CPU Operator Customization with Numba#

Colab Open in Kaggle

English version#

Brain dynamics is sparse and event-driven, however, proprietary operators for brain dynamics are not well abstracted and summarized. As a result, we are often faced with the need to customize operators. In this tutorial, we will explore how to customize brain dynamics operators using Numba.

Start by importing the relevant Python package.

import brainpy as bp
import brainpy.math as bm

import jax
from jax import jit
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.core import ShapedArray

import numba



brainpy.math.CustomOpByNumba is also called brainpy.math.XLACustomOp.

BrainPy provides brainpy.math.CustomOpByNumba for customizing the operator on the CPU device. Two parameters are required to provide in CustomOpByNumba:

  • eval_shape: evaluates the shape and datatype of the output argument based on the shape and datatype of the input argument.

  • con_compute: receives the input parameters and performs a specific computation based on them.

Suppose here we want to customize an operator that does the b = a+1 operation. First, define an eval_shape function. The arguments to this function are information about all the input parameters, and the return value is information about the output parameters.

from jax.core import ShapedArray

def eval_shape(a):
  b = ShapedArray(a.shape, dtype=a.dtype)
  return b

Since b in b = a + 1 has the same type and shape as a, the eval_shape function returns the same shape and type. Next, we need to define con_compute. con_compute takes only (outs, ins) arguments, where all return values are inside outs and all input arguments are inside ins.

def con_compute(outs, ins):
  b = outs
  a = ins
  b[:] = a + 1

Unlike the eval_shape function, the con_compute function does not support any return values. Instead, all output must just be updated in-place. Also, the con_compute function must follow the specification of Numba’s just-in-time compilation, see:

  • https://numba.pydata.org/numba-doc/latest/reference/pysupported.html

  • https://numba.pydata.org/numba-doc/latest/reference/numpysupported.html

Also, con_compute can be customized according to Numba’s just-in-time compilation policy. For example, if JIT is just turned on, then you can use:

def con_compute(outs, ins):
  b = outs
  a = ins
  b[:] = a + 1

If the parallel computation with multiple cores is turned on, you can use:

def con_compute(outs, ins):
  b = outs
  a = ins
  b[:] = a + 1

For more advanced usage, we encourage readers to read the Numba online manual.

Finally, this customized operator can be registered and used as:

>>> op = bm.CustomOpByNumba(eval_shape, con_compute, multiple_results=False)
>>> op(bm.zeros(10))
[1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]

Return multiple values multiple_returns=True#

If the result of our computation needs to return multiple arrays, then we need to use multiple_returns=True in our use of registering the operator. In this case, outs will be a list containing multiple arrays, not an array.

def eval_shape2(a, b):
  c = ShapedArray(a.shape, dtype=a.dtype)
  d = ShapedArray(b.shape, dtype=b.dtype)
  return c, d

def con_compute2(outs, ins):
  c, d = outs  # 取出所有的输出
  a, b = ins  # 取出所有的输入
  c[:] = a + 1
  d[:] = a * 2

op2 = bm.CustomOpByNumba(eval_shape2, con_compute2, multiple_results=True)
>>> op2(bm.zeros(10), bm.ones(10))
([1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.],
 [2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.])

Non-Tracer parameters#

In the eval_shape function, all arguments are abstract information (containing only the shape and type) if they are arguments that can be traced by jax.jit. However, if we infer the output data type requires additional information beyond the input parameter information, then we need to define non-Tracer parameters.

For an operator defined by brainpy.math.CustomOpByNumba, non-Tracer parameters are often then parameters passed in via key-value pairs such as key=value. For example:

op2(a, b, c, d=d, e=e)

a, b, c are all jax.jit traceable parameters, and d and e are deterministic, non-tracer parameters. Therefore, in the eval_shape(a, b, c, d, e) function, a, b, c will be SharedArray, and d and e will be concrete values.

For another example,

def eval_shape3(a, *, b):
  return SharedArray(b, a.dtype)  # The shape of the return value is determined by the input b

def con_compute3(outs, ins):
  c = outs  # Take out all the outputs
  a, b = ins  # Take out all inputs
  c[:] = 2.

op3 = bm.CustomOpByNumba(eval_shape3, con_compute3, multiple_results=False)
>>> op3(bm.zeros(4), 5)
[2. 2. 2. 2. 2.]

… note:

It is worth noting that all arguments will be converted to arrays. Both Tracer and non-Tracer parameters are arrays in ``con_compute``. For example, ``1`` is passed in, but in ``con_compute`` it's a 0-dimensional array ``1``; ``(1, 2)`` is passed in, and in ``con_compute`` it will be the 1-dimensional array ``array([1, 2])``.

