Source code for brainpy._src.analysis.highdim.slow_points

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import inspect
import math
import time
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Union, Dict, Sequence, Tuple

import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import jax
from jax.scipy.optimize import minimize
from jax.tree_util import tree_flatten, tree_map

import brainpy._src.math as bm
from brainpy import optim, losses
from brainpy._src.analysis import utils, base, constants
from brainpy._src.dynsys import DynamicalSystem
from brainpy._src.context import share
from brainpy._src.helpers import clear_input
from brainpy._src.runners import check_and_format_inputs, _f_ops
from brainpy.errors import AnalyzerError, UnsupportedError
from brainpy.types import ArrayType
from brainpy._src.deprecations import _input_deprecate_msg

__all__ = [

F_OPT_SOLVER = 'function_for_opt_solver'
F_GRADIENT_DESCENT = 'function_for_gradient_descent'

  'BFGS': lambda f, x0: minimize(f, x0, method='BFGS')

[docs] class SlowPointFinder(base.DSAnalyzer): """Find fixed/slow points by numerical optimization. This class can help you: - optimize to find the closest fixed points / slow points - exclude any fixed points whose fixed point loss is above threshold - exclude any non-unique fixed points according to a tolerance - exclude any far-away "outlier" fixed points Parameters ---------- f_cell : callable, function, DynamicalSystem The target of computing the recurrent units. f_type : str The system's type: continuous system or discrete system. - 'continuous': continuous derivative function, denotes this is a continuous system, or - 'discrete': discrete update function, denotes this is a discrete system. verbose : bool Whether output the optimization progress. f_loss: callable The loss function. - If ``f_type`` is `"discrete"`, the loss function must receive three arguments, i.e., ``loss(outputs, targets, axis)``. - If ``f_type`` is `"continuous"`, the loss function must receive two arguments, i.e., ``loss(outputs, axis)``. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 t: float Parameter for ``f_cell`` is instance of :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem`. The time to evaluate the fixed points. Default is 0. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 dt: float Parameter for ``f_cell`` is instance of :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem`. The numerical integration step, which can be used when . The default is given by `brainpy.math.get_dt()`. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 inputs: sequence, callable Parameter for ``f_cell`` is instance of :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem`. Same as ``inputs`` in :py:class:`~.DSRunner`. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 excluded_vars: sequence, dict Parameter for ``f_cell`` is instance of :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem`. The excluded variables (can be a sequence of `Variable` instances). These variables will not be included for optimization of fixed points. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 target_vars: dict Parameter for ``f_cell`` is instance of :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem`. The target variables (can be a dict of `Variable` instances). These variables will be included for optimization of fixed points. The candidate points later provided should have same keys as in ``target_vars``. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 f_loss_batch : callable, function Parameter for ``f_cell`` is instance of :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem`. The function to compute the loss. .. deprecated:: 2.2.0 Has been removed. Please use ``f_loss`` to set different loss function. fun_inputs: callable .. deprecated:: 2.3.1 Will be removed since version 2.4.0. """ def __init__( self, f_cell: Union[Callable, DynamicalSystem], f_type: str = None, f_loss: Callable = None, verbose: bool = True, args: Tuple = (), # parameters for `f_cell` is DynamicalSystem instance inputs: Sequence = None, t: float = None, dt: float = None, target_vars: Dict[str, bm.Variable] = None, excluded_vars: Union[Sequence[bm.Variable], Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None, # deprecated f_loss_batch: Callable = None, fun_inputs: Callable = None, ): super().