Source code for brainpy._src.dyn.channels.calcium

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module implements voltage-dependent calcium channels.


from typing import Union, Callable, Optional

import brainpy.math as bm
from brainpy._src.context import share
from brainpy._src.dyn.ions.calcium import Calcium, CalciumDyna
from brainpy._src.initialize import Initializer, parameter, variable
from brainpy._src.integrators.joint_eq import JointEq
from brainpy._src.integrators.ode.generic import odeint
from brainpy.types import Shape, ArrayType
from .base import IonChannel

__all__ = [


[docs] class CalciumChannel(IonChannel): """Base class for Calcium ion channels.""" master_type = Calcium '''The type of the master object.''' def update(self, V, C, E): raise NotImplementedError def current(self, V, C, E): raise NotImplementedError def reset(self, V, C, E, batch_size: int = None): self.reset_state(V, C, E, batch_size) def reset_state(self, V, C, E, batch_size: int = None): raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented by the subclass.')
class _ICa_p2q_ss(CalciumChannel): r"""The calcium current model of :math:`p^2q` current which described with steady-state format. The dynamics of this generalized calcium current model is given by: .. math:: I_{CaT} &= g_{max} p^2 q(V-E_{Ca}) \\ {dp \over dt} &= {\phi_p \cdot (p_{\infty}-p)\over \tau_p} \\ {dq \over dt} &= {\phi_q \cdot (q_{\infty}-q) \over \tau_q} \\ where :math:`\phi_p` and :math:`\phi_q` are temperature-dependent factors, :math:`E_{Ca}` is the reversal potential of Calcium channel. Parameters ---------- size: int, tuple of int The size of the simulation target. keep_size: bool Keep size or flatten the size? method: str The numerical method name: str The name of the object. g_max : float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The maximum conductance. phi_p : float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The temperature factor for channel :math:`p`. phi_q : float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The temperature factor for channel :math:`q`. """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, phi_p: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 3., phi_q: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 3., g_max: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 2., method: str = 'exp_auto', mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, name: Optional[str] = None ): super().__init__(size, keep_size=keep_size, name=name, mode=mode, ) # parameters self.phi_p = parameter(phi_p, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.phi_q = parameter(phi_q, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.g_max = parameter(g_max, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # variables self.p = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) self.q = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) # functions self.integral = odeint(JointEq([self.dp, self.dq]), method=method) def dp(self, p, t, V): return self.phi_p * (self.f_p_inf(V) - p) / self.f_p_tau(V) def dq(self, q, t, V): return self.phi_q * (self.f_q_inf(V) - q) / self.f_q_tau(V) def update(self, V, C, E): self.p.value, self.q.value = self.integral(self.p, self.q, share['t'], V, share['dt']) def current(self, V, C, E): return self.g_max * self.p * self.p * self.q * (E - V) def reset_state(self, V, C, E, batch_size=None): self.p.value = self.f_p_inf(V) self.q.value = self.f_q_inf(V) if isinstance(batch_size, int): assert self.p.shape[0] == batch_size assert self.q.shape[0] == batch_size def f_p_inf(self, V): raise NotImplementedError def f_p_tau(self, V): raise NotImplementedError def f_q_inf(self, V): raise NotImplementedError def f_q_tau(self, V): raise NotImplementedError class _ICa_p2q_markov(CalciumChannel): r"""The calcium current model of :math:`p^2q` current which described with first-order Markov chain. The dynamics of this generalized calcium current model is given by: .. math:: I_{CaT} &= g_{max} p^2 q(V-E_{Ca}) \\ {dp \over dt} &= \phi_p (\alpha_p(V)(1-p) - \beta_p(V)p) \\ {dq \over dt} &= \phi_q (\alpha_q(V)(1-q) - \beta_q(V)q) \\ where :math:`\phi_p` and :math:`\phi_q` are temperature-dependent factors, :math:`E_{Ca}` is the reversal potential of Calcium channel. Parameters ---------- size: int, tuple of int The size of the simulation target. keep_size: bool Keep size or flatten the size? method: str The numerical