# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import warnings
from typing import Union, Sequence, Dict, Optional, Tuple
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.lax import cond
import brainpy as bp
import brainpy.math as bm
from brainpy import check
from brainpy._src.math.object_transform.base import BrainPyObject, ArrayCollector
from brainpy.errors import MathError
from .scheduler import make_schedule, Scheduler
__all__ = [
class Optimizer(BrainPyObject):
"""Base Optimizer Class.
lr: float, Scheduler
learning rate.
lr: Scheduler # learning rate
'''Learning rate'''
vars_to_train: ArrayCollector # variables to train
'''Variables to train.'''
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, Scheduler, bm.Variable],
train_vars: Union[Sequence[bm.Variable], Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None
super(Optimizer, self).__init__(name=name)
self.lr: Scheduler = make_schedule(lr)
self.vars_to_train = ArrayCollector()
def register_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
warnings.warn('Using "register_train_vars()" instead.', UserWarning)
def register_train_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
raise NotImplementedError
def check_grads(self, grads):
if len(grads) != len(self.vars_to_train):
raise MathError(f'The length of "grads" must be equal to "self.vars_to_train", '
f'while we got {len(grads)} != {len(self.vars_to_train)}!')
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lr={self.lr})"
def update(self, grads: dict):
raise NotImplementedError
class CommonOpt(Optimizer):
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, Scheduler, bm.Variable],
train_vars: Union[Sequence[bm.Variable], Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None,
weight_decay: Optional[float] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None
super(Optimizer, self).__init__(name=name)
self.lr: Scheduler = make_schedule(lr)
self.vars_to_train = ArrayCollector()
self.weight_decay = check.is_float(weight_decay, min_bound=0., max_bound=1., allow_none=True)
class SGD(CommonOpt):
r"""Stochastic gradient descent optimizer.
SGD performs a parameter update for training examples :math:`x` and label
.. math::
\theta = \theta - \eta \cdot \nabla_\theta J(\theta; x; y)
lr: float, Scheduler
learning rate.
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, Scheduler, bm.Variable],
train_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None,
weight_decay: Optional[float] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None
super(SGD, self).__init__(lr=lr,
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(lr={self.lr})'
def register_train_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
train_vars = dict() if train_vars is None else train_vars
if not isinstance(train_vars, dict):
raise MathError('"train_vars" must be a dict of Variable.')
def update(self, grads: dict):
lr = self.lr()
for key, p in self.vars_to_train.items():
if self.weight_decay is None:
p.value -= lr * grads[key]
p.value = (1 - self.weight_decay) * p - lr * grads[key]
class Momentum(CommonOpt):
r"""Momentum optimizer.
Momentum [1]_ is a method that helps accelerate SGD in the relevant direction
and dampens oscillations. It does this by adding a fraction :math:`\gamma`
of the update vector of the past time step to the current update vector:
.. math::
v_t &= \gamma v_{t-1} + \eta \nabla_\theta J( \theta) \\
\theta &= \theta - v_t
lr: float, Scheduler
learning rate.
.. [1] Qian, N. (1999). On the momentum term in gradient descent learning
algorithms. Neural Networks : The Official Journal of the International
Neural Network Society, 12(1), 145–151. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0893-6080(98)00116-6
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, Scheduler, bm.Variable],
train_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None,
momentum: float = 0.9,
weight_decay: Optional[float] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None
super(Momentum, self).__init__(lr=lr,
self.momentum = momentum
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(lr={self.lr}, momentum={self.momentum})'
def register_train_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
train_vars = dict() if train_vars is None else train_vars
if not isinstance(train_vars, dict):
raise MathError('"train_vars" must be a dict of Variable.')
vs = dict((key + '_v', bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)))
for key, x in train_vars.items())
def update(self, grads: dict):
lr = self.lr()
for key, p in self.vars_to_train.items():
g = grads[key]
v = self.implicit_vars[key + '_v']
v.value = self.momentum * v.value - lr * g
if self.weight_decay is None:
p.value += v.value
p.value = (1 - self.weight_decay) * p + v
class MomentumNesterov(CommonOpt):
r"""Nesterov accelerated gradient optimizer [2]_.
.. math::
v_t &= \gamma v_{t-1} + \eta \nabla_\theta J( \theta - \gamma v_{t-1} ) \\
\theta &= \theta - v_t
lr: float, Scheduler
learning rate.