__init__() # static arguments if not isinstance(args, tuple): raise ValueError(f'args must be an instance of tuple, but we got {type(args)}') self.args = args # update function if target_vars is None: self.target_vars = bm.ArrayCollector() else: if not isinstance(target_vars, dict): raise TypeError(f'"target_vars" must be a dict but we got {type(target_vars)}') self.target_vars = bm.ArrayCollector(target_vars) excluded_vars = () if excluded_vars is None else excluded_vars if isinstance(excluded_vars, dict): excluded_vars = tuple(excluded_vars.values()) if not isinstance(excluded_vars, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError(f'"excluded_vars" must be a sequence but we got {type(excluded_vars)}') for v in excluded_vars: if not isinstance(v, bm.Variable): raise TypeError(f'"excluded_vars" must be a sequence of Variable, ' f'but we got {type(v)}') self.excluded_vars = {f'_exclude_v{i}': v for i, v in enumerate(excluded_vars)} if len(self.target_vars) > 0 and len(self.excluded_vars) > 0: raise ValueError('"target_vars" and "excluded_vars" cannot be provided simultaneously.') = f_cell if isinstance(f_cell, DynamicalSystem): # included variables all_vars = f_cell.vars(method='relative', level=-1, include_self=True).unique() # exclude variables if len(self.target_vars) > 0: _all_ids = [id(v) for v in self.target_vars.values()] for k, v in all_vars.items(): if id(v) not in _all_ids: self.excluded_vars[k] = v else: self.target_vars = all_vars if len(excluded_vars): excluded_vars = [id(v) for v in excluded_vars] for key, val in tuple(self.target_vars.items()): if id(val) in excluded_vars: self.target_vars.pop(key) # input function if callable(inputs): self._inputs = inputs else: if inputs is None: self._inputs = None else: self._inputs = check_and_format_inputs(, inputs=inputs) # check included variables for var in self.target_vars.values(): if var.batch_axis is not None: if var.shape[var.batch_axis] != 1: raise ValueError(f'Batched variables should has only one batch. ' f'But we got {var.shape[var.batch_axis]}. Maybe ' f'you need to call ".reset_state(batch_size=1)" ' f'for your system.') # update function self.f_cell = self._generate_ds_cell_function(, t, dt) # check function type if f_type is not None: if f_type != constants.DISCRETE: raise ValueError(f'"f_type" must be "{constants.DISCRETE}" when "f_cell" ' f'is instance of {DynamicalSystem.__name__}') f_type = constants.DISCRETE # original data self.target_data = {k: v.value for k, v in self.target_vars.items()} self.excluded_data = {k: v.value for k, v in self.excluded_vars.items()} elif callable(f_cell): if len(self.args) > 0: self.f_cell = lambda x: f_cell(x, *self.args) else: self.f_cell = f_cell if inputs is not None: raise UnsupportedError('Do not support "inputs" when "f_cell" is not instance of ' f'{DynamicalSystem.__name__}') self._inputs = inputs if t is not None: raise UnsupportedError('Do not support "t" when "f_cell" is not instance of ' f'{DynamicalSystem.__name__}') if dt is not None: raise UnsupportedError('Do not support "dt" when "f_cell" is not instance of ' f'{DynamicalSystem.__name__}') if target_vars is not None: raise UnsupportedError('Do not support "target_vars" when "f_cell" is not instance of ' f'{DynamicalSystem.__name__}') if len(excluded_vars) > 0: raise UnsupportedError('Do not support "excluded_vars" when "f_cell" is not instance of ' f'{DynamicalSystem.__name__}') else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown type of "f_type": {type(f_cell)}') if f_type not in [constants.DISCRETE, constants.CONTINUOUS]: raise AnalyzerError(f'Only support "{constants.CONTINUOUS}" (continuous derivative function) or ' f'"{constants.DISCRETE}" (discrete update function), not {f_type}.') self.verbose = verbose self.f_type = f_type # loss functon if f_loss_batch is not None: raise UnsupportedError('"f_loss_batch" is no longer supported, please ' 'use "f_loss" instead.') if fun_inputs is not None: raise UnsupportedError('"fun_inputs" is no longer supported.') if f_loss is None: f_loss = losses.mean_squared_error if f_type == constants.DISCRETE else losses.mean_square self.f_loss = f_loss # essential variables self._losses = None self._fixed_points = None self._selected_ids = None self._opt_losses = None # functions self._opt_functions = dict() @property def opt_losses(self) -> np.ndarray: """The optimization losses.""" return np.asarray(self._opt_losses) @opt_losses.setter def opt_losses(self, val): raise UnsupportedError('Do not support set "opt_losses" by users.') @property def fixed_points(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """The final fixed points found.""" return tree_map(lambda a: np.asarray(a), self._fixed_points) @fixed_points.setter def fixed_points(self, val): raise UnsupportedError('Do not support set "fixed_points" by users.') @property def num_fps(self) -> int: if isinstance(self._fixed_points, dict): return tuple(self._fixed_points.values())[0].shape[0] else: return self._fixed_points.shape[0] @property def losses(self) -> np.ndarray: """Losses of fixed points.""" return np.asarray(self._losses) @losses.setter def losses(self, val): raise UnsupportedError('Do not support set "losses" by users.') @property def selected_ids(self) -> np.ndarray: """The selected ids of candidate points.""" return np.asarray(self._selected_ids) @selected_ids.setter def selected_ids(self, val): raise UnsupportedError('Do not support set "selected_ids" by users.')
