObject, ObjectTransform
from .naming import (
from .tools import (
from .variables import (Variable, VariableStack)

__all__ = [


class ControlObject(ObjectTransform):
  """Object-oriented Control Flow Transformation in BrainPy.

  def __init__(
      call: Callable,
      dyn_vars: Union[Variable, Sequence[Variable], Dict[str, Variable]],
      repr_fun: Dict,

    self._f = call
    self._dyn_vars = dyn_vars
    self._repr_fun = repr_fun

  def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    return self._f(*args, **kwargs)

  def __repr__(self):
    name = self.__class__.__name__
    format_ref = [f'{k}={tools.repr_context(tools.repr_object(v), " " * (len(name) + len(k)))}'
                  for k, v in self._repr_fun.items()]
    splitor = ", " + " " * len(name) + "\n"
    return (f'{name}({splitor.join(format_ref)}, \n' +
            f'{" " * len(name)} num_of_dyn_vars={len(self._dyn_vars)}')

def _get_scan_info(f, dyn_vars, out_vars=None, has_return=False):
  # iterable variables
  if isinstance(dyn_vars, dict):
    dyn_vars = tuple(dyn_vars.values())
  elif isinstance(dyn_vars, (tuple, list)):
    dyn_vars = tuple(dyn_vars)
    raise ValueError(
      f'"dyn_vars" does not support {type(dyn_vars)}, '
      f'only support dict/list/tuple of {Array.__name__}')
  for v in dyn_vars:
    if not isinstance(v, Array):
      raise ValueError(
        f'brainpy.math.jax.make_loop only support '
        f'{Array.__name__}, but got {type(v)}')

  # outputs
  if out_vars is None:
    out_vars = ()
    _, tree = tree_flatten(out_vars)
  elif isinstance(out_vars, Array):
    _, tree = tree_flatten(out_vars)
    out_vars = (out_vars,)
  elif isinstance(out_vars, dict):
    _, tree = tree_flatten(out_vars)
    out_vars = tuple(out_vars.values())
  elif isinstance(out_vars, (tuple, list)):
    _, tree = tree_flatten(out_vars)
    out_vars = tuple(out_vars)
    raise ValueError(
      f'"out_vars" does not support {type(out_vars)}, '
      f'only support dict/list/tuple of {Array.__name__}')

  # functions
  if has_return:
    def fun2scan(dyn_values, x):
      for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, dyn_values): v._value = d
      results = f(x)
      dyn_values = [v.value for v in dyn_vars]
      out_values = [v.value for v in out_vars]
      return dyn_values, (out_values, results)

    def fun2scan(dyn_values, x):
      for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, dyn_values): v._value = d
      dyn_values = [v.value for v in dyn_vars]
      out_values = [v.value for v in out_vars]
      return dyn_values, out_values

  return fun2scan, dyn_vars, tree

[docs] def make_loop( body_fun: Callable, dyn_vars: Union[Variable, Sequence[Variable], Dict[str, Variable]], out_vars: Union[Variable, Sequence[Variable], Dict[str, Variable]] = None, has_return: bool = False ) -> ControlObject: """Make a for-loop function, which iterate over inputs. Examples -------- >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> >>> a = bm.Variable(bm.zeros(1)) >>> def f(x): a.value += 1. >>> loop = bm.make_loop(f, dyn_vars=[a], out_vars=a) >>> loop(bm.arange(10)) Variable([[ 1.], [ 2.], [ 3.], [ 4.], [ 5.], [ 6.], [ 7.], [ 8.], [ 9.], [10.]], dtype=float32) >>> b = bm.Variable(bm.zeros(1)) >>> def f(x): >>> b.value += 1 >>> return b + 1 >>> loop = bm.make_loop(f, dyn_vars=[b], out_vars=b, has_return=True) >>> hist_b, hist_b_plus = loop(bm.arange(10)) >>> hist_b Variable([[ 1.], [ 2.], [ 3.], [ 4.], [ 5.], [ 6.], [ 7.], [ 8.], [ 9.], [10.]], dtype=float32) >>> hist_b_plus ArrayType([[ 2.], [ 3.], [ 4.], [ 5.], [ 6.], [ 7.], [ 8.], [ 9.], [10.], [11.]], dtype=float32) Parameters ---------- body_fun : callable, function A function receive one argument. This argument refers to the iterable input ``x``. dyn_vars : dict of ArrayType, sequence of ArrayType The dynamically changed variables, while iterate between trials. out_vars : optional, ArrayType, dict of ArrayType, sequence of ArrayType The