brainpy.inputs module

brainpy.inputs module aims to provide several commonly used helper functions to help construct input currents.

import brainpy as bp

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def show(current, duration, title):
    ts = np.arange(0, duration, 0.1)
    plt.plot(ts, current)
    plt.xlabel('Time [ms]')
    plt.ylabel('Current Value')


brainpy.inputs.period_input() is an updated function of previous brainpy.inputs.constant_input() (see below).

Sometimes, we need input currents with different values in different periods. For example, if you want to get an input in which 0-100 ms is zero, 100-400 ms is value 1., and 400-500 ms is zero, then, you can define:

current, duration = bp.inputs.period_input(values=[0, 1., 0.],
                                           durations=[100, 300, 100],
show(current, duration, '[(0, 100), (1, 300), (0, 100)]')


brainpy.inputs.constant_current() function helps you to format constant current in several periods.

For the input created above, we can define it again with constant_current() by:

current, duration = bp.inputs.constant_current([(0, 100), (1, 300), (0, 100)])
show(current, duration, '[(0, 100), (1, 300), (0, 100)]')

Another example is this:

current, duration = bp.inputs.constant_current([(-1, 10), (1, 3), (3, 30), (-0.5, 10)], 0.1)
show(current, duration, '[(-1, 10), (1, 3), (3, 30), (-0.5, 10)]')


brainpy.inputs.spike_input() helps you to construct an input like a series of short-time spikes. It receives the following settings:

  • points : The spike time-points. Must be an iterable object. For example, list, tuple, or arrays.

  • lengths : The length of each point-current, mimicking the spike durations. It can be a scalar float to specify the unified duration. Or, it can be list/tuple/array of time lengths with the length same with points.

  • sizes : The current sizes. It can be a scalar value. Or, it can be a list/tuple/array of spike current sizes with the length same with points.

  • duration : The total current duration.

  • dt : The time step precision. The default is None (will be initialized as the default dt step).

For example, if you want to generate a spike train at 10 ms, 20 ms, 30 ms, 200 ms, 300 ms, and each spike lasts 1 ms and the spike current is 0.5, then you can use the following funtions:

current = bp.inputs.spike_input(points=[10, 20, 30, 200, 300],
            lengths=1.,  # can be a list to specify the spike length at each point
            sizes=0.5,  # can be a list to specify the spike current size at each point
show(current, 400, 'Spike Input Example')


brainpy.inputs.ramp_input() mimics a ramp or a step current to the input of the circuit. It receives the following settings:

  • c_start : The minimum (or maximum) current size.

  • c_end : The maximum (or minimum) current size.

  • duration : The total duration.

  • t_start : The ramped current start time-point.

  • t_end : The ramped current end time-point. Default is the None.

  • dt : The current precision.

We illustrate the usage of brainpy.inputs.ramp_input() by two examples.

In the first example, we increase the current size from 0. to 1. between the start time (0 ms) and the end time (1000 ms).

duration = 1000
current = bp.inputs.ramp_input(0, 1, duration)

show(current, duration, r'$c_{start}$=0, $c_{end}$=%d, duration, '
                        r'$t_{start}$=0, $t_{end}$=None' % (duration))

In the second example, we increase the current size from 0. to 1. from the 200 ms to 800 ms.

duration, t_start, t_end = 1000, 200, 800
current = bp.inputs.ramp_input(0, 1, duration, t_start, t_end)

show(current, duration, r'$c_{start}$=0, $c_{end}$=1, duration=%d, '
                        r'$t_{start}$=%d, $t_{end}$=%d' % (duration, t_start, t_end))