[docs] def find_fps_with_gd_method( self, candidates: Union[ArrayType, Dict[str, ArrayType]], tolerance: Union[float, Dict[str, float]] = 1e-5, num_batch: int = 100, num_opt: int = 10000, optimizer: optim.Optimizer = None, ): """Optimize fixed points with gradient descent methods. Parameters ---------- candidates : ArrayType, dict The array with the shape of (batch size, state dim) of hidden states of RNN to start training for fixed points. tolerance: float The loss threshold during optimization num_opt : int The maximum number of optimization. num_batch : int Print training information during optimization every so often. optimizer: optim.Optimizer The optimizer instance. .. versionadded:: 2.1.2 """ # optimization settings if optimizer is None: optimizer = optim.Adam(lr=optim.ExponentialDecay(0.2, 1, 0.9999), beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, eps=1e-8) else: if not isinstance(optimizer, optim.Optimizer): raise ValueError(f'Must be an instance of {optim.Optimizer.__name__}, ' f'while we got {type(optimizer)}') # set up optimization num_candidate = self._check_candidates(candidates) if not (isinstance(candidates, (bm.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, np.ndarray)) or isinstance(candidates, dict)): raise ValueError('Candidates must be instance of ArrayType or dict of ArrayType.') fixed_points = tree_map(lambda a: bm.TrainVar(a), candidates, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, bm.Array)) f_eval_loss = self._get_f_eval_loss() def f_loss(): return f_eval_loss(tree_map(lambda a: bm.as_jax(a), fixed_points, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, bm.Array))).mean() grad_f = bm.grad(f_loss, grad_vars=fixed_points, return_value=True) optimizer.register_train_vars(fixed_points if isinstance(fixed_points, dict) else {'a': fixed_points}) def train(idx): gradients, loss = grad_f() optimizer.update(gradients if isinstance(gradients, dict) else {'a': gradients}) return loss def batch_train(start_i, n_batch): return bm.for_loop(train, bm.arange(start_i, start_i + n_batch)) # Run the optimization if self.verbose: print(f"Optimizing with {optimizer} to find fixed points:") opt_losses = [] do_stop = False num_opt_loops = int(num_opt / num_batch) for oidx in range(num_opt_loops): if do_stop: break batch_idx_start = oidx * num_batch start_time = time.time() train_losses = batch_train(start_i=batch_idx_start, n_batch=num_batch) batch_time = time.time() - start_time opt_losses.append(train_losses) if self.verbose: print(f" " f"Batches {batch_idx_start + 1}-{batch_idx_start + num_batch} " f"in {batch_time:0.2f} sec, Training loss {train_losses[-1]:0.10f}") if train_losses[-1] < tolerance: do_stop = True if self.verbose: print(f' ' f'Stop optimization as mean training loss {train_losses[-1]:0.10f} ' f'is below tolerance {tolerance:0.10f}.') self._opt_losses = jnp.concatenate(opt_losses) self._losses = f_eval_loss(tree_map(lambda a: bm.as_jax(a), fixed_points, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, bm.Array))) self._fixed_points = tree_map(lambda a: bm.as_jax(a), fixed_points, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, bm.Array)) self._selected_ids = jnp.arange(num_candidate) if isinstance(, DynamicalSystem): for k, v in self.excluded_vars.items(): v.value = self.excluded_data[k] for k, v in self.target_vars.items(): v.value = self.target_data[k]
[docs] def find_fps_with_opt_solver( self, candidates: Union[ArrayType, Dict[str, ArrayType]], opt_solver: str = 'BFGS' ): """Optimize fixed points with nonlinear optimization solvers. Parameters ---------- candidates: ArrayType, dict The candidate (initial) fixed points. opt_solver: str The solver of the optimization. """ # optimization function num_candidate = self._check_candidates(candidates) for var in self.target_vars.values(): if jnp.ndim(var) != 1: raise ValueError('Cannot use opt solver.') if self._opt_functions.get(F_OPT_SOLVER, None) is None: self._opt_functions[F_OPT_SOLVER] = self._get_f_for_opt_solver(candidates, SUPPORTED_OPT_SOLVERS[opt_solver]) f_opt = self._opt_functions[F_OPT_SOLVER] if self.verbose: print(f"Optimizing with {opt_solver} to find fixed points:") # optimizing res = f_opt(tree_map(lambda a: bm.as_jax(a), candidates, is_leaf=lambda a: isinstance(a, bm.Array))) # results valid_ids = jnp.where(res.success)[0] fixed_points = res.x[valid_ids] if isinstance(candidates, dict): indices = [0] for v in candidates.values(): indices.append(v.shape[1]) indices = np.cumsum(indices) keys = tuple(candidates.keys()) self._fixed_points = {key: fixed_points[:, indices[i]: indices[i + 1]] for i, key in enumerate(keys)} else: self._fixed_points = fixed_points self._losses =[valid_ids] self._selected_ids = jnp.asarray(valid_ids) if self.verbose: print(f' ' f'Found {len(valid_ids)} fixed points from {num_candidate} initial points.')