variables to output their values. has_return : bool The function has the return values. Returns ------- loop_func : ControlObject The function for loop iteration. This function receives one argument ``xs``, denoting the input tensor which interate over the time (note ``body_fun`` receive ``x``). """ fun2scan, dyn_vars, tree = _get_scan_info(f=body_fun, dyn_vars=dyn_vars, out_vars=out_vars, has_return=has_return) # functions if has_return: def call(xs=None, length=None): init_values = [v.value for v in dyn_vars] try: dyn_values, (out_values, results) = jax.lax.scan( f=fun2scan, init=init_values, xs=xs, length=length ) except UnexpectedTracerError as e: for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, init_values): v._value = d raise errors.JaxTracerError(variables=dyn_vars) from e for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, dyn_values): v._value = d return tree_unflatten(tree, out_values), results else: def call(xs): init_values = [v.value for v in dyn_vars] try: dyn_values, out_values = jax.lax.scan(f=fun2scan, init=init_values, xs=xs) except UnexpectedTracerError as e: for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, init_values): v._value = d raise errors.JaxTracerError(variables=dyn_vars) from e except Exception as e: for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, init_values): v._value = d raise e for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, dyn_values): v._value = d return tree_unflatten(tree, out_values) return ControlObject(call, dyn_vars=dyn_vars, repr_fun={'body_fun': body_fun})
[docs] def make_while( cond_fun, body_fun, dyn_vars ) -> ControlObject: """Make a while-loop function. This function is similar to the ``jax.lax.while_loop``. The difference is that, if you are using ``Variable`` in your while loop codes, this function will help you make an easy while loop function. Note: ``cond_fun`` and ``body_fun`` do no receive any arguments. ``cond_fun`` shoule return a boolean value. ``body_fun`` does not support return values. Examples -------- >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> >>> a = bm.zeros(1) >>> >>> def cond_f(x): return a[0] < 10 >>> def body_f(x): a.value += 1. >>> >>> loop = bm.make_while(cond_f, body_f, dyn_vars=[a]) >>> loop() >>> a Array([10.], dtype=float32) Parameters ---------- cond_fun : function, callable A function receives one argument, but return a boolean value. body_fun : function, callable A function receives one argument, without any returns. dyn_vars : dict of ArrayType, sequence of ArrayType The dynamically changed variables, while iterate between trials. Returns ------- loop_func : ControlObject The function for loop iteration, which receive one argument ``x`` for external input. """ # iterable variables if isinstance(dyn_vars, dict): dyn_vars = tuple(dyn_vars.values()) elif isinstance(dyn_vars, (tuple, list)): dyn_vars = tuple(dyn_vars) else: raise ValueError(f'"dyn_vars" does not support {type(dyn_vars)}, ' f'only support dict/list/tuple of {Array.__name__}') for v in dyn_vars: if not isinstance(v, Array): raise ValueError(f'Only support {Array.__name__}, but got {type(v)}') def _body_fun(op): dyn_values, static_values = op for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, dyn_values): v._value = d body_fun(static_values) return [v.value for v in dyn_vars], static_values def _cond_fun(op): dyn_values, static_values = op for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, dyn_values): v._value = d return as_jax(cond_fun(static_values)) name = get_unique_name('_brainpy_object_oriented_make_while_') def call(x=None): dyn_init = [v.value for v in dyn_vars] try: dyn_values, _ = jax.lax.while_loop(cond_fun=_cond_fun, body_fun=_body_fun, init_val=(dyn_init, x)) except UnexpectedTracerError as e: for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, dyn_init): v._value = d raise errors.JaxTracerError(variables=dyn_vars) from e except Exception as e: for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, dyn_init): v._value = d raise e for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, dyn_values): v._value = d return ControlObject(call=call, dyn_vars=dyn_vars, repr_fun={'cond_fun': cond_fun, 'body_fun': body_fun}, name=name)