.. [2] Nesterov, Y. (1983). A method for unconstrained convex minimization problem with the rate of convergence o(1/k2). Doklady ANSSSR (translated as Soviet.Math.Docl.), vol. 269, pp. 543– 547.
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, Scheduler, bm.Variable],
train_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None,
weight_decay: Optional[float] = None,
momentum: float = 0.9,
name: Optional[str] = None
super(MomentumNesterov, self).__init__(lr=lr,
self.momentum = momentum
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(lr={self.lr}, momentum={self.momentum})'
def register_train_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
train_vars = dict() if train_vars is None else train_vars
if not isinstance(train_vars, dict):
raise MathError('"train_vars" must be a dict of Variable.')
vs = dict((key + '_v', bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)))
for key, x in train_vars.items())
def update(self, grads: dict):
lr = self.lr()
for key, p in self.vars_to_train.items():
g = grads[key]
v = self.implicit_vars[key + '_v']
v.value = self.momentum * v.value - lr * g
if self.weight_decay is None:
p.value += v
p.value = (1 - self.weight_decay) * p + v
class Adagrad(CommonOpt):
r"""Optimizer that implements the Adagrad algorithm.
Adagrad [3]_ is an optimizer with parameter-specific learning rates, which are
adapted relative to how frequently a parameter gets updated during training.
The more updates a parameter receives, the smaller the updates.
.. math::
\theta_{t+1} = \theta_{t} - \dfrac{\eta}{\sqrt{G_{t} + \epsilon}} \odot g_{t}
where :math:`G(t)` contains the sum of the squares of the past gradients
One of Adagrad's main benefits is that it eliminates the need to manually tune
the learning rate. Most implementations use a default value of 0.01 and leave it at that.
Adagrad's main weakness is its accumulation of the squared gradients in the denominator:
Since every added term is positive, the accumulated sum keeps growing during training.
This in turn causes the learning rate to shrink and eventually become infinitesimally
small, at which point the algorithm is no longer able to acquire additional knowledge.
lr: float, Scheduler
learning rate.
.. [3] Duchi, J., Hazan, E., & Singer, Y. (2011). Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12, 2121–2159. Retrieved from http://jmlr.org/papers/v12/duchi11a.html
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, Scheduler, bm.Variable],
train_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None,
weight_decay: Optional[float] = None,
epsilon: float = 1e-6,
name: Optional[str] = None
super(Adagrad, self).__init__(lr=lr,
self.epsilon = epsilon
def register_train_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
train_vars = dict() if train_vars is None else train_vars
if not isinstance(train_vars, dict):
raise MathError('"train_vars" must be a dict of Variable.')
caches = dict((key + '_cache', bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)))
for key, x in train_vars.items())
def update(self, grads: dict):
lr = self.lr()
for key, p in self.vars_to_train.items():
g = grads[key]
c = self.implicit_vars[key + '_cache']
c.value += g ** 2
update = lr * g / jnp.sqrt(c.value + self.epsilon)
if self.weight_decay is None:
p.value -= update
p.value = (1 - self.weight_decay) * p - update
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lr={self.lr}, epsilon={self.epsilon})"
class Adadelta(CommonOpt):
r"""Optimizer that implements the Adadelta algorithm.
Adadelta [4]_ optimization is a stochastic gradient descent method that is based
on adaptive learning rate per dimension to address two drawbacks:
- The continual decay of learning rates throughout training.
- The need for a manually selected global learning rate.
Adadelta is a more robust extension of Adagrad that adapts learning rates based on
a moving window of gradient updates, instead of accumulating all past gradients.
This way, Adadelta continues learning even when many updates have been done. Compared
to Adagrad, in the original version of Adadelta you don't have to set an initial
learning rate.
.. math::
\boldsymbol{s}_t \leftarrow \rho \boldsymbol{s}_{t-1} + (1 - \rho) \boldsymbol{g}_t \odot \boldsymbol{g}_t, \\
\boldsymbol{g}_t' \leftarrow \sqrt{\frac{\Delta\boldsymbol{x}_{t-1} + \epsilon}{\boldsymbol{s}_t + \epsilon}} \odot \boldsymbol{g}_t, \\
\boldsymbol{x}_t \leftarrow \boldsymbol{x}_{t-1} - \boldsymbol{g}'_t, \\
\Delta\boldsymbol{x}_t \leftarrow \rho \Delta\boldsymbol{x}_{t-1} + (1 - \rho) \boldsymbol{g}'_t \odot \boldsymbol{g}'_t.
