Source code for brainpy._src.dnn.pooling

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Union, Tuple, Sequence, Optional, Callable, List, Any

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np

from brainpy import math as bm, check
from brainpy._src.dnn.base import Layer

__all__ = [

class Pool(Layer):
  """Pooling functions are implemented using the ReduceWindow XLA op.

  kernel_size: int, sequence of int
    An integer, or a sequence of integers defining the window to reduce over.
  stride: int, sequence of int
    An integer, or a sequence of integers, representing the inter-window stride (default: `(1, ..., 1)`).
  padding: str, sequence of tuple
    Either the string `'SAME'`, the string `'VALID'`, or a sequence
    of n `(low, high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before
    and after each spatial dimension.
  channel_axis: int, optional
    Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped,
    used to infer ``kernel_size`` or ``stride`` if they are an integer.
  mode: Mode
    The computation mode.
  name: optional, str
    The object name.


  def __init__(
      kernel_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]],
      stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]],
      padding: Union[str, Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "VALID",
      channel_axis: Optional[int] = None,
      mode: bm.Mode = None,
      name: Optional[str] = None,
    super(Pool, self).__init__(mode=mode, name=name)

    self.init_value = init_value
    self.computation = computation
    self.kernel_size = kernel_size
    self.stride = stride
    self.padding = padding
    self.channel_axis = channel_axis
    if isinstance(padding, str):
      if padding not in ("SAME", "VALID"):
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid padding '{padding}', must be 'SAME' or 'VALID'.")
      assert all([isinstance(x, (tuple, list)) for x in padding]), \
        f'padding should be sequence of Tuple[int, int]. {padding}'
      assert all([len(x) == 2 for x in padding]), f"each entry in padding {padding} must be length 2"

  def update(self, x):
    x = bm.as_jax(x)
    window_shape = self._infer_shape(x.ndim, self.kernel_size)
    stride = self._infer_shape(x.ndim, self.stride)
    padding = (self.padding
               if isinstance(self.padding, str) else
               self._infer_shape(x.ndim, self.padding, element=(0, 0), element_type=(tuple, list)))
    r = jax.lax.reduce_window(bm.as_jax(x),
    return r

  def _infer_shape(self,
                   x_dim: int,
                   size: Union[Any, Sequence[Any]],
                   element: Any = 1,
                   element_type: Union[type, Sequence[type]] = int):
    """Infer shape for pooling window or stride."""

    # channel axis
    channel_axis = self.channel_axis
    if channel_axis and not 0 <= abs(channel_axis) < x_dim:
      raise ValueError(f"Invalid channel axis {channel_axis} for input with {x_dim} dimensions")
    if channel_axis and channel_axis < 0:
      channel_axis = x_dim + channel_axis

    if isinstance(size, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(size[0], element_type):
      size = tuple(size)
      if len(size) > x_dim:
        raise ValueError(f'Invalid size {size}. Its dimension is bigger than its input.')
      elif len(size) == x_dim:
        return size
        if isinstance(self.mode, bm.BatchingMode):
          size = (element,) + size
        if len(size) + 1 == x_dim:
          if channel_axis is None:
            raise ValueError('"channel_axis" should be provided.')
          size = size[:channel_axis] + (element,) + size[channel_axis:]
          raise ValueError(f'size {size} is invalid. Please provide more elements.')
        return size
      if isinstance(self.mode, bm.BatchingMode):
        return (element,) + tuple((size if d != channel_axis else element) for d in range(1, x_dim))
        return tuple((size if d != channel_axis else element) for d in range(0, x_dim))