[docs] def make_cond( true_fun, false_fun, dyn_vars=None ) -> ControlObject: """Make a condition (if-else) function. Examples -------- >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> a = bm.zeros(2) >>> b = bm.ones(2) >>> >>> def true_f(x): a.value += 1 >>> def false_f(x): b.value -= 1 >>> >>> cond = bm.make_cond(true_f, false_f, dyn_vars=[a, b]) >>> cond(True) >>> a, b (Array([1., 1.], dtype=float32), Array([1., 1.], dtype=float32)) >>> cond(False) >>> a, b (Array([1., 1.], dtype=float32), Array([0., 0.], dtype=float32)) Parameters ---------- true_fun : callable, function A function receives one argument, without any returns. false_fun : callable, function A function receives one argument, without any returns. dyn_vars : dict of ArrayType, sequence of ArrayType The dynamically changed variables. Returns ------- cond_func : ControlObject The condictional function receives two arguments: ``pred`` for true/false judgement and ``x`` for external input. """ # iterable variables if dyn_vars is None: dyn_vars = [] if isinstance(dyn_vars, Array): dyn_vars = (dyn_vars,) elif isinstance(dyn_vars, dict): dyn_vars = tuple(dyn_vars.values()) elif isinstance(dyn_vars, (tuple, list)): dyn_vars = tuple(dyn_vars) else: raise ValueError(f'"dyn_vars" does not support {type(dyn_vars)}, ' f'only support dict/list/tuple of {Array.__name__}') for v in dyn_vars: if not isinstance(v, Array): raise ValueError(f'Only support {Array.__name__}, but got {type(v)}') name = get_unique_name('_brainpy_object_oriented_make_cond_') if len(dyn_vars) > 0: def _true_fun(op): dyn_vals, static_vals = op for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, dyn_vals): v._value = d res = true_fun(static_vals) dyn_vals = [v.value for v in dyn_vars] return dyn_vals, res def _false_fun(op): dyn_vals, static_vals = op for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, dyn_vals): v._value = d res = false_fun(static_vals) dyn_vals = [v.value for v in dyn_vars] return dyn_vals, res def call(pred, x=None): old_values = [v.value for v in dyn_vars] try: dyn_values, res = jax.lax.cond(pred, _true_fun, _false_fun, (old_values, x)) except UnexpectedTracerError as e: for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, old_values): v._value = d raise errors.JaxTracerError(variables=dyn_vars) from e except Exception as e: for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, old_values): v._value = d raise e for v, d in zip(dyn_vars, dyn_values): v._value = d return res else: def call(pred, x=None): res = jax.lax.cond(pred, true_fun, false_fun, x) return res return ControlObject(call, dyn_vars, repr_fun={'true_fun': true_fun, 'false_fun': false_fun})
@functools.cache def _warp(f): @functools.wraps(f) def new_f(*args, **kwargs): return jax.tree_map(_as_jax_array_, f(*args, **kwargs), is_leaf=lambda a: isinstance(a, Array)) return new_f def _warp_data(data): def new_f(*args, **kwargs): return jax.tree_map(_as_jax_array_, data, is_leaf=lambda a: isinstance(a, Array)) return new_f def _check_f(f): if callable(f): return _warp(f) else: return _warp_data(f) def _check_sequence(a): return isinstance(a, (list, tuple)) def _cond_transform_fun(fun, dyn_vars): @functools.wraps(fun) def new_fun(dyn_vals, *static_vals): for k, v in dyn_vars.items(): v._value = dyn_vals[k] r = fun(*static_vals) return {k: v.value for k, v in dyn_vars.items()}, r return new_fun def _get_cond_transform(dyn_vars, pred, true_fun, false_fun): _true_fun = _cond_transform_fun(true_fun, dyn_vars) _false_fun = _cond_transform_fun(false_fun, dyn_vars) def call_fun(operands): return jax.lax.cond(pred, _true_fun, _false_fun, dyn_vars.dict_data(), *operands) return call_fun