:math:`\rho` should be between 0 and 1. A value of rho close to 1 will decay the
moving average slowly and a value close to 0 will decay the moving average fast.
:math:`\rho` = 0.95 and :math:`\epsilon`=1e-6 are suggested in the paper and reported
to work for multiple datasets (MNIST, speech).
In the paper, no learning rate is considered (so learning_rate=1.0). Probably best to
keep it at this value. epsilon is important for the very first update (so the
numerator does not become 0).
lr: float, Scheduler
learning rate.
.. [4] Zeiler, M. D. (2012). ADADELTA: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method. Retrieved from http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.5701
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, Scheduler, bm.Variable] = 0.01,
train_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None,
weight_decay: Optional[float] = None,
epsilon: float = 1e-6,
rho: float = 0.95,
name: Optional[str] = None
super(Adadelta, self).__init__(lr=lr,
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.rho = rho
def register_train_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
train_vars = dict() if train_vars is None else train_vars
if not isinstance(train_vars, dict):
raise MathError('"train_vars" must be a dict of Variable.')
caches = dict((key + '_cache', bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)))
for key, x in train_vars.items())
deltas = dict((key + '_delta', bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)))
for key, x in train_vars.items())
def update(self, grads: dict):
for key, p in self.vars_to_train.items():
g = grads[key]
c = self.implicit_vars[key + '_cache']
d = self.implicit_vars[key + '_delta']
c.value = self.rho * c.value + (1 - self.rho) * g ** 2
update = g * jnp.sqrt(d.value + self.epsilon) / jnp.sqrt(c + self.epsilon)
d.value = self.rho * d.value + (1 - self.rho) * update ** 2
if self.weight_decay is None:
p.value -= update
p.value = (1 - self.weight_decay) * p - update
def __repr__(self):
return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lr={self.lr}, "
f"epsilon={self.epsilon}, rho={self.rho})")
class RMSProp(CommonOpt):
r"""Optimizer that implements the RMSprop algorithm.
RMSprop [5]_ and Adadelta have both been developed independently around the same time
stemming from the need to resolve Adagrad's radically diminishing learning rates.
The gist of RMSprop is to:
- Maintain a moving (discounted) average of the square of gradients
- Divide the gradient by the root of this average
.. math::
\begin{split}c_t &= \rho c_{t-1} + (1-\rho)*g^2\\
p_t &= \frac{\eta}{\sqrt{c_t + \epsilon}} * g \end{split}
The centered version additionally maintains a moving average of the gradients,
and uses that average to estimate the variance.
lr: float, Scheduler
learning rate.
.. [5] Tieleman, T. and Hinton, G. (2012):
Neural Networks for Machine Learning, Lecture 6.5 - rmsprop.
Coursera. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3sxAc4hxZU (formula @5:20)
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, Scheduler, bm.Variable],
train_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None,
weight_decay: Optional[float] = None,
epsilon: float = 1e-6,
rho: float = 0.9,
name: Optional[str] = None
super(RMSProp, self).__init__(lr=lr,
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.rho = rho
def register_train_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
train_vars = dict() if train_vars is None else train_vars
if not isinstance(train_vars, dict):
raise MathError('"train_vars" must be a dict of Variable.')
caches = dict((key + '_cache', bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)))
for key, x in train_vars.items())
def update(self, grads: dict):
lr = self.lr()
for k, p in self.vars_to_train.items():
g = grads[k]
c = self.implicit_vars[k + '_cache']
c.value = self.rho * c.value + (1 - self.rho) * g ** 2
update = (lr * g / jnp.sqrt(c.value + self.epsilon))
if self.weight_decay is None:
p.value -= update
p.value = (1 - self.weight_decay) * p - update
def __repr__(self):
return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lr={self.lr}, "
f"epsilon={self.epsilon}, rho={self.rho})")
class Adam(CommonOpt):
"""Optimizer that implements the Adam algorithm.