method name: str The name of the object. g_max : float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The maximum conductance. phi_p : float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The temperature factor for channel :math:`p`. phi_q : float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The temperature factor for channel :math:`q`. """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, phi_p: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 3., phi_q: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 3., g_max: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 2., method: str = 'exp_auto', name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): super().__init__(size, keep_size=keep_size, name=name, mode=mode) # parameters self.phi_p = parameter(phi_p, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.phi_q = parameter(phi_q, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.g_max = parameter(g_max, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # variables self.p = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) self.q = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) # functions self.integral = odeint(JointEq([self.dp, self.dq]), method=method) def dp(self, p, t, V): return self.phi_p * (self.f_p_alpha(V) * (1 - p) - self.f_p_beta(V) * p) def dq(self, q, t, V): return self.phi_q * (self.f_q_alpha(V) * (1 - q) - self.f_q_beta(V) * q) def update(self, V, C, E): self.p.value, self.q.value = self.integral(self.p, self.q, share['t'], V, share['dt']) def current(self, V, C, E): return self.g_max * self.p * self.p * self.q * (E - V) def reset_state(self, V, C, E, batch_size=None): alpha, beta = self.f_p_alpha(V), self.f_p_beta(V) self.p.value = alpha / (alpha + beta) alpha, beta = self.f_q_alpha(V), self.f_q_beta(V) self.q.value = alpha / (alpha + beta) if isinstance(batch_size, int): assert self.p.shape[0] == batch_size assert self.q.shape[0] == batch_size def f_p_alpha(self, V): raise NotImplementedError def f_p_beta(self, V): raise NotImplementedError def f_q_alpha(self, V): raise NotImplementedError def f_q_beta(self, V): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class ICaN_IS2008(CalciumChannel): r"""The calcium-activated non-selective cation channel model proposed by (Inoue & Strowbridge, 2008) [2]_. The dynamics of the calcium-activated non-selective cation channel model [1]_ [2]_ is given by: .. math:: \begin{aligned} I_{CAN} &=g_{\mathrm{max}} M\left([Ca^{2+}]_{i}\right) p \left(V-E\right)\\ &M\left([Ca^{2+}]_{i}\right) ={[Ca^{2+}]_{i} \over 0.2+[Ca^{2+}]_{i}} \\ &{dp \over dt} = {\phi \cdot (p_{\infty}-p)\over \tau_p} \\ &p_{\infty} = {1.0 \over 1 + \exp(-(V + 43) / 5.2)} \\ &\tau_{p} = {2.7 \over \exp(-(V + 55) / 15) + \exp((V + 55) / 15)} + 1.6 \end{aligned} where :math:`\phi` is the temperature factor. Parameters ---------- g_max : float The maximal conductance density (:math:`mS/cm^2`). E : float The reversal potential (mV). phi : float The temperature factor. References ---------- .. [1] Destexhe, Alain, et al. "A model of spindle rhythmicity in the isolated thalamic reticular nucleus." Journal of neurophysiology 72.2 (1994): 803-818. .. [2] Inoue T, Strowbridge BW (2008) Transient activity induces a long-lasting increase in the excitability of olfactory bulb interneurons. J Neurophysiol 99: 187–199. """ '''The type of the master object.''' master_type = CalciumDyna def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, E: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 10., g_max: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1., phi: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1., method: str = 'exp_auto', name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): super().__init__(size, keep_size=keep_size, name=name, mode=mode) # parameters self.E = parameter(E, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.g_max = parameter(g_max, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.phi = parameter(phi, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # variables self.p = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) # function self.integral = odeint(self.derivative, method=method) def derivative(self, p, t, V): phi_p = 1.0 / (1 + bm.exp(-(V + 43.) / 5.2)) p_inf = 2.7 / (bm.exp(-(V + 55.) / 15.) + bm.exp((V + 55.) / 15.)) + 1.6 return self.phi * (phi_p - p) / p_inf def update(self, V, C, E): self.p.value = self.integral(self.p.value, share['t'], V, share['dt']) def current(self, V, C, E): M = C / (C + 0.2) g = self.g_max * M * self.p return g * (self.E - V) def reset_state(self, V, C, E, batch_size=None): self.p.value = 1.0 / (1 + bm.exp(-(V + 43.) / 5.2)) if isinstance(batch_size, int): assert self.p.shape[0] == batch_size