[docs] def filter_loss(self, tolerance: float = 1e-5): """Filter fixed points whose speed larger than a given tolerance. Parameters ---------- tolerance: float Discard fixed points with squared speed larger than this value. """ if self.verbose: print(f"Excluding fixed points with squared speed above " f"tolerance {tolerance}:") if isinstance(self._fixed_points, dict): num_fps = tuple(self._fixed_points.values())[0].shape[0] else: num_fps = self._fixed_points.shape[0] ids = self._losses < tolerance keep_ids = bm.as_jax(bm.where(ids)[0]) self._fixed_points = tree_map(lambda a: a[keep_ids], self._fixed_points) self._losses = self._losses[keep_ids] self._selected_ids = self._selected_ids[keep_ids] if self.verbose: print(f" " f"Kept {len(keep_ids)}/{num_fps} " f"fixed points with tolerance under {tolerance}.")
[docs] def keep_unique(self, tolerance: float = 2.5e-2): """Filter unique fixed points by choosing a representative within tolerance. Parameters ---------- tolerance: float Tolerance for determination of identical fixed points. """ if self.verbose: print("Excluding non-unique fixed points:") if isinstance(self._fixed_points, dict): num_fps = tuple(self._fixed_points.values())[0].shape[0] else: num_fps = self._fixed_points.shape[0] fps, keep_ids = utils.keep_unique(self.fixed_points, tolerance=tolerance) self._fixed_points = tree_map(lambda a: jnp.asarray(a), fps) self._losses = self._losses[keep_ids] self._selected_ids = self._selected_ids[keep_ids] if self.verbose: print(f" Kept {keep_ids.shape[0]}/{num_fps} unique fixed points " f"with uniqueness tolerance {tolerance}.")
[docs] def exclude_outliers(self, tolerance: float = 1e0): """Exclude points whose closest neighbor is further than threshold. Parameters ---------- tolerance: float Any point whose closest fixed point is greater than tol is an outlier. """ if self.verbose: print("Excluding outliers:") if np.isinf(tolerance): return if isinstance(self._fixed_points, dict): num_fps = tuple(self._fixed_points.values())[0].shape[0] else: num_fps = self._fixed_points.shape[0] if num_fps <= 1: return # Compute pairwise distances between all fixed points. distances = np.asarray(utils.euclidean_distance_jax(self.fixed_points, num_fps)) # Find the second smallest element in each column of the pairwise distance matrix. # This corresponds to the closest neighbor for each fixed point. closest_neighbor = np.partition(distances, kth=1, axis=0)[1] # Return data with outliers removed and indices of kept datapoints. keep_ids = np.where(closest_neighbor < tolerance)[0] self._fixed_points = tree_map(lambda a: a[keep_ids], self._fixed_points) self._selected_ids = self._selected_ids[keep_ids] self._losses = self._losses[keep_ids] if self.verbose: print(f" " f"Kept {keep_ids.shape[0]}/{num_fps} fixed points " f"with within outlier tolerance {tolerance}.")