[docs] def cond( pred: bool, true_fun: Union[Callable, jnp.ndarray, Array, numbers.Number], false_fun: Union[Callable, jnp.ndarray, Array, numbers.Number], operands: Any = (), # deprecated dyn_vars: Union[Variable, Sequence[Variable], Dict[str, Variable]] = None, child_objs: Optional[Union[BrainPyObject, Sequence[BrainPyObject], Dict[str, BrainPyObject]]] = None, ): """Simple conditional statement (if-else) with instance of :py:class:`~.Variable`. >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> a = bm.Variable(bm.zeros(2)) >>> b = bm.Variable(bm.ones(2)) >>> def true_f(): a.value += 1 >>> def false_f(): b.value -= 1 >>> >>> bm.cond(True, true_f, false_f) >>> a, b Variable([1., 1.], dtype=float32), Variable([1., 1.], dtype=float32) >>> >>> bm.cond(False, true_f, false_f) >>> a, b Variable([1., 1.], dtype=float32), Variable([0., 0.], dtype=float32) Parameters ---------- pred: bool Boolean scalar type, indicating which branch function to apply. true_fun: callable, ArrayType, float, int, bool Function to be applied if ``pred`` is True. This function must receive one arguement for ``operands``. false_fun: callable, ArrayType, float, int, bool Function to be applied if ``pred`` is False. This function must receive one arguement for ``operands``. operands: Any Operands (A) input to branching function depending on ``pred``. The type can be a scalar, array, or any pytree (nested Python tuple/list/dict) thereof. dyn_vars: optional, Variable, sequence of Variable, dict The dynamically changed variables. .. deprecated:: 2.4.0 No longer need to provide ``dyn_vars``. This function is capable of automatically collecting the dynamical variables used in the target ``func``. child_objs: optional, dict, sequence of BrainPyObject, BrainPyObject The children objects used in the target function. .. deprecated:: 2.4.0 No longer need to provide ``dyn_vars``. This function is capable of automatically collecting the dynamical variables used in the target ``func``. Returns ------- res: Any The conditional results. """ # functions true_fun = _check_f(true_fun) false_fun = _check_f(false_fun) # operands if not isinstance(operands, (tuple, list)): operands = (operands,) # dyn vars dynvar_deprecation(dyn_vars) node_deprecation(child_objs) dyn_vars = get_stack_cache((true_fun, false_fun)) if not jax.config.jax_disable_jit and dyn_vars is None: with VariableStack() as dyn_vars: rets = eval_shape(true_fun, *operands, with_stack=True)[1] _ = eval_shape(false_fun, *operands, with_stack=True) cache_stack((true_fun, false_fun), dyn_vars) if not dyn_vars.is_first_stack(): return rets dyn_vars = VariableStack() if dyn_vars is None else dyn_vars dyn_values, res = _get_cond_transform(dyn_vars, pred, true_fun, false_fun)(operands) for k in dyn_values.keys(): dyn_vars[k]._value = dyn_values[k] return res
def _if_else_return1(conditions, branches, operands): for i, pred in enumerate(conditions): if pred: return branches[i](*operands) else: return branches[-1](*operands) def _if_else_return2(conditions, branches): for i, pred in enumerate(conditions): if pred: return branches[i] else: return branches[-1] def _all_equal(iterator): iterator = iter(iterator) try: first = next(iterator) except StopIteration: return True return all(first == x for x in iterator)
[docs] def ifelse( conditions: Union[bool, Sequence[bool]], branches: Sequence[Any], operands: Any = None, show_code: bool = False, # deprecated dyn_vars: Union[Variable, Sequence[Variable], Dict[str, Variable]] = None, child_objs: Optional[Union[BrainPyObject, Sequence[BrainPyObject], Dict[str, BrainPyObject]]] = None, ): """``If-else`` control flows looks like native Pythonic programming. Examples -------- >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> def f(a): >>> return bm.ifelse(conditions=[a > 10, a > 5, a > 2, a > 0], >>> branches=[lambda: 1, >>> lambda: 2, >>> lambda: 3, >>> lambda: 4, >>> lambda: 5]) >>> f(1) 4 >>> # or, it can be expressed as: >>> def f(a): >>> return bm.ifelse(conditions=[a > 10, a > 