[docs] class MaxPool(Pool): """Pools the input by taking the maximum over a window. Parameters ---------- kernel_size: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers defining the window to reduce over. stride: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers, representing the inter-window stride (default: `(1, ..., 1)`). padding: str, sequence of tuple Either the string `'SAME'`, the string `'VALID'`, or a sequence of n `(low, high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped, used to infer ``kernel_size`` or ``stride`` if they are an integer. mode: Mode The computation mode. name: optional, str The object name. """ def __init__( self, kernel_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, padding: Union[str, Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "VALID", channel_axis: Optional[int] = None, mode: bm.Mode = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): super(MaxPool, self).__init__(init_value=-jax.numpy.inf, computation=jax.lax.max, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, channel_axis=channel_axis, mode=mode, name=name)
[docs] class MinPool(Pool): """Pools the input by taking the minimum over a window. Parameters ---------- kernel_size: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers defining the window to reduce over. stride: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers, representing the inter-window stride (default: `(1, ..., 1)`). padding: str, sequence of tuple Either the string `'SAME'`, the string `'VALID'`, or a sequence of n `(low, high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped, used to infer ``kernel_size`` or ``stride`` if they are an integer. mode: Mode The computation mode. name: optional, str The object name. """ def __init__( self, kernel_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, padding: Union[str, Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "VALID", channel_axis: Optional[int] = None, mode: bm.Mode = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): super(MinPool, self).__init__(init_value=jax.numpy.inf, computation=jax.lax.min, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, channel_axis=channel_axis, mode=mode, name=name)
[docs] class AvgPool(Pool): """Pools the input by taking the average over a window. Parameters ---------- kernel_size: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers defining the window to reduce over. stride: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers, representing the inter-window stride (default: `(1, ..., 1)`). padding: str, sequence of tuple Either the string `'SAME'`, the string `'VALID'`, or a sequence of n `(low, high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped, used to infer ``kernel_size`` or ``stride`` if they are an integer. mode: Mode The computation mode. name: optional, str The object name. """ def __init__( self, kernel_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, padding: Union[str, Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "VALID", channel_axis: Optional[int] = None, mode: bm.Mode = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): super(AvgPool, self).__init__(init_value=0., computation=jax.lax.add, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, channel_axis=channel_axis, mode=mode, name=name)
[docs] def update(self, x): x = bm.as_jax(x) window_shape = self._infer_shape(x.ndim, self.kernel_size) strides = self._infer_shape(x.ndim, self.stride) padding = (self.padding if isinstance(self.padding, str) else self._infer_shape(x.ndim, self.padding, element=(0, 0), element_type=(tuple, list))) pooled = jax.lax.reduce_window(bm.as_jax(x), init_value=self.init_value, computation=self.computation, window_dimensions=window_shape, window_strides=strides, padding=padding) if padding == "VALID": # Avoid the extra reduce_window. return pooled / else: # Count the number of valid entries at each input point, then use that for # computing average. Assumes that any two arrays of same shape will be # padded the same. window_counts = jax.lax.reduce_window(jnp.ones_like(bm.as_jax(x)), init_value=self.init_value, computation=self.computation, window_dimensions=window_shape, window_strides=strides, padding=padding) assert pooled.shape == window_counts.shape return pooled / window_counts
class _MaxPoolNd(Layer): def __init__( self, init_value, computation, pool_dim: int, kernel_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = None, padding: Union[str, int, Tuple[int, ...], Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "VALID", channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, mode: bm.Mode = None, name: Optional[str] = None ): super().