Example: A sparse operator#

To illustrate the effectiveness of this approach, we define in this an event-driven sparse computation operator.

def abs_eval(data, indices, indptr, vector, shape):
  out_shape = shape[0]
  return ShapedArray((out_shape,), data.dtype),

def sparse_op(outs, ins):
  res_val = outs[0]
  values, col_indices, row_ptr, vector, shape = ins

  for row_i in range(shape[0]):
      v = vector[row_i]
      for j in range(row_ptr[row_i], row_ptr[row_i + 1]):
          res_val[col_indices[j]] += values * v

sparse_cus_op = bm.CustomOpByNumba(eval_shape=abs_eval, con_compute=sparse_op)

Let’s try to use sparse matrix vector multiplication operator.

size = 5000

vector = bm.random.randn(size)
sparse_A = bp.conn.FixedProb(prob=0.1, allow_multi_conn=True)(size, size).require('pre2post')
f = jit(lambda a: sparse_cus_op(a, sparse_A[0], sparse_A[1], vector, shape=(size, size)))
[Array([ -2.2834747, -52.950108 ,  -5.0921535, ..., -40.264236 ,
        -27.219269 ,  33.138054 ], dtype=float32)]




import brainpy as bp
import brainpy.math as bm

import jax
from jax import jit
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.core import ShapedArray

import numba



brainpy.math.CustomOpByNumba 也叫做brainpy.math.XLACustomOp


  • eval_shape: 根据输入参数的形状(shape)和数据类型(dtype)来评估输出参数的形状和数据类型。

  • con_compute: 接收真正的参数,并根据参数进行具体计算。

假如在这里我们要自定义一个做b = a+1操作的算子。首先,定义一个eval_shape函数。该函数的参数是所有输入变量的信息,返回值是输出参数的信息。

from jax.core import ShapedArray

def eval_shape(a):
  b = ShapedArray(a.shape, dtype=a.dtype)
  return b

由于b = a + 1ba具有同样的类型和形状,因此eval_shape函数返回一样的形状和类型。接下来,我们就需要定义con_computecon_compute只接收(outs, ins)参数,其中,所有的返回值都在outs内,所有的输入参数都在ins内。

def con_compute(outs, ins):
  b = outs
  a = ins
  b[:] = a + 1

eval_shape函数不同,con_compute函数不接收任何返回值。相反,所有的输出都必须通过in-place update的形式就行。另外,con_compute函数必须遵循Numba即时编译的规范,见:

  • https://numba.pydata.org/numba-doc/latest/reference/pysupported.html

  • https://numba.pydata.org/numba-doc/latest/reference/numpysupported.html


def con_compute(outs, ins):
  b = outs
  a = ins
  b[:] = a + 1


def con_compute(outs, ins):
  b = outs
  a = ins
  b[:] = a + 1



>>> op = bm.CustomOpByNumba(eval_shape, con_compute, multiple_results=False)
>>> op(bm.zeros(10))
[1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]

返回多个值 multiple_returns=True#


def eval_shape2(a, b):
  c = ShapedArray(a.shape, dtype=a.dtype)
  d = ShapedArray(b.shape, dtype=b.dtype)
  return c, d  # 返回多个抽象数组信息

def con_compute2(outs, ins):
  c, d = outs  # 取出所有的输出
  a, b = ins  # 取出所有的输入
  c[:] = a + 1
  d[:] = a * 2

op2 = bm.CustomOpByNumba(eval_shape2, con_compute2, multiple_results=True)
>>> op2(bm.zeros(10), bm.ones(10))
([1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.],
 [2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.])




op2(a, b, c, d=d, e=e)

a, b, c都是可被jax.jit追踪的参数,de是确定性的、非Tracer参数。此时,eval_shape(a, b, c, d, e)函数中,a,b,c都是SharedArray,而d和e都是具体的数值,


def eval_shape3(a, *, b):
  return SharedArray(b, a.dtype)  # 返回值的形状由输入b决定

def con_compute3(outs, ins):
  c = outs  # 取出所有的输出
  a, b = ins  # 取出所有的输入
  c[:] = 2.

op3 = bm.CustomOpByNumba(eval_shape3, con_compute3, multiple_results=False)
>>> op3(bm.zeros(4), 5)
[2. 2. 2. 2. 2.]

… note::

值得注意的是,所有的输入值都将被转化成数组。无论是Tracer还是非Tracer参数,在``con_compute``中都是数组。比如传入的是``1``,但在``con_compute``中是0维数组``1``;传入的是``(1, 2)``,在``con_compute``中将是1维数组``array([1, 2])``。



def abs_eval(data, indices, indptr, vector, shape):
  out_shape = shape[0]
  return [ShapedArray((out_shape,), data.dtype)]

def sparse_op(outs, ins):
  res_val = outs[0]
  values, col_indices, row_ptr, vector, shape = ins

  for row_i in range(shape[0]):
      v = vector[row_i]
      for j in range(row_ptr[row_i], row_ptr[row_i + 1]):
          res_val[col_indices[j]] += values * v

sparse_cus_op = bm.CustomOpByNumba(eval_shape=abs_eval, con_compute=sparse_op)


size = 5000

vector = bm.random.randn(size)
sparse_A = bp.conn.FixedProb(prob=0.1, allow_multi_conn=True)(size, size).require('pre2post')
f = jit(lambda a: sparse_cus_op(a, sparse_A[0], sparse_A[1], vector, shape=(size, size)))
[Array([ 17.464092,  -9.924386, -33.09052 , ..., -37.2057  , -12.551924,
         -9.046049], dtype=float32)]