5, a > 2, a > 0], >>> branches=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) >>> f(3) 3 Parameters ---------- conditions: bool, sequence of bool The boolean conditions. branches: Any The branches, at least has two elements. Elements can be functions, arrays, or numbers. The number of ``branches`` and ``conditions`` has the relationship of `len(branches) == len(conditions) + 1`. Each branch should receive one arguement for ``operands``. operands: optional, Any The operands for each branch. show_code: bool Whether show the formatted code. dyn_vars: Variable, sequence of Variable, dict The dynamically changed variables. .. deprecated:: 2.4.0 No longer need to provide ``dyn_vars``. This function is capable of automatically collecting the dynamical variables used in the target ``func``. child_objs: optional, dict, sequence of BrainPyObject, BrainPyObject The children objects used in the target function. .. deprecated:: 2.4.0 No longer need to provide ``dyn_vars``. This function is capable of automatically collecting the dynamical variables used in the target ``func``. Returns ------- res: Any The results of the control flow. """ # checking if not isinstance(conditions, (tuple, list)): conditions = [conditions] if not isinstance(conditions, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError(f'"conditions" must be a tuple/list of boolean values. ' f'But we got {type(conditions)}: {conditions}') if not isinstance(branches, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError(f'"branches" must be a tuple/list. ' f'But we got {type(branches)}.') branches = [_check_f(b) for b in branches] if len(branches) != len(conditions) + 1: raise ValueError(f'The numbers of branches and conditions do not match. ' f'Got len(conditions)={len(conditions)} and len(branches)={len(branches)}. ' f'We expect len(conditions) + 1 == len(branches). ') if operands is None: operands = tuple() if not isinstance(operands, (tuple, list)): operands = (operands,) dynvar_deprecation(dyn_vars) node_deprecation(child_objs) # format new codes if len(conditions) == 1: return cond(conditions[0], branches[0], branches[1], operands) else: if jax.config.jax_disable_jit: return _if_else_return1(conditions, branches, operands) else: dyn_vars = get_stack_cache(tuple(branches)) if dyn_vars is None: with VariableStack() as dyn_vars: rets = [eval_shape(fun, *operands, with_stack=True)[1] for fun in branches] trees = [jax.tree_util.tree_structure(ret) for ret in rets] if not _all_equal(trees): msg = 'All returns in branches should have the same tree structure. But we got:\n' for tree in trees: msg += f'- {tree}\n' raise TypeError(msg) cache_stack(tuple(branches), dyn_vars) if not dyn_vars.is_first_stack(): return rets[0] branches = [_cond_transform_fun(fun, dyn_vars) for fun in branches] code_scope = {'conditions': conditions, 'branches': branches} codes = ['def f(dyn_vals, *operands):', f' f0 = branches[{len(conditions)}]'] num_cond = len(conditions) - 1 code_scope['_cond'] = jax.lax.cond for i in range(len(conditions) - 1): codes.append(f' f{i + 1} = lambda *r: _cond(conditions[{num_cond - i}], branches[{num_cond - i}], f{i}, *r)') codes.append(f' return _cond(conditions[0], branches[0], f{len(conditions) - 1}, dyn_vals, *operands)') codes = '\n'.join(codes) if show_code: print(codes) exec(compile(codes.strip(), '', 'exec'), code_scope) f = code_scope['f'] dyn_values, res = f(dyn_vars.dict_data(), *operands) for k in dyn_values.keys(): dyn_vars[k]._value = dyn_values[k] return res
def _loop_abstractify(x): x = abstract(x) return jax.core.mapped_aval(x.shape[0], 0, x) def _get_for_loop_transform( body_fun, dyn_vars, bar: tqdm, progress_bar: bool, remat: bool, reverse: bool, unroll: int, unroll_kwargs: tools.DotDict ): @functools.wraps(body_fun) def fun2scan(carry, x): for k in dyn_vars.keys(): dyn_vars[k]._value = carry[k] results = body_fun(*x, **unroll_kwargs) if progress_bar: id_tap(lambda *arg: bar.update(), ()) return dyn_vars.dict_data(), results if remat: fun2scan = jax.checkpoint(fun2scan) def call(operands): return jax.lax.scan(f=fun2scan, init=dyn_vars.dict_data(), xs=operands, reverse=reverse, unroll=unroll) return call