__init__(name=name, mode=mode) self.init_value = init_value self.computation = computation self.pool_dim = pool_dim # kernel_size if isinstance(kernel_size, int): kernel_size = (kernel_size,) * pool_dim elif isinstance(kernel_size, Sequence): check.is_sequence(kernel_size, elem_type=int) if len(kernel_size) != pool_dim: raise ValueError(f'kernel_size should a tuple with {pool_dim} ints, but got {len(kernel_size)}') else: raise TypeError(f'kernel_size should be a int or a tuple with {pool_dim} ints.') self.kernel_size = kernel_size # stride if stride is None: stride = kernel_size if isinstance(stride, int): stride = (stride,) * pool_dim elif isinstance(stride, Sequence): check.is_sequence(stride, elem_type=int) if len(stride) != pool_dim: raise ValueError(f'stride should a tuple with {pool_dim} ints, but got {len(kernel_size)}') else: raise TypeError(f'stride should be a int or a tuple with {pool_dim} ints.') self.stride = stride # padding if isinstance(padding, str): if padding not in ("SAME", "VALID"): raise ValueError(f"Invalid padding '{padding}', must be 'SAME' or 'VALID'.") elif isinstance(padding, int): padding = [(padding, padding) for _ in range(pool_dim)] elif isinstance(padding, (list, tuple)): if isinstance(padding[0], int): if len(padding) == pool_dim: padding = [(x, x) for x in padding] else: raise ValueError(f'If padding is a sequence of ints, it ' f'should has the length of {pool_dim}.') else: if not all([isinstance(x, (tuple, list)) for x in padding]): raise ValueError(f'padding should be sequence of Tuple[int, int]. {padding}') if not all([len(x) == 2 for x in padding]): raise ValueError(f"Each entry in padding must be tuple of 2 ints. {padding} ") if len(padding) == 1: padding = tuple(padding) * pool_dim assert len(padding) == pool_dim, f'padding should has the length of {pool_dim}. {padding}' else: raise ValueError self.padding = padding # channel_axis self.channel_axis = check.is_integer(channel_axis, allow_none=True) def update(self, x): x = bm.as_jax(x) x_dim = self.pool_dim + (0 if self.channel_axis is None else 1) if x.ndim < x_dim: raise ValueError(f'Excepted input with >= {x_dim} dimensions, but got {x.ndim}.') window_shape = self._infer_shape(x.ndim, self.kernel_size, 1) stride = self._infer_shape(x.ndim, self.stride, 1) padding = (self.padding if isinstance(self.padding, str) else self._infer_shape(x.ndim, self.padding, element=(0, 0))) r = jax.lax.reduce_window(bm.as_jax(x), init_value=self.init_value, computation=self.computation, window_dimensions=window_shape, window_strides=stride, padding=padding) return r def _infer_shape(self, x_dim, inputs, element): channel_axis = self.channel_axis if channel_axis and not 0 <= abs(channel_axis) < x_dim: raise ValueError(f"Invalid channel axis {channel_axis} for input with {x_dim} dimensions") if channel_axis and channel_axis < 0: channel_axis = x_dim + channel_axis all_dims = list(range(x_dim)) if channel_axis is not None: all_dims.pop(channel_axis) pool_dims = all_dims[-self.pool_dim:] results = [element] * x_dim for i, dim in enumerate(pool_dims): results[dim] = inputs[i] return results
[docs] class MaxPool1d(_MaxPoolNd): """Applies a 1D max pooling over an input signal composed of several input planes. Parameters ---------- kernel_size: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers defining the window to reduce over. stride: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers, representing the inter-window stride (default: `(1, ..., 1)`). padding: str, int, sequence of tuple Either the string `'SAME'`, the string `'VALID'`, or a sequence of n `(low, high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. mode: Mode The computation mode. name: optional, str The object name. """ def __init__( self, kernel_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = None, padding: Union[str, int, Tuple[int, ...], Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "VALID", channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, mode: bm.Mode = None, name: Optional[str] = None ): super().__init__(init_value=-jax.numpy.inf, computation=jax.lax.max, pool_dim=1, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, channel_axis=channel_axis, name=name, mode=mode)
[docs] class MaxPool2d(_MaxPoolNd): """Applies a 1D max pooling over an input signal composed of several input planes. Parameters ---------- kernel_size: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers defining the window to reduce over. stride: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers, representing the inter-window stride (default: `(1, ..., 1)`). padding: str, int, sequence of tuple Either the string `'SAME'`, the string `'VALID'`, or a sequence of n `(low, high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. mode: Mode The computation mode. name: optional, str The object name. """ def __init__( self, kernel_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = None, padding: Union[str, int, Tuple[int, ...], Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "VALID", channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, mode: bm.Mode = None, name: Optional[str] = None ): super().__init__(init_value=-jax.numpy.inf, computation=jax.lax.max, pool_dim=2, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, channel_axis=channel_axis, name=name, mode=mode)
[docs] class MaxPool3d(_MaxPoolNd): """Applies a 1D max pooling over an input signal composed of several input planes. Parameters ---------- kernel_size: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers defining the window to reduce over. stride: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers, representing the inter-window stride (default: `(1, ..., 1)`). padding: str, int, sequence of tuple Either the string `'SAME'`, the string `'VALID'`, or a sequence of n `(low, high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. mode: Mode The computation mode. name: optional, str The object name. """ def __init__( self, kernel_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = None, padding: Union[str, int, Tuple[int], Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "VALID", channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, mode: bm.Mode = None, name: Optional[str] = None ): super().__init__(init_value=-jax.numpy.inf, computation=jax.lax.max, pool_dim=3, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, channel_axis=channel_axis, name=name, mode=mode)