Adam [6]_ - a stochastic gradient descent method (SGD) that computes
individual adaptive learning rates for different parameters from estimates of
first- and second-order moments of the gradients.
lr: float, Scheduler
learning rate.
beta1: optional, float
A positive scalar value for beta_1, the exponential decay rate
for the first moment estimates (default 0.9).
beta2: optional, float
A positive scalar value for beta_2, the exponential decay rate
for the second moment estimates (default 0.999).
eps: optional, float
A positive scalar value for epsilon, a small constant for
numerical stability (default 1e-8).
name : optional, str
The optimizer name.
.. [6] Kingma, D. P., & Ba, J. (2014). Adam: A method for stochastic optimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6980.
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, bm.Variable, Scheduler],
train_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None,
beta1: float = 0.9,
beta2: float = 0.999,
eps: float = 1e-8,
weight_decay: Optional[float] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None
super(Adam, self).__init__(lr=lr,
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
self.eps = eps
def __repr__(self):
return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lr={str(self.lr)}, "
f"beta1={self.beta1}, beta2={self.beta2}, eps={self.eps})")
def register_train_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
train_vars = dict() if train_vars is None else train_vars
if not isinstance(train_vars, dict):
raise MathError('"train_vars" must be a dict of Variable.')
ms = dict((k + '_m', bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)))
for k, x in train_vars.items())
vs = dict((k + '_v', bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)))
for k, x in train_vars.items())
def update(self, grads: dict):
lr = self.lr()
lr /= (1 - self.beta1 ** (self.lr.last_epoch.value + 2))
lr *= jnp.sqrt(1 - self.beta2 ** (self.lr.last_epoch.value + 2))
for key, p in self.vars_to_train.items():
m = self.implicit_vars[key + '_m']
v = self.implicit_vars[key + '_v']
g = grads[key]
# First moment estimate.
m.value = self.beta1 * m.value + (1 - self.beta1) * g
# Second moment estimate.
v.value = self.beta2 * v.value + (1 - self.beta2) * g ** 2
# Bias correction.
update = lr * m.value / (jnp.sqrt(v.value) + self.eps)
if self.weight_decay is None:
p.value -= update
p.value = (1 - self.weight_decay) * p - update
class LARS(CommonOpt):
r"""Layer-wise adaptive rate scaling (LARS) optimizer [1]_.
Layer-wise Adaptive Rate Scaling, or LARS, is a large batch
optimization technique. There are two notable differences
between LARS and other adaptive algorithms such as `Adam` or `RMSProp`:
first, LARS uses a separate learning rate for each layer and not for
each weight. And second, the magnitude of the update is controlled
with respect to the weight norm for better control of training speed.
.. math::
m_{t} = \beta_{1}m_{t-1} + \left(1-\beta_{1}\right)\left(g_{t} + \lambda{x_{t}}\right) \\
x_{t+1}^{\left(i\right)} = x_{t}^{\left(i\right)} - \eta_{t}\frac{\phi\left(|| x_{t}^{\left(i\right)} ||\right)}{|| m_{t}^{\left(i\right)} || }m_{t}^{\left(i\right)}
lr: float, Scheduler
learning rate.
momentum: float
coefficient used for the moving average of the gradient.
weight_decay: float
weight decay coefficient.
tc: float
trust coefficient eta ( < 1) for trust ratio computation.
eps: float
epsilon used for trust ratio computation.
.. [1] You, Yang, Igor Gitman and Boris Ginsburg. “Large Batch Training of Convolutional Networks.” arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2017): n. pag.
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, Scheduler, bm.Variable],
train_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None,
momentum: float = 0.9,
weight_decay: float = 1e-4,
tc: float = 1e-3,
eps: float = 1e-5,
name: Optional[str] = None
super(LARS, self).__init__(lr=lr,
self.momentum = momentum
self.tc = tc
self.eps = eps
def __repr__(self):
return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lr={self.lr}, "
f"momentum={self.momentum}, weight_decay={self.weight_decay}, "
f"tc={self.tc}, eps={self.eps})")
def register_train_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
train_vars = dict() if train_vars is None else train_vars
if not isinstance(train_vars, dict):
raise MathError('"train_vars" must be a dict of Variable.')
self.register_implicit_vars({k + '_m': bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x))
for k, x in train_vars.items()})
def update(self, grads: dict):
lr = self.lr()
for k, p in self.vars_to_train.items():
g = bm.as_jax(grads[k])
m = self.implicit_vars[k + '_m']
p_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(p.value)
g_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(g)
trust_ratio = self.tc * p_norm / (g_norm + self.weight_decay * p_norm + self.eps)
local_lr = lr * jnp.maximum(jnp.logical_or(p_norm == 0, g_norm == 0), trust_ratio)
m.value = self.momentum * m.value + local_lr * (g + self.weight_decay * p.value)
p.value -= m.value
class Adan(CommonOpt):
r"""Adaptive Nesterov Momentum Algorithm for Faster Optimizing Deep Models [1]_.