[docs] def for_loop( body_fun: Callable, operands: Any, reverse: bool = False, unroll: int = 1, remat: bool = False, jit: Optional[bool] = None, progress_bar: bool = False, unroll_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, # deprecated dyn_vars: Union[Variable, Sequence[Variable], Dict[str, Variable]] = None, child_objs: Optional[Union[BrainPyObject, Sequence[BrainPyObject], Dict[str, BrainPyObject]]] = None, ): """``for-loop`` control flow with :py:class:`~.Variable`. .. versionadded:: 2.1.11 .. versionchanged:: 2.3.0 ``dyn_vars`` has been changed into a default argument. Please change your call from ``for_loop(fun, dyn_vars, operands)`` to ``for_loop(fun, operands, dyn_vars)``. All returns in body function will be gathered as the return of the whole loop. >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> a = bm.Variable(bm.zeros(1)) >>> b = bm.Variable(bm.ones(1)) >>> # first example >>> def body(x): >>> a.value += x >>> b.value *= x >>> return a.value >>> a_hist = bm.for_loop(body, operands=bm.arange(1, 5)) >>> a_hist DeviceArray([[ 1.], [ 3.], [ 6.], [10.]], dtype=float32) >>> a Variable([10.], dtype=float32) >>> b Variable([24.], dtype=float32) >>> >>> # another example >>> def body(x, y): >>> a.value += x >>> b.value *= y >>> return a.value >>> a_hist = bm.for_loop(body, operands=(bm.arange(1, 5), bm.arange(2, 6))) >>> a_hist [[11.] [13.] [16.] [20.]] Parameters ---------- body_fun: callable A Python function to be scanned. This function accepts one argument and returns one output. The argument denotes a slice of ``operands`` along its leading axis, and that output represents a slice of the return value. operands: Any The value over which to scan along the leading axis, where ``operands`` can be an array or any pytree (nested Python tuple/list/dict) thereof with consistent leading axis sizes. If body function `body_func` receives multiple arguments, `operands` should be a tuple/list whose length is equal to the number of arguments. remat: bool Make ``fun`` recompute internal linearization points when differentiated. jit: bool Whether to just-in-time compile the function. reverse: bool Optional boolean specifying whether to run the scan iteration forward (the default) or in reverse, equivalent to reversing the leading axes of the arrays in both ``xs`` and in ``ys``. unroll: int Optional positive int specifying, in the underlying operation of the scan primitive, how many scan iterations to unroll within a single iteration of a loop. progress_bar: bool Whether we use the progress bar to report the running progress. .. versionadded:: 2.4.2 dyn_vars: Variable, sequence of Variable, dict The instances of :py:class:`~.Variable`. .. deprecated:: 2.4.0 No longer need to provide ``dyn_vars``. This function is capable of automatically collecting the dynamical variables used in the target ``func``. child_objs: optional, dict, sequence of BrainPyObject, BrainPyObject The children objects used in the target function. .. versionadded:: 2.3.1 .. deprecated:: 2.4.0 No longer need to provide ``child_objs``. This function is capable of automatically collecting the children objects used in the target ``func``. unroll_kwargs: dict The keyword arguments without unrolling. Returns ------- outs: Any The stacked outputs of ``body_fun`` when scanned over the leading axis of the inputs. """ dynvar_deprecation(dyn_vars) node_deprecation(child_objs) if unroll_kwargs is None: unroll_kwargs = dict() unroll_kwargs = tools.DotDict(unroll_kwargs) if not isinstance(operands, (list, tuple)): operands = (operands,) bar = None if progress_bar: num_total = min([op.shape[0] for op in jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(operands)[0]]) bar = tqdm(total=num_total) if jit is None: # jax disable jit