[docs] def compute_jacobians( self, points: Union[ArrayType, Dict[str, ArrayType]], stack_dict_var: bool = True, plot: bool = False, num_col: int = 4, len_col: int = 3, len_row: int = 2, ): """Compute the Jacobian matrices at the points. Parameters ---------- points: np.ndarray, bm.ArrayType, jax.ndarray The fixed points with the shape of (num_point, num_dim). stack_dict_var: bool Stack dictionary variables to calculate Jacobian matrix? plot: bool Plot the decomposition results of the Jacobian matrix. num_col: int The number of the figure column. len_col: int The length of each column. len_row: int The length of each row. """ # check data info = np.asarray([(l.ndim, l.shape[0]) for l in tree_flatten(points, is_leaf=lambda a: isinstance(a, bm.Array))[0]]) ndim = np.unique(info[:, 0]) if len(ndim) != 1: raise ValueError(f'Get multiple dimension of the evaluated points. {ndim}') if ndim[0] == 1: points = tree_map(lambda a: bm.asarray([a]), points) num_point = 1 elif ndim[0] == 2: nsize = np.unique(info[:, 1]) if len(nsize) != 1: raise ValueError(f'Number of the evaluated points are mis-matched. {nsize}') num_point = nsize[0] else: raise ValueError('Only support points of 1D: (num_feature,) or 2D: (num_point, num_feature)') if isinstance(points, dict) and stack_dict_var: points = jnp.hstack(tuple(points.values())) # get Jacobian matrix jacobian = self._get_f_jocabian(stack_dict_var)(points) # visualization if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from brainpy import visualize jacobian = bm.as_numpy(jacobian) num_col = min(num_col, num_point) num_row = int(math.ceil(num_point / num_col)) fig, gs = visualize.get_figure(num_row, num_col, len_row, len_col) for i in range(num_point): eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eig(np.asarray(jacobian[i])) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i // num_col, i % num_col]) ax.scatter(np.real(eigval), np.imag(eigval)) ax.plot([1, 1] if self.f_type == constants.DISCRETE else [0, 0], [-1, 1], '--') ax.set_xlabel('Real') ax.set_ylabel('Imaginary') ax.set_title(f'Point {i}') return jacobian
[docs] @staticmethod def decompose_eigenvalues(matrices, sort_by='magnitude', do_compute_lefts=False): """Compute the eigenvalues of the matrices. Parameters ---------- matrices: np.ndarray, bm.ArrayType, jax.ndarray A 3D array with the shape of (num_matrices, dim, dim). sort_by: str The method of sorting. do_compute_lefts: bool Compute the left eigenvectors? Requires a pseudo-inverse call. Returns ------- decompositions : list A list of dictionaries with sorted eigenvalues components: (eigenvalues, right eigenvectors, and left eigenvectors). """ if sort_by == 'magnitude': sort_fun = np.abs elif sort_by == 'real': sort_fun = np.real else: raise ValueError("Not implemented yet.") matrices = np.asarray(matrices) decompositions = [] for mat in matrices: eig_values, eig_vectors = np.linalg.eig(mat) indices = np.flipud(np.argsort(sort_fun(eig_values))) L = None if do_compute_lefts: L = np.linalg.pinv(eig_vectors).T # as columns L = L[:, indices] decompositions.append({'eig_values': eig_values[indices], 'R': eig_vectors[:, indices], 'L': L}) return decompositions
def _step_func_input(self): if self._inputs is None: return elif callable(self._inputs): try: ba = inspect.signature(self._inputs).bind(dict()) self._inputs(share.get_shargs()) warnings.warn(_input_deprecate_msg, UserWarning) except TypeError: self._inputs() else: for ops, values in self._inputs['fixed'].items(): for var, data in values: _f_ops(ops, var, data) for ops, values in self._inputs['array'].items(): if len(values) > 0: raise UnsupportedError for ops, values in self._inputs['functional'].items(): for var, data in values: _f_ops(ops, var, data(share.get_shargs())) for ops, values in self._inputs['iterated'].items(): if len(values) > 0: raise UnsupportedError def _get_f_eval_loss(self, ): name = 'f_eval_loss' if name not in self._opt_functions: self._opt_functions[name] = self._generate_f_eval_loss() return self._opt_functions[name] def _generate_f_eval_loss(self): # evaluate losses of a batch of inputs if self.f_type == constants.DISCRETE: f_eval_loss = lambda h: self.f_loss(h, jax.vmap(self.f_cell)(h), axis=1) else: f_eval_loss = lambda h: self.f_loss(jax.vmap(self.f_cell)(h), axis=1) if isinstance(, DynamicalSystem): @jax.jit def loss_func(h): r = f_eval_loss(h) for k, v in self.excluded_vars.items(): v.value = self.excluded_data[k] for k, v in self.target_vars.items(): v.value = self.target_data[k] return r return loss_func else: return jax.jit(f_eval_loss) def _get_f_for_opt_solver(self, candidates, opt_method): # loss function if self.f_type == constants.DISCRETE: # overall loss function for fixed points optimization if isinstance(candidates, dict): keys = tuple(self.target_vars.keys()) indices = [0] for v in self.target_vars.values(): indices.append(v.shape[0]) indices = np.cumsum(indices) def f_loss(h): h = {key: h[indices[i]: indices[i + 1]] for i, key in enumerate(keys)} return bm.as_jax(self.f_loss(h, self.f_cell(h))) else: def f_loss(h): return bm.as_jax(self.f_loss(h, self.f_cell(h))) else: # overall loss function for fixed points optimization def f_loss(h): return self.f_loss(self.f_cell(h)) @jax.jit @jax.vmap def f_opt(x0): for k, v in self.target_vars.items(): v.value = x0[k] if (v.batch_axis is None) else jnp.expand_dims(x0[k], axis=v.batch_axis) for k, v in self.excluded_vars.items(): v.value = self.excluded_data[k] if isinstance(x0, dict): x0 = jnp.concatenate(tuple(x0.values())) return opt_method(f_loss, x0) def call_opt(x): r = f_opt(x) for k, v in self.excluded_vars.items(): v.value = self.excluded_data[k] for k, v in self.target_vars.items(): v.value = self.target_data[k] return r return call_opt if isinstance(, DynamicalSystem) else f_opt def _generate_ds_cell_function( self, target, t: float = None, dt: float = None, ): if dt is None: dt = bm.get_dt() if t is None: t = 0. def f_cell(h: Dict):, i=0, dt=dt) # update target variables for k, v in self.target_vars.items(): v.value = (bm.asarray(h[k], dtype=v.dtype) if v.batch_axis is None else bm.asarray(bm.expand_dims(h[k], axis=v.batch_axis), dtype=v.dtype)) # update excluded variables for k, v in self.excluded_vars.items(): v.value = self.excluded_data[k] # add inputs clear_input(target) self._step_func_input() # call update functions target(*self.args) # get new states new_h = {k: (v.value if (v.batch_axis is None) else jnp.squeeze(v.value, axis=v.batch_axis)) for k, v in self.target_vars.items()} return new_h return f_cell def _get_f_jocabian(self, stack=True): name = f'f_eval_jacobian_stack={stack}' if name not in self._opt_functions: self._opt_functions[name] = self._generate_ds_jocabian(stack) return self._opt_functions[name] def _generate_ds_jocabian(self, stack=True): if stack and isinstance(, DynamicalSystem): indices = [0] for var in self.target_vars.values(): shape = list(var.shape) if var.batch_axis is not None: shape.pop(var.batch_axis) indices.append( indices = np.cumsum(indices) def jacob(x0): x0 = {k: x0[indices[i]:indices[i + 1]] for i, k in enumerate(self.target_vars.keys())} r = self.f_cell(x0) return jnp.concatenate(list(r.values())) else: jacob = self.f_cell f_jac = jax.jit(jax.vmap(bm.jacobian(jacob))) if isinstance(, DynamicalSystem): def jacobian_func(x): r = f_jac(x) for k, v in self.excluded_vars.items(): v.value = self.excluded_data[k] for k, v in self.target_vars.items(): v.value = self.target_data[k] return r return jacobian_func else: return f_jac def _check_candidates(self, candidates): if isinstance(, DynamicalSystem): if not isinstance(candidates, dict): raise ValueError(f'When "f_cell" is instance of {DynamicalSystem.__name__}, ' f'we should provide "candidates" as a dict, in which the key is ' f'the variable name with relative path, and the value ' f'is the candidate fixed point values. ') for key in candidates: if key not in self.target_vars: raise KeyError(f'"{key}" is not defined in required variables ' f'for fixed point optimization of {}. ' f'Please do not provide its initial values.') for key in self.target_vars.keys(): if key not in candidates: raise KeyError(f'"{key}" is defined in required variables ' f'for fixed point optimization of {}. ' f'Please provide its initial values.') for key, value in candidates.items(): if self.target_vars[key].batch_axis is None: if value.ndim != self.target_vars[key].ndim + 1: raise ValueError(f'"{key}" is defined in the required variables for fixed ' f'point optimization of {}. \n' f'We expect the provided candidate has a batch size, ' f'but we got {value.shape} for variable with shape of ' f'{self.target_vars[key].shape}') else: if value.ndim != self.target_vars[key].ndim: raise ValueError(f'"{key}" is defined in the required variables for fixed ' f'point optimization of {}. \n' f'We expect the provided candidate has a batch size, ' f'but we got {value.shape} for variable with shape of ' f'{self.target_vars[key].shape}') if isinstance(candidates, dict): num_candidate = np.unique([leaf.shape[0] for leaf in candidates.values()]) if len(num_candidate) != 1: raise ValueError('The numbers of candidates for each variable should be the same. ' f'But we got {num_candidate}') num_candidate = num_candidate[0] else: num_candidate = candidates.shape[0] return num_candidate