.. math::
& \mathbf{m}_k=\left(1-\beta_1\right) \mathbf{m}_{k-1}+\beta_1 \mathbf{g}_k \\
& \mathbf{v}_k=\left(1-\beta_2\right) \mathbf{v}_{k-1}+\beta_2\left(\mathbf{g}_k-\mathbf{g}_{k-1}\right) \\
& \mathbf{n}_k=\left(1-\beta_3\right) \mathbf{n}_{k-1}+\beta_3\left[\mathbf{g}_k+\left(1-\beta_2\right)\left(\mathbf{g}_k-\mathbf{g}_{k-1}\right)\right]^2 \\
& \boldsymbol{\eta}_k=\eta /\left(\sqrt{\mathbf{n}_k+\varepsilon}\right) \\
& \boldsymbol{\theta}_{k+1}=\left(1+\lambda_k \eta\right)^{-1}\left[\boldsymbol{\theta}_k-\boldsymbol{\eta}_k \circ\left(\mathbf{m}_k+\left(1-\beta_2\right) \mathbf{v}_k\right)\right] \\
lr: float, Scheduler
learning rate. Can be much higher than Adam, up to 5-10x. (default: 1e-3)
betas : tuple
Coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its norm. (default: (0.02, 0.08, 0.01))
eps : float
The term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability. (default: 1e-8)
weight_decay : float
decoupled weight decay (L2 penalty) (default: 0)
no_prox: bool
how to perform the decoupled weight decay (default: False).
It determines the update rule of parameters with weight decay.
By default, Adan updates the parameters in the way presented in Algorithm 1 in the paper:
.. math::
\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k+1} = ( 1+\lambda \eta)^{-1}\left[\boldsymbol{\theta}_k - \boldsymbol{\eta}_k \circ (\mathbf{m}_k+(1-{\color{blue}\beta_2})\mathbf{v}k)\right],
But one also can update the parameter like Adamw:
.. math::
\boldsymbol{\theta}_{k+1} = ( 1-\lambda \eta)\boldsymbol{\theta}_k - \boldsymbol{\eta}_k \circ (\mathbf{m}_k+(1-{\color{blue}\beta_2})\mathbf{v}_k).
.. [1] Xie, Xingyu, Pan Zhou, Huan Li, Zhouchen Lin and Shuicheng Yan.
“Adan: Adaptive Nesterov Momentum Algorithm for Faster Optimizing
Deep Models.” ArXiv abs/2208.06677 (2022): n. pag.
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, Scheduler, bm.Variable] = 1e-3,
train_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None,
betas: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.02, 0.08, 0.01),
eps: float = 1e-8,
weight_decay: float = 0.02,
no_prox: bool = False,
name: Optional[str] = None,
super(Adan, self).__init__(lr=lr,
assert len(betas) == 3
if eps < 0.:
raise ValueError("Invalid epsilon value: {}".format(eps))
if not 0.0 <= betas[0] < 1.0:
raise ValueError("Invalid beta parameter at index 0: {}".format(betas[0]))
if not 0.0 <= betas[1] < 1.0:
raise ValueError("Invalid beta parameter at index 1: {}".format(betas[1]))
if not 0.0 <= betas[2] < 1.0:
raise ValueError("Invalid beta parameter at index 2: {}".format(betas[2]))
self.betas = betas
self.eps = eps
self.weight_decay = weight_decay
self.no_prox = no_prox
def __repr__(self):
return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lr={self.lr}, "
f"betas={self.betas}, "
f"weight_decay={self.weight_decay}, "
f"no_prox={self.no_prox}, "
def register_train_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
train_vars = dict() if train_vars is None else train_vars
if not isinstance(train_vars, dict):
raise MathError('"train_vars" must be a dict of Variable.')
