Source code for brainpy.inputs.currents

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np

from brainpy import math as bm
from import check_float, check_integer

__all__ = [
  'constant_input', 'constant_current',
  'spike_input', 'spike_current',
  'ramp_input', 'ramp_current',

[docs]def section_input(values, durations, dt=None, return_length=False): """Format an input current with different sections. For example: If you want to get an input where the size is 0 bwteen 0-100 ms, and the size is 1. between 100-200 ms. >>> section_input(values=[0, 1], >>> durations=[100, 100]) Parameters ---------- values : list, np.ndarray The current values for each period duration. durations : list, np.ndarray The duration for each period. dt : float Default is None. return_length : bool Return the final duration length. Returns ------- current_and_duration """ if len(durations) != len(values): raise ValueError(f'"values" and "durations" must be the same length, while ' f'we got {len(values)} != {len(durations)}.') dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt # get input current shape, and duration I_duration = sum(durations) I_shape = () for val in values: shape = jnp.shape(val) if len(shape) > len(I_shape): I_shape = shape # get the current start = 0 I_current = bm.zeros((int(np.ceil(I_duration / dt)),) + I_shape, dtype=bm.float_) for c_size, duration in zip(values, durations): length = int(duration / dt) I_current[start: start + length] = c_size start += length if return_length: return I_current.value, I_duration else: return I_current.value
[docs]def constant_input(I_and_duration, dt=None): """Format constant input in durations. For example: If you want to get an input where the size is 0 bwteen 0-100 ms, and the size is 1. between 100-200 ms. >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> constant_input([(0, 100), (1, 100)]) >>> constant_input([(bm.zeros(100), 100), (bm.random.rand(100), 100)]) Parameters ---------- I_and_duration : list This parameter receives the current size and the current duration pairs, like `[(Isize1, duration1), (Isize2, duration2)]`. dt : float Default is None. Returns ------- current_and_duration : tuple (The formatted current, total duration) """ dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt # get input current dimension, shape, and duration I_duration = 0. I_shape = () for I in I_and_duration: I_duration += I[1] shape = jnp.shape(I[0]) if len(shape) > len(I_shape): I_shape = shape # get the current start = 0 I_current = jnp.zeros((int(np.ceil(I_duration / dt)),) + I_shape, dtype=bm.float_) for c_size, duration in I_and_duration: length = int(duration / dt) I_current =[start: start + length].set(c_size) start += length return I_current, I_duration
constant_current = constant_input
[docs]def spike_input(sp_times, sp_lens, sp_sizes, duration, dt=None): """Format current input like a series of short-time spikes. For example: If you want to generate a spike train at 10 ms, 20 ms, 30 ms, 200 ms, 300 ms, and each spike lasts 1 ms and the spike current is 0.5, then you can use the following funtions: >>> spike_input(sp_times=[10, 20, 30, 200, 300], >>> sp_lens=1., # can be a list to specify the spike length at each point >>> sp_sizes=0.5, # can be a list to specify the current size at each point >>> duration=400.) Parameters ---------- sp_times : list, tuple The spike time-points. Must be an iterable object. sp_lens : int, float, list, tuple The length of each point-current, mimicking the spike durations. sp_sizes : int, float, list, tuple The current sizes. duration : int, float The total current duration. dt : float The default is None. Returns ------- current : bm.ndarray The formatted input current. """ dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt assert isinstance(sp_times, (list, tuple)) if isinstance(sp_lens, (float, int)): sp_lens = [sp_lens] * len(sp_times) if isinstance(sp_sizes, (float, int)): sp_sizes = [sp_sizes] * len(sp_times) current = jnp.zeros(int(np.ceil(duration / dt)), dtype=bm.float_) for time, dur, size in zip(sp_times, sp_lens, sp_sizes): pp = int(time / dt) p_len = int(dur / dt) current =[pp: pp + p_len].set(size) return current
spike_current = spike_input
[docs]def ramp_input(c_start, c_end, duration, t_start=0, t_end=None, dt=None): """Get the gradually changed input current. Parameters ---------- c_start : float The minimum (or maximum) current size. c_end : float The maximum (or minimum) current size. duration : int, float The total duration. t_start : float The ramped current start time-point. t_end : float The ramped current end time-point. Default is the None. dt : float, int, optional The numerical precision. Returns ------- current : bm.ndarray The formatted current """ dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt t_end = duration if t_end is None else t_end current = jnp.zeros(int(np.ceil(duration / dt)), dtype=bm.float_) p1 = int(np.ceil(t_start / dt)) p2 = int(np.ceil(t_end / dt)) cc = jnp.array(jnp.linspace(c_start, c_end, p2 - p1), dtype=bm.float_) current =[p1: p2].set(cc) return current