class _AvgPoolNd(_MaxPoolNd): def update(self, x): x = bm.as_jax(x) x_dim = self.pool_dim + (0 if self.channel_axis is None else 1) if x.ndim < x_dim: raise ValueError(f'Excepted input with >= {x_dim} dimensions, but got {x.ndim}.') dims = self._infer_shape(x.ndim, self.kernel_size, 1) stride = self._infer_shape(x.ndim, self.stride, 1) padding = (self.padding if isinstance(self.padding, str) else self._infer_shape(x.ndim, self.padding, element=(0, 0))) pooled = jax.lax.reduce_window(bm.as_jax(x), init_value=self.init_value, computation=self.computation, window_dimensions=dims, window_strides=stride, padding=padding) if padding == "VALID": # Avoid the extra reduce_window. return pooled / else: # Count the number of valid entries at each input point, then use that for # computing average. Assumes that any two arrays of same shape will be # padded the same. window_counts = jax.lax.reduce_window(jnp.ones_like(bm.as_jax(x)), init_value=self.init_value, computation=self.computation, window_dimensions=dims, window_strides=stride, padding=padding) assert pooled.shape == window_counts.shape return pooled / window_counts
[docs] class AvgPool1d(_AvgPoolNd): """Applies a 1D average pooling over an input signal composed of several input planes. Parameters ---------- kernel_size: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers defining the window to reduce over. stride: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers, representing the inter-window stride (default: `(1, ..., 1)`). padding: str, int, sequence of tuple Either the string `'SAME'`, the string `'VALID'`, or a sequence of n `(low, high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. mode: Mode The computation mode. name: optional, str The object name. """ def __init__( self, kernel_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, padding: Union[str, int, Tuple[int, ...], Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "VALID", channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, mode: bm.Mode = None, name: Optional[str] = None ): super().__init__(init_value=0., computation=jax.lax.add, pool_dim=1, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, channel_axis=channel_axis, name=name, mode=mode)
[docs] class AvgPool2d(_AvgPoolNd): """Applies a 2D average pooling over an input signal composed of several input planes. Parameters ---------- kernel_size: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers defining the window to reduce over. stride: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers, representing the inter-window stride (default: `(1, ..., 1)`). padding: str, int, sequence of tuple Either the string `'SAME'`, the string `'VALID'`, or a sequence of n `(low, high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. mode: Mode The computation mode. name: optional, str The object name. """ def __init__( self, kernel_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, padding: Union[str, int, Tuple[int, ...], Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "VALID", channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, mode: bm.Mode = None, name: Optional[str] = None ): super().__init__(init_value=0., computation=jax.lax.add, pool_dim=2, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, channel_axis=channel_axis, name=name, mode=mode)
[docs] class AvgPool3d(_AvgPoolNd): """Applies a 3D average pooling over an input signal composed of several input planes. Parameters ---------- kernel_size: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers defining the window to reduce over. stride: int, sequence of int An integer, or a sequence of integers, representing the inter-window stride (default: `(1, ..., 1)`). padding: str, int, sequence of tuple Either the string `'SAME'`, the string `'VALID'`, or a sequence of n `(low, high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. mode: Mode The computation mode. name: optional, str The object name. """ def __init__( self, kernel_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, padding: Union[str, int, Tuple[int, ...], Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "VALID", channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, mode: bm.Mode = None, name: Optional[str] = None ): super().__init__(init_value=0., computation=jax.lax.add, pool_dim=3, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, channel_axis=channel_axis, name=name, mode=mode)
def _adaptive_pool1d(x, target_size: int, operation: Callable): """Adaptive pool 1D. Args: x: The input. Should be a JAX array of shape `(dim,)`. target_size: The shape of the output after the pooling operation `(target_size,)`. operation: The pooling operation to be performed on the input array. Returns: A JAX array of shape `(target_size, )`. """ x = bm.as_jax(x) size = jnp.size(x) num_head_arrays = size % target_size num_block = size // target_size if num_head_arrays != 0: head_end_index = num_head_arrays * (num_block + 1) heads = jax.vmap(operation)(x[:head_end_index].reshape(num_head_arrays, -1)) tails = jax.vmap(operation)(x[head_end_index:].reshape(-1, num_block)) outs = jnp.concatenate([heads, tails]) else: outs = jax.vmap(operation)(x.reshape(-1, num_block)) return outs def _generate_vmap(fun: Callable, map_axes: List[int]): map_axes = sorted(map_axes) for axis in map_axes: fun = jax.vmap(fun, in_axes=(axis, None, None), out_axes=axis) return fun class AdaptivePool(Layer): """General N dimensional adaptive down-sampling to a target shape. Parameters ---------- target_shape: int, sequence of int The target output shape. num_spatial_dims: int The number of spatial dimensions. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. operation: Callable The down-sampling operation. name: str The class name. mode: Mode The computing mode. """ def __init__( self, target_shape: Union[int, Sequence[int]], num_spatial_dims: int, operation: Callable, channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): super().__init__(name=name, mode=mode) self.channel_axis = channel_axis self.operation = operation if isinstance(target_shape, int): self.target_shape = (target_shape,) * num_spatial_dims elif isinstance(target_shape, Sequence) and (len(target_shape) == num_spatial_dims): self.target_shape = target_shape else: raise ValueError("`target_size` must either be an int or tuple of length " f"{num_spatial_dims} containing ints.") def update(self, x): """Input-output mapping. Parameters ---------- x: Array Inputs. Should be a JAX array of shape `(..., dim_1, dim_2, channels)` or `(..., dim_1, dim_2)`. """ x = bm.as_jax(x) # channel axis channel_axis = self.channel_axis if channel_axis: if not 0 <= abs(channel_axis) < x.ndim: raise ValueError(f"Invalid channel axis {channel_axis} for {x.shape}") if channel_axis < 0: channel_axis = x.ndim + channel_axis # input dimension if (x.ndim - (0 if channel_axis is None else 1)) < len(self.target_shape): raise ValueError(f"Invalid input dimension. Except >={len(self.target_shape)} " f"dimensions (channel_axis={self.channel_axis}). " f"But got {x.ndim} dimensions.") # pooling dimensions pool_dims = list(range(x.ndim)) if channel_axis: pool_dims.pop(channel_axis) # pooling for i, di in enumerate(pool_dims[-len(self.target_shape):]): poo_axes = [j for j in range(x.ndim) if j != di] op = _generate_vmap(_adaptive_pool1d, poo_axes) x = op(x, self.target_shape[i], self.operation) return x
[docs] class AdaptiveAvgPool1d(AdaptivePool): """Adaptive one-dimensional average down-sampling. Parameters ---------- target_shape: int, sequence of int The target output shape. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. name: str The class name. mode: Mode The computing mode. """ def __init__(self, target_shape: Union[int, Sequence[int]], channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None): super().__init__(target_shape, channel_axis=channel_axis, num_spatial_dims=1, operation=jnp.mean, name=name, mode=mode)
[docs] class AdaptiveAvgPool2d(AdaptivePool): """Adaptive two-dimensional average down-sampling. Parameters ---------- target_shape: int, sequence of int The target output shape. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. name: str The class name. mode: Mode The computing mode. """ def __init__(self, target_shape: Union[int, Sequence[int]], channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None): super().__init__(target_shape, channel_axis=channel_axis, num_spatial_dims=2, operation=jnp.mean, name=name, mode=mode)
[docs] class AdaptiveAvgPool3d(AdaptivePool): """Adaptive three-dimensional average down-sampling. Parameters ---------- target_shape: int, sequence of int The target output shape. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. name: str The class name. mode: Mode The computing mode. """ def __init__(self, target_shape: Union[int, Sequence[int]], channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None): super().__init__(target_shape, channel_axis=channel_axis, num_spatial_dims=3, operation=jnp.mean, name=name, mode=mode)
[docs] class AdaptiveMaxPool1d(AdaptivePool): """Adaptive one-dimensional maximum down-sampling. Parameters ---------- target_shape: int, sequence of int The target output shape. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. name: str The class name. mode: Mode The computing mode. """ def __init__(self, target_shape: Union[int, Sequence[int]], channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None): super().__init__(target_shape, channel_axis=channel_axis, num_spatial_dims=1, operation=jnp.max, name=name, mode=mode)
[docs] class AdaptiveMaxPool2d(AdaptivePool): """Adaptive two-dimensional maximum down-sampling. Parameters ---------- target_shape: int, sequence of int The target output shape. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. name: str The class name. mode: Mode The computing mode. """ def __init__(self, target_shape: Union[int, Sequence[int]], channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None): super().__init__(target_shape, channel_axis=channel_axis, num_spatial_dims=2, operation=jnp.max, name=name, mode=mode)
[docs] class AdaptiveMaxPool3d(AdaptivePool): """Adaptive three-dimensional maximum down-sampling. Parameters ---------- target_shape: int, sequence of int The target output shape. channel_axis: int, optional Axis of the spatial channels for which pooling is skipped. If ``None``, there is no channel axis. name: str The class name. mode: Mode The computing mode. """ def __init__(self, target_shape: Union[int, Sequence[int]], channel_axis: Optional[int] = -1, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None): super().__init__(target_shape, channel_axis=channel_axis, num_spatial_dims=3, operation=jnp.max, name=name, mode=mode)