jit = not jax.config.jax_disable_jit stack = get_stack_cache((body_fun, unroll_kwargs)) if jit: if stack is None: transform = _get_for_loop_transform(body_fun, VariableStack(), bar, progress_bar, remat, reverse, unroll, unroll_kwargs) # TODO: better cache mechanism? with VariableStack() as stack: rets = eval_shape(transform, operands) cache_stack((body_fun, unroll_kwargs), stack) # cache if not stack.is_first_stack(): return rets[1] del rets else: stack = VariableStack() # TODO: cache mechanism? transform = _get_for_loop_transform(body_fun, stack, bar, progress_bar, remat, reverse, unroll, unroll_kwargs) if jit: dyn_vals, out_vals = transform(operands) else: with jax.disable_jit(): dyn_vals, out_vals = transform(operands) for key in stack.keys(): stack[key]._value = dyn_vals[key] if progress_bar: bar.close() del dyn_vals, stack return out_vals
def _get_scan_transform( body_fun: Callable, dyn_vars: VariableStack, bar: tqdm, progress_bar: bool, remat: bool, reverse: bool, unroll: int, ): def fun2scan(carry, x): dyn_vars_data, carry = carry for k in dyn_vars.keys(): dyn_vars[k]._value = dyn_vars_data[k] carry, results = body_fun(carry, x) if progress_bar: id_tap(lambda *arg: bar.update(), ()) carry = jax.tree_map(_as_jax_array_, carry, is_leaf=lambda a: isinstance(a, Array)) return (dyn_vars.dict_data(), carry), results if remat: fun2scan = jax.checkpoint(fun2scan) def call(init, operands): init = jax.tree_map(_as_jax_array_, init, is_leaf=lambda a: isinstance(a, Array)) return jax.lax.scan(f=fun2scan, init=(dyn_vars.dict_data(), init), xs=operands, reverse=reverse, unroll=unroll) return call
[docs] def scan( body_fun: Callable, init: Any, operands: Any, reverse: bool = False, unroll: int = 1, remat: bool = False, progress_bar: bool = False, ): """``scan`` control flow with :py:class:`~.Variable`. Similar to ``jax.lax.scan``. .. versionadded:: 2.4.7 All returns in body function will be gathered as the return of the whole loop. Parameters ---------- body_fun: callable A Python function to be scanned. This function accepts one argument and returns one output. The argument denotes a slice of ``operands`` along its leading axis, and that output represents a slice of the return value. init: Any An initial loop carry value of type ``c``, which can be a scalar, array, or any pytree (nested Python tuple/list/dict) thereof, representing the initial loop carry value. This value must have the same structure as the first element of the pair returned by ``body_fun``. operands: Any The value over which to scan along the leading axis, where ``operands`` can be an array or any pytree (nested Python tuple/list/dict) thereof with consistent leading axis sizes. If body function `body_func` receives multiple arguments, `operands` should be a tuple/list whose length is equal to the number of arguments. remat: bool Make ``fun`` recompute internal linearization points when differentiated. reverse: bool Optional boolean specifying whether to run the scan iteration forward (the default) or in reverse, equivalent to reversing the leading axes of the arrays in both ``xs`` and in ``ys``. unroll: int Optional positive int specifying, in the underlying operation of the scan primitive, how many scan iterations to unroll within a single iteration of a loop. progress_bar: bool Whether we use the progress bar to report the running progress. .. versionadded:: 2.4.2 Returns ------- outs: Any The stacked outputs of ``body_fun`` when scanned over the leading axis of the inputs. """ bar = None if progress_bar: num_total = min([op.shape[0] for op in jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(operands)[0]]) bar = tqdm(total=num_total) stack = get_stack_cache(body_fun) if not jax.config.jax_disable_jit and stack is None: transform = _get_scan_transform(body_fun, VariableStack(), bar, progress_bar, remat, reverse, unroll) with VariableStack() as stack: rets = eval_shape(transform, init, operands) cache_stack(body_fun, stack) # cache if not stack.is_first_stack(): return rets[0][1], rets[1] del rets stack = VariableStack() if stack is None else stack transform = _get_scan_transform(body_fun, stack, bar, progress_bar, remat, reverse, unroll) (dyn_vals, carry), out_vals = transform(init, operands) for key in stack.keys(): stack[key]._value = dyn_vals[key] if progress_bar: bar.close() return carry, out_vals
