

class brainpy.dyn.IKNI_Ya1989v2(size, keep_size=False, g_max=0.004, phi_p=1.0, phi_q=1.0, tau_max=4000.0, V_sh=0.0, method='exp_auto', name=None, mode=None)[source]#

A slow non-inactivating K+ current described by Yamada et al. (1989) [1].

This slow potassium current can effectively account for spike-frequency adaptation.

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} &I_{M}=\bar{g}_{M} p\left(V-E_{K}\right) \\ &\frac{\mathrm{d} p}{\mathrm{~d} t}=\left(p_{\infty}(V)-p\right) / \tau_{p}(V) \\ &p_{\infty}(V)=\frac{1}{1+\exp [-(V-V_{sh}+35) / 10]} \\ &\tau_{p}(V)=\frac{\tau_{\max }}{3.3 \exp [(V-V_{sh}+35) / 20]+\exp [-(V-V_{sh}+35) / 20]} \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

where \(\bar{g}_{M}\) was \(0.004 \mathrm{mS} / \mathrm{cm}^{2}\) and \(\tau_{\max }=4 \mathrm{~s}\), unless stated otherwise.

  • size (int, sequence of int) – The geometry size.

  • method (str) – The numerical integration method.

  • name (str) – The object name.

  • g_max (float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable) – The maximal conductance density (\(mS/cm^2\)).

  • E (float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable) – The reversal potential (mV).

  • V_sh (float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer) – The membrane potential shift.

  • phi_p (optional, float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer) – The temperature factor for channel \(p\).

  • tau_max (float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer) – The \(tau_{\max}\) parameter.



alias of Potassium