# Exponential moving average of gradient values
exp_avg = {k + '_m': bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)) for k, x in train_vars.items()}
# Exponential moving average of squared gradient values
exp_avg_sq = {k + '_v': bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)) for k, x in train_vars.items()}
# Exponential moving average of gradient difference
exp_avg_diff = {k + '_n': bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)) for k, x in train_vars.items()}
# previous gradient
pre_grad = {k + '_prev_grad': bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)) for k, x in train_vars.items()}
self.register_implicit_vars(exp_avg, exp_avg_sq, exp_avg_diff, pre_grad)
def _update_moments(self, m, n, v, pre_g, g):
m = m * (1 - self.betas[0]) + self.betas[0] * g
gd = g - pre_g
v = v * (1 - self.betas[1]) + self.betas[1] * gd
n = n * (1 - self.betas[2]) + self.betas[2] * (g + (1 - self.betas[1]) * gd) ** 2
return m, n, v
def update(self, grads: dict):
lr = self.lr()
step = self.lr.last_epoch.value + 1
correct_m = 1 / (1 - (1 - self.betas[0]) ** (step + 1))
correct_v = 1 / (1 - (1 - self.betas[1]) ** (step + 1))
correct_n = 1 / (1 - (1 - self.betas[2]) ** (step + 1))
for key, p_var in self.vars_to_train.items():
m_var = self.implicit_vars[key + '_m']
n_var = self.implicit_vars[key + '_n']
v_var = self.implicit_vars[key + '_v']
prev_g_var = self.implicit_vars[key + '_prev_grad']
g = grads[key]
pre_g = cond(step == 0, lambda pg, g: g, lambda pg, g: pg, (prev_g_var.value, g))
diff = g - pre_g
m = m_var.value * (1 - self.betas[0]) + self.betas[0] * g
v = v_var.value * (1 - self.betas[1]) + self.betas[1] * diff
n = n_var.value * (1 - self.betas[2]) + self.betas[2] * (g + (1 - self.betas[1]) * diff) ** 2
weighted_step_size = lr / (jnp.sqrt(n * correct_n) + self.eps)
if self.no_prox:
p = (p_var.value * (1 - self.weight_decay * lr) -
weighted_step_size * (m * correct_m + (1 - self.betas[1]) * v * correct_v))
p = (
(p_var.value - weighted_step_size * (m * correct_m + (1 - self.betas[1]) * v * correct_v))
/ (1 + self.weight_decay * lr)
m_var.value = m
n_var.value = n
v_var.value = v
prev_g_var.value = g
p_var.value = p
class AdamW(CommonOpt):
r"""Adam with weight decay regularization [1]_.
AdamW uses weight decay to regularize learning towards small weights, as
this leads to better generalization. In SGD you can also use L2 regularization
to implement this as an additive loss term, however L2 regularization
does not behave as intended for adaptive gradient algorithms such as Adam.
.. math::
&\rule{110mm}{0.4pt} \\
&\textbf{input} : \gamma \text{(lr)}, \: \beta_1, \beta_2
\text{(betas)}, \: \theta_0 \text{(params)}, \: f(\theta) \text{(objective)},
\: \epsilon \text{ (epsilon)} \\
&\hspace{13mm} \lambda \text{(weight decay)}, \: \textit{amsgrad},
\: \textit{maximize} \\
&\textbf{initialize} : m_0 \leftarrow 0 \text{ (first moment)}, v_0 \leftarrow 0
\text{ ( second moment)}, \: \widehat{v_0}^{max}\leftarrow 0 \\[-1.ex]
&\rule{110mm}{0.4pt} \\
&\textbf{for} \: t=1 \: \textbf{to} \: \ldots \: \textbf{do} \\
&\hspace{5mm}\textbf{if} \: \textit{maximize}: \\
&\hspace{10mm}g_t \leftarrow -\nabla_{\theta} f_t (\theta_{t-1}) \\
&\hspace{5mm}\textbf{else} \\
&\hspace{10mm}g_t \leftarrow \nabla_{\theta} f_t (\theta_{t-1}) \\
&\hspace{5mm} \theta_t \leftarrow \theta_{t-1} - \gamma \lambda \theta_{t-1} \\
&\hspace{5mm}m_t \leftarrow \beta_1 m_{t-1} + (1 - \beta_1) g_t \\
&\hspace{5mm}v_t \leftarrow \beta_2 v_{t-1} + (1-\beta_2) g^2_t \\
&\hspace{5mm}\widehat{m_t} \leftarrow m_t/\big(1-\beta_1^t \big) \\
&\hspace{5mm}\widehat{v_t} \leftarrow v_t/\big(1-\beta_2^t \big) \\
&\hspace{5mm}\textbf{if} \: amsgrad \\
&\hspace{10mm}\widehat{v_t}^{max} \leftarrow \mathrm{max}(\widehat{v_t}^{max},
\widehat{v_t}) \\
&\hspace{10mm}\theta_t \leftarrow \theta_t - \gamma \widehat{m_t}/
\big(\sqrt{\widehat{v_t}^{max}} + \epsilon \big) \\
&\hspace{5mm}\textbf{else} \\
&\hspace{10mm}\theta_t \leftarrow \theta_t - \gamma \widehat{m_t}/
\big(\sqrt{\widehat{v_t}} + \epsilon \big) \\
&\rule{110mm}{0.4pt} \\[-1.ex]
&\bf{return} \: \theta_t \\[-1.ex]
&\rule{110mm}{0.4pt} \\[-1.ex]
lr: float, Scheduler
learning rate.
