Source code for brainpy._src.running.pathos_multiprocessing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""The parallel execution of a BrainPy func on multiple CPU cores.

Specifically, these batch running functions include:

- ``cpu_ordered_parallel``: Performs a parallel ordered map.
- ``cpu_unordered_parallel``: Performs a parallel unordered map.

import sys
from import Sized
from typing import (Any, Callable, Generator, Iterable, List,
                    Union, Optional, Sequence, Dict)

from import tqdm

from brainpy.errors import PackageMissingError

  from pathos.helpers import cpu_count  # noqa
  from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessPool  # noqa
  import multiprocess.context as ctx  # noqa
except ModuleNotFoundError:
  cpu_count = None
  ProcessPool = None

__all__ = [

def _parallel(
    ordered: bool,
    function: Callable,
    arguments: Union[Sequence[Iterable], Dict[str, Iterable]],
    num_process: Union[int, float] = None,
    num_task: int = None,
    **tqdm_kwargs: Any
) -> Generator:
  """Perform a parallel map with a progress bar.

  ordered: bool
    True for an ordered map, false for an unordered map.
  function: callable, function
    The function to apply to each element of the given Iterables.
  arguments: sequence of Iterable, dict
    One or more Iterables containing the data to be mapped.
  num_process: int, float
    Number of threads used for parallel running. If `int`, it is
    the number of threads to be used; if `float`, it is the fraction
    of total threads to be used for running.
  num_task: int
    The total number of tasks in this parallel running.
  tqdm_kwargs: Any
    The setting for the progress bar.

  results: Iterable
      A generator which will apply the function to each element of the given Iterables
      in parallel in order with a progress bar.
  if sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info.minor >= 11:
    raise NotImplementedError('Multiprocessing is not available in Python >=3.11 on Windows. '
                              'Please use Linux or MacOS, or Windows with Python <= 3.10.')

  if ProcessPool is None or cpu_count is None:
    raise PackageMissingError(
    Please install "pathos" package first. 
    >>>  pip install pathos

  # Determine num_process
  if num_process is None:
    num_process = cpu_count()
  elif isinstance(num_process, int):
  elif isinstance(num_process, float):
    num_process = int(round(num_process * cpu_count()))
    raise ValueError('"num_process" must be an int or a float.')

  # arguments
  if isinstance(arguments, dict):
    keys = list(arguments.keys())
    arguments = list(arguments.values())
    run_f = lambda *args: function(**{key: arg for key, arg in zip(keys, args)})
    if not isinstance(arguments, (tuple, list)):
      raise TypeError('"arguments" must be a sequence of Iterable or a dict of Iterable. '
                      f'But we got {type(arguments)}')
    run_f = function

  # Determine length of tqdm
  lengths = [len(iterable) for iterable in arguments if isinstance(iterable, Sized)]
  num_task = num_task or (min(lengths) if lengths else None)

  # Create parallel generator
  pool = ProcessPool(nodes=num_process)
  if ordered:
    map_func = pool.imap
    map_func = pool.uimap

  # Choose tqdm variant
  for item in tqdm(map_func(run_f, *arguments), total=num_task, **tqdm_kwargs):
    yield item


[docs] def cpu_ordered_parallel( func: Callable, arguments: Union[Sequence[Iterable], Dict[str, Iterable]], num_process: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, num_task: Optional[int] = None, **tqdm_kwargs: Any ) -> List[Any]: """Performs a parallel ordered map with a progress bar. Examples -------- >>> import brainpy as bp >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> def simulate(inp): >>> inp = bm.as_jax(inp) >>> hh = bp.dyn.HH(1) >>> runner = bp.DSRunner(hh, inputs=['input', inp], >>> monitors=['V', 'spike'], >>> progress_bar=False) >>> >>> bm.clear_buffer_memory() # clear all cached data and functions >>> return runner.mon.spike.sum() >>> >>> if __name__ == '__main__': # This is important! >>> results = bp.running.cpu_unordered_parallel(simulate, [np.arange(1, 10, 100)], num_process=10) >>> print(results) Parameters ---------- func: callable, function The function to apply to each element of the given Iterables. arguments: sequence of Iterable, dict One or more Iterables containing the data to be mapped. num_process: int, float Number of threads used for parallel running. If `int`, it is the number of threads to be used; if `float`, it is the fraction of total threads to be used for running. num_task: int The total number of tasks in this parallel running. tqdm_kwargs: Any The setting for the progress bar. Returns ------- results: list A list which will apply the function to each element of the given tasks. """ generator = _parallel(True, func, arguments, num_process=num_process, num_task=num_task, **tqdm_kwargs) return list(generator)
[docs] def cpu_unordered_parallel( func: Callable, arguments: Union[Sequence[Iterable], Dict[str, Iterable]], num_process: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, num_task: Optional[int] = None, **tqdm_kwargs: Any ) -> List[Any]: """Performs a parallel unordered map with a progress bar. Examples -------- >>> import brainpy as bp >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> def simulate(inp): >>> inp = bm.as_jax(inp) >>> hh = bp.dyn.HH(1) >>> runner = bp.DSRunner(hh, inputs=['input', inp], >>> monitors=['V', 'spike'], >>> progress_bar=False) >>> >>> bm.clear_buffer_memory() # clear all cached data and functions >>> return runner.mon.spike.sum() >>> >>> if __name__ == '__main__': # This is important! >>> results = bp.running.cpu_unordered_parallel(simulate, [np.arange(1, 10, 100)], num_process=10) >>> print(results) Parameters ---------- func: callable, function The function to apply to each element of the given Iterables. arguments: sequence of Iterable, dict One or more Iterables containing the data to be mapped. num_process: int, float Number of threads used for parallel running. If `int`, it is the number of threads to be used; if `float`, it is the fraction of total threads to be used for running. num_task: int The total number of tasks in this parallel running. tqdm_kwargs: Any The setting for the progress bar. Returns ------- results: list A list which will apply the function to each element of the given tasks. """ generator = _parallel(False, func, arguments, num_process=num_process, num_task=num_task, **tqdm_kwargs) return list(generator)