def _get_while_transform(cond_fun, body_fun, dyn_vars): def _body_fun(op): dyn_vals, old_vals = op for k, v in dyn_vars.items(): v._value = dyn_vals[k] new_vals = body_fun(*old_vals) if new_vals is None: new_vals = old_vals if not isinstance(new_vals, tuple): new_vals = (new_vals,) if isinstance(new_vals, list): new_vals = tuple(new_vals) return dyn_vars.dict_data(), new_vals def _cond_fun(op): dyn_vals, old_vals = op for k, v in dyn_vars.items(): v._value = dyn_vals[k] with jax.ensure_compile_time_eval(): r = cond_fun(*old_vals) return r if isinstance(r, Array) else r # TODO: cache mechanism? return lambda operands: jax.lax.while_loop(cond_fun=_cond_fun, body_fun=_body_fun, init_val=(dyn_vars.dict_data(), operands))
[docs] def while_loop( body_fun: Callable, cond_fun: Callable, operands: Any, # deprecated dyn_vars: Union[Variable, Sequence[Variable], Dict[str, Variable]] = None, child_objs: Optional[Union[BrainPyObject, Sequence[BrainPyObject], Dict[str, BrainPyObject]]] = None, ): """``while-loop`` control flow with :py:class:`~.Variable`. .. versionchanged:: 2.3.0 ``dyn_vars`` has been changed into a default argument. Please change your call from ``while_loop(f1, f2, dyn_vars, operands)`` to ``while_loop(f1, f2, operands, dyn_vars)``. Note the diference between ``for_loop`` and ``while_loop``: 1. ``while_loop`` does not support accumulating history values. 2. The returns on the body function of ``for_loop`` represent the values to stack at one moment. However, the functional returns of body function in ``while_loop`` represent the operands' values at the next moment, meaning that the body function of ``while_loop`` defines the updating rule of how the operands are updated. >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> >>> a = bm.Variable(bm.zeros(1)) >>> b = bm.Variable(bm.ones(1)) >>> >>> def cond(x, y): >>> return x < 6. >>> >>> def body(x, y): >>> a.value += x >>> b.value *= y >>> return x + b[0], y + 1. >>> >>> res = bm.while_loop(body, cond, operands=(1., 1.)) >>> res (10.0, 4.0) .. versionadded:: 2.1.11 Parameters ---------- body_fun: callable A function which define the updating logic. It receives one argument for ``operands``, without returns. cond_fun: callable A function which define the stop condition. It receives one argument for ``operands``, with one boolean value return. operands: Any The operands for ``body_fun`` and ``cond_fun`` functions. dyn_vars: Variable, sequence of Variable, dict The dynamically changed variables. .. deprecated:: 2.4.0 No longer need to provide ``dyn_vars``. This function is capable of automatically collecting the dynamical variables used in the target ``func``. child_objs: optional, dict, sequence of BrainPyObject, BrainPyObject The children objects used in the target function. .. deprecated:: 2.4.0 No longer need to provide ``child_objs``. This function is capable of automatically collecting the children objects used in the target ``func``. """ dynvar_deprecation(dyn_vars) node_deprecation(child_objs) if not isinstance(operands, (list, tuple)): operands = (operands,) stack = get_stack_cache((body_fun, cond_fun)) if not jax.config.jax_disable_jit and stack is None: with VariableStack() as stack: _ = eval_shape(cond_fun, *operands, with_stack=True) rets = eval_shape(body_fun, *operands, with_stack=True)[1] cache_stack((body_fun, cond_fun), stack) if not stack.is_first_stack(): return rets stack = VariableStack() if stack is None else stack dyn_values, out = _get_while_transform(cond_fun, body_fun, stack)(operands) for k, v in stack.items(): v._value = dyn_values[k] return out