beta1: optional, float
A positive scalar value for beta_1, the exponential decay rate
for the first moment estimates. Generally close to 1.
beta2: optional, float
A positive scalar value for beta_2, the exponential decay rate
for the second moment estimates. Generally close to 1.
eps: optional, float
A positive scalar value for epsilon, a small constant for
numerical stability.
weight_decay: float
Strength of the weight decay regularization. Note that this
weight decay is multiplied with the learning rate.
amsgrad: bool
whether to use the AMSGrad variant of this algorithm
from the paper `On the Convergence of Adam and Beyond`.
name : optional, str
The optimizer name.
.. [1] Loshchilov, Ilya and Frank Hutter. “Decoupled Weight Decay Regularization.” International Conference on Learning Representations (2019).
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, Scheduler, bm.Variable],
train_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None,
beta1: float = 0.9,
beta2: float = 0.999,
eps: float = 1e-8,
weight_decay: float = 1e-2,
amsgrad: bool = False,
name: Optional[str] = None,
self.amsgrad = amsgrad
super(AdamW, self).__init__(lr=lr,
if eps < 0.:
raise ValueError("Invalid epsilon value: {}".format(eps))
if not 0.0 <= beta1 < 1.0:
raise ValueError("Invalid beta parameter at index 0: {}".format(beta1))
if not 0.0 <= beta2 < 1.0:
raise ValueError("Invalid beta parameter at index 1: {}".format(beta2))
if weight_decay < 0.:
raise ValueError("Invalid weight_decay value: {}".format(weight_decay))
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
self.eps = eps
self.weight_decay = weight_decay
def __repr__(self):
return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lr={self.lr}, "
f"beta1={self.beta1}, "
f"beta2={self.beta2}, "
f"weight_decay={self.weight_decay}, "
f"eps={self.eps}, "
def register_train_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
train_vars = dict() if train_vars is None else train_vars
if not isinstance(train_vars, dict):
raise MathError('"train_vars" must be a dict of Variable.')
# Exponential moving average of gradient values
ms = dict((k + '_m', bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)))
for k, x in train_vars.items())
# Exponential moving average of squared gradient values
vs = dict((k + '_v', bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x)))
for k, x in train_vars.items())
self.register_implicit_vars(ms, vs)
# Maintains max of all exp. moving avg. of sq. grad. values
if self.amsgrad:
gs = {k + '_vmax': bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(x))
for k, x in train_vars.items()}
def update(self, grads: dict):
lr_old = self.lr()
step = self.lr.last_epoch.value + 2
bias_correction1 = 1 - self.beta1 ** step
bias_correction2 = 1 - self.beta2 ** step
lr = lr_old * jnp.sqrt(bias_correction2) / bias_correction1
for key, p in self.vars_to_train.items():
m = self.implicit_vars[key + '_m']
v = self.implicit_vars[key + '_v']
g = grads[key]
if self.weight_decay != 0:
p *= (1 - lr_old * self.weight_decay)
# First moment estimate.
m.value = self.beta1 * m.value + (1 - self.beta1) * g
# Second moment estimate.
v.value = self.beta2 * v.value + (1 - self.beta2) * g ** 2
if self.amsgrad:
# Maintains the maximum of all 2nd moment running avg. till now
vmax = self.implicit_vars[key + '_vmax']
vmax.value = jnp.maximum(vmax.value, v)
# Use the max. for normalizing running avg. of gradient
denom = jnp.sqrt(vmax) + self.eps
denom = jnp.sqrt(v.value) + self.eps
# Bias correction.
p.value -= lr * m / denom
class SM3(CommonOpt):
"""SM3 algorithm [1]_.