ramp_current = ramp_input
[docs]def wiener_process(duration, dt=None, n=1, t_start=0., t_end=None, seed=None): """Stimulus sampled from a Wiener process, i.e. drawn from standard normal distribution N(0, sqrt(dt)). Parameters ---------- duration: float The input duration. dt: float The numerical precision. n: int The variable number. t_start: float The start time. t_end: float The end time. seed: int The noise seed. """ dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt check_float(dt, 'dt', allow_none=False, min_bound=0.) check_integer(n, 'n', allow_none=False, min_bound=0) rng = bm.random.RandomState(seed) t_end = duration if t_end is None else t_end i_start = int(t_start / dt) i_end = int(t_end / dt) noises = rng.standard_normal((i_end - i_start, n)) * jnp.sqrt(dt) currents = jnp.zeros((int(duration / dt), n)) currents =[i_start: i_end].set(bm.as_device_array(noises)) return currents
[docs]def ou_process(mean, sigma, tau, duration, dt=None, n=1, t_start=0., t_end=None, seed=None): r"""Ornstein–Uhlenbeck input. .. math:: dX = (mu - X)/\tau * dt + \sigma*dW Parameters ---------- mean: float Drift of the OU process. sigma: float Standard deviation of the Wiener process, i.e. strength of the noise. tau: float Timescale of the OU process, in ms. duration: float The input duration. dt: float The numerical precision. n: int The variable number. t_start: float The start time. t_end: float The end time. """ dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt dt_sqrt = jnp.sqrt(dt) check_float(dt, 'dt', allow_none=False, min_bound=0.) check_integer(n, 'n', allow_none=False, min_bound=0) rng = bm.random.RandomState(seed) x = bm.Variable(jnp.ones(n) * mean) def _f(t): x.value = x + dt * ((mean - x) / tau) + sigma * dt_sqrt * rng.standard_normal(n) f = bm.make_loop(_f, dyn_vars=[x, rng], out_vars=x) noises = f(jnp.arange(t_start, t_end, dt)) t_end = duration if t_end is None else t_end i_start = int(t_start / dt) i_end = int(t_end / dt) currents = bm.zeros((int(duration / dt), n)) currents[i_start: i_end] = noises return currents.value
[docs]def sinusoidal_input(amplitude, frequency, duration, dt=None, t_start=0., t_end=None, dc_bias=False): """Sinusoidal input. Parameters ---------- amplitude: float Amplitude of the sinusoid. frequency: float Frequency of the sinus oscillation, in Hz duration: float The input duration. t_start: float The start time. t_end: float The end time. dt: float The numerical precision. dc_bias: bool Whether the sinusoid oscillates around 0 (False), or has a positive DC bias, thus non-negative (True). """ dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt check_float(dt, 'dt', allow_none=False, min_bound=0.) if t_end is None: t_end = duration times = jnp.arange(0, t_end - t_start, dt) start_i = int(t_start / dt) end_i = int(t_end / dt) sin_inputs = amplitude * jnp.sin(2 * jnp.pi * times * (frequency / 1000.0)) if dc_bias: sin_inputs += amplitude currents = bm.zeros(int(duration / dt)) currents[start_i:end_i] = sin_inputs return currents.value
def _square(t, duty=0.5): t, w = np.asarray(t), np.asarray(duty) w = np.asarray(w + (t - t)) t = np.asarray(t + (w - w)) if t.dtype.char in ['fFdD']: ytype = t.dtype.char else: ytype = 'd' y = np.zeros(t.shape, ytype) # width must be between 0 and 1 inclusive mask1 = (w > 1) | (w < 0), mask1, np.nan) # on the interval 0 to duty*2*pi function is 1 tmod = np.mod(t, 2 * np.pi) mask2 = (1 - mask1) & (tmod < w * 2 * np.pi), mask2, 1) # on the interval duty*2*pi to 2*pi function is # (pi*(w+1)-tmod) / (pi*(1-w)) mask3 = (1 - mask1) & (1 - mask2), mask3, -1) return y
[docs]def square_input(amplitude, frequency, duration, dt=None, dc_bias=False, t_start=None, t_end=None): """Oscillatory square input. Parameters ---------- amplitude: float Amplitude of the square oscillation. frequency: float Frequency of the square oscillation, in Hz. duration: float The input duration. t_start: float The start time. t_end: float The end time. dt: float The numerical precision. dc_bias: bool Whether the sinusoid oscillates around 0 (False), or has a positive DC bias, thus non-negative (True). """ dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt check_float(dt, 'dt', allow_none=False, min_bound=0.) if t_end is None: t_end = duration times = jnp.arange(0, t_end - t_start, dt) currents = bm.zeros(int(duration / dt)) start_i = int(t_start / dt) end_i = int(t_end / dt) sin_inputs = amplitude * _square(2 * jnp.pi * times * (frequency / 1000.0)) if dc_bias: sin_inputs += amplitude currents[start_i:end_i] = sin_inputs return currents.value