Source code for brainpy._src.measure.firings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as onp
import jax.numpy as jnp

from brainpy._src import math as bm

__all__ = [

[docs] def raster_plot(sp_matrix, times): """Get spike raster plot which displays the spiking activity of a group of neurons over time. Parameters ---------- sp_matrix : bnp.ndarray The matrix which record spiking activities. times : bnp.ndarray The time steps. Returns ------- raster_plot : tuple Include (neuron index, spike time). """ sp_matrix = bm.as_numpy(sp_matrix) times = onp.asarray(times) elements = onp.where(sp_matrix > 0.) index = elements[1] time = times[elements[0]] return index, time
[docs] def firing_rate(spikes, width, dt=None, numpy=True): r"""Calculate the mean firing rate over in a neuron group. This method is adopted from Brian2. The firing rate in trial :math:`k` is the spike count :math:`n_{k}^{sp}` in an interval of duration :math:`T` divided by :math:`T`: .. math:: v_k = {n_k^{sp} \over T} Parameters ---------- spikes : ndarray The spike matrix which record spiking activities. width : int, float The width of the ``window`` in millisecond. dt : float, optional The sample rate. numpy: bool Whether we use numpy array as the functional output. If ``False``, this function can be JIT compiled. Returns ------- rate : ndarray The population rate in Hz, smoothed with the given window. """ spikes = bm.as_numpy(spikes) if numpy else bm.as_jax(spikes) np = onp if numpy else jnp dt = bm.get_dt() if (dt is None) else dt width1 = int(width / 2 / dt) * 2 + 1 window = np.ones(width1) * 1000 / width return np.convolve(np.mean(spikes, axis=1), window, mode='same')