The 'Square-root of Minima of Sums of Maxima of Squared-gradients Method'
(SM3) algorithm is a memory-efficient adaptive optimization algorithm similar
to Adam and Adagrad with greatly reduced memory usage for history tensors.
For an `n x m` matrix, Adam and Adagrad use `O(nm)` memory for history
tensors, while SM3 uses `O(n+m)` due to the chosen cover. In general, a tensor
of shape `(n_1, n_2, ..., n_k)` optimized using Adam will use `O(prod n_i)`
memory for storage tensors, while the optimization using SM3 will use
`O(sum n_i)` memory. Despite storing fewer parameters, this optimization
algorithm manages to be comparably effective.
This advantage drastically shrinks when `momentum > 0`. The momentum is
tracked using a tensor of the same shape as the tensor being optimized. With
momentum, SM3 will use just over half as much memory as Adam, and a bit more
than Adagrad.
lr: float, Scheduler
learning rate.
momentum: float
coefficient used to scale prior updates
before adding. This drastically increases memory usage if
`momentum > 0.0`. (default: 0.0)
beta: float
coefficient used for exponential moving averages (default: 0.0)
eps: float
Term added to square-root in denominator to
improve numerical stability (default: 1e-30).
.. [1] Anil, Rohan, Vineet Gupta, Tomer Koren and Yoram Singer. “Memory Efficient Adaptive Optimization.” Neural Information Processing Systems (2019).
def __init__(
lr: Union[float, Scheduler, bm.Variable],
train_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None,
beta: float = 0.,
momentum: float = 0.,
eps: float = 1e-30,
weight_decay: Optional[float] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
super(SM3, self).__init__(lr=lr,
if not 0.0 <= momentum < 1.0:
raise ValueError("Invalid momentum: {0}".format(momentum))
if not 0.0 <= beta < 1.0:
raise ValueError("Invalid beta: {0}".format(beta))
if not 0.0 <= eps:
raise ValueError("Invalid eps: {0}".format(eps))
self.eps = eps
self.beta = beta
self.momentum = momentum
def __repr__(self):
return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lr={self.lr}, "
f"beta={self.beta}, eps={self.eps}, momentum={self.momentum})")
def register_train_vars(self, train_vars: Optional[Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None):
train_vars = dict() if train_vars is None else train_vars
if not isinstance(train_vars, dict):
raise MathError('"train_vars" must be a dict of Variable.')
vs = dict()
for k, v in train_vars.items():
rank, ndim = v.shape, v.ndim
for i in range(ndim):
shape = [1] * ndim
shape[i] = rank[i]
vs[f'{k}_m{i}'] = bm.Variable(bm.zeros(shape, dtype=v.dtype))
if self.momentum > 0.:
ms = {k + '_mbuffer': bm.Variable(bm.zeros_like(v))
for k, v in train_vars.items()}
def update(self, grads: dict):
lr = self.lr()
for k, p in self.vars_to_train.items():
g = grads[k]
ndim = p.ndim
update = self.implicit_vars[f'{k}_m0']
for i in range(1, ndim):
update = bm.minimum(update, self.implicit_vars[f'{k}_m{i}'])
if self.beta > 0.:
update *= self.beta
update += g * g * (1 - self.beta)
# Computes max along all dimensions except the given dim.
# If tensor is a scalar, it returns tensor.
for i in range(ndim):
result = update
for j in range(ndim):
if i != j:
result = result.max(axis=j, keepdim=True)
acc = self.implicit_vars[f'{k}_m{i}']
if self.beta > 0.:
acc.value = bm.maximum(acc, result)
# No need to compare - nu_max is bigger because of grad ** 2
acc.value = result
update = g / bm.sqrt(update + self.eps)
if self.momentum > 0.:
m_buffer = self.implicit_vars[f'{k}_mbuffer']
update = update * (1. - self.momentum) + m_buffer * self.momentum
m_buffer.value = update
if self.weight_decay is None:
p -= lr * update
p.value = (1 - self.weight_decay) * p - lr * update