- class brainpy.initialize.DOGDecay(sigmas, max_ws, min_w=None, encoding_values=None, periodic_boundary=False, normalize=True, include_self=True)[source]#
Builds a Difference-Of-Gaussian (dog) connectivity pattern within a population of neurons.
Mathematically, for the given pair of neurons \((i, j)\), the weight between them is computed as
\[w(i, j) = w_{max}^+ \cdot \exp(-\frac{\sum_{k=1}^n |v_k^i - v_k^j|^2}{2\sigma_+^2}) - w_{max}^- \cdot \exp(-\frac{\sum_{k=1}^n |v_k^i - v_k^j|^2}{2\sigma_-^2})\]where weights smaller than \(0.005 * max(w_{max}, w_{min})\) are not created and self-connections are avoided by default (parameter allow_self_connections).
- Parameters:
sigmas (tuple) – Widths of the positive and negative Gaussian functions.
max_ws (tuple) – The weight amplitudes of the positive and negative Gaussian functions.
min_w (float, None) – The minimum weight value below which synapses are not created (default: \(0.005 * min(max\_ws)\)).
include_self (bool) – Whether create the connections at the same position (self-connections).
normalize (bool) – Whether normalize the connection probability .
encoding_values (optional, list, tuple, int, float) –
The value ranges to encode for neurons at each axis.
If values is not provided, the neuron only encodes each positional information, i.e., \((i, j, k, ...)\), where \(i, j, k\) is the index in the high-dimensional space.
If values is a single tuple/list of int/float, neurons at each dimension will encode the same range of values. For example, values=(0, np.pi), neurons at each dimension will encode a continuous value space [0, np.pi].
If values is a tuple/list of list/tuple, it means the value space will be different for each dimension. For example, values=((-np.pi, np.pi), (10, 20), (0, 2 * np.pi)).
periodic_boundary (bool) – Whether the neuron encode the value space with the periodic boundary.