[docs] class ICaT_HM1992(_ICa_p2q_ss): r"""The low-threshold T-type calcium current model proposed by (Huguenard & McCormick, 1992) [1]_. The dynamics of the low-threshold T-type calcium current model [1]_ is given by: .. math:: I_{CaT} &= g_{max} p^2 q(V-E_{Ca}) \\ {dp \over dt} &= {\phi_p \cdot (p_{\infty}-p)\over \tau_p} \\ &p_{\infty} = {1 \over 1+\exp [-(V+59-V_{sh}) / 6.2]} \\ &\tau_{p} = 0.612 + {1 \over \exp [-(V+132.-V_{sh}) / 16.7]+\exp [(V+16.8-V_{sh}) / 18.2]} \\ {dq \over dt} &= {\phi_q \cdot (q_{\infty}-q) \over \tau_q} \\ &q_{\infty} = {1 \over 1+\exp [(V+83-V_{sh}) / 4]} \\ & \begin{array}{l} \tau_{q} = \exp \left(\frac{V+467-V_{sh}}{66.6}\right) \quad V< (-80 +V_{sh})\, mV \\ \tau_{q} = \exp \left(\frac{V+22-V_{sh}}{-10.5}\right)+28 \quad V \geq (-80 + V_{sh})\, mV \end{array} where :math:`\phi_p = 3.55^{\frac{T-24}{10}}` and :math:`\phi_q = 3^{\frac{T-24}{10}}` are temperature-dependent factors (:math:`T` is the temperature in Celsius), :math:`E_{Ca}` is the reversal potential of Calcium channel. Parameters ---------- T : float, ArrayType The temperature. T_base_p : float, ArrayType The brainpy_object temperature factor of :math:`p` channel. T_base_q : float, ArrayType The brainpy_object temperature factor of :math:`q` channel. g_max : float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The maximum conductance. V_sh : float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The membrane potential shift. phi_p : optional, float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The temperature factor for channel :math:`p`. phi_q : optional, float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The temperature factor for channel :math:`q`. References ---------- .. [1] Huguenard JR, McCormick DA (1992) Simulation of the currents involved in rhythmic oscillations in thalamic relay neurons. J Neurophysiol 68:1373–1383. See Also -------- ICa_p2q_form """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, T: Union[float, ArrayType] = 36., T_base_p: Union[float, ArrayType] = 3.55, T_base_q: Union[float, ArrayType] = 3., g_max: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 2., V_sh: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = -3., phi_p: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = None, phi_q: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = None, method: str = 'exp_auto', name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): phi_p = T_base_p ** ((T - 24) / 10) if phi_p is None else phi_p phi_q = T_base_q ** ((T - 24) / 10) if phi_q is None else phi_q super().__init__(size, keep_size=keep_size, name=name, method=method, g_max=g_max, phi_p=phi_p, phi_q=phi_q, mode=mode) # parameters self.T = parameter(T, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.T_base_p = parameter(T_base_p, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.T_base_q = parameter(T_base_q, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.V_sh = parameter(V_sh, self.varshape, allow_none=False) def f_p_inf(self, V): return 1. / (1 + bm.exp(-(V + 59. - self.V_sh) / 6.2)) def f_p_tau(self, V): return 1. / (bm.exp(-(V + 132. - self.V_sh) / 16.7) + bm.exp((V + 16.8 - self.V_sh) / 18.2)) + 0.612 def f_q_inf(self, V): return 1. / (1. + bm.exp((V + 83. - self.V_sh) / 4.0)) def f_q_tau(self, V): return bm.where(V >= (-80. + self.V_sh), bm.exp(-(V + 22. - self.V_sh) / 10.5) + 28., bm.exp((V + 467. - self.V_sh) / 66.6))
[docs] class ICaT_HP1992(_ICa_p2q_ss): r"""The low-threshold T-type calcium current model for thalamic reticular nucleus proposed by (Huguenard & Prince, 1992) [1]_. The dynamics of the low-threshold T-type calcium current model in thalamic reticular nucleus neurons [1]_ is given by: .. math:: I_{CaT} &= g_{max} p^2 q(V-E_{Ca}) \\ {dp \over dt} &= {\phi_p \cdot (p_{\infty}-p)\over \tau_p} \\ &p_{\infty} = {1 \over 1+\exp [-(V+52-V_{sh}) / 7.4]} \\ &\tau_{p} = 3+{1 \over \exp [(V+27-V_{sh}) / 10]+\exp [-(V+102-V_{sh}) / 15]} \\ {dq \over dt} &= {\phi_q \cdot (q_{\infty}-q) \over \tau_q} \\ &q_{\infty} = {1 \over 1+\exp [(V+80-V_{sh}) / 5]} \\ & \tau_q = 85+ {1 \over \exp [(V+48-V_{sh}) / 4]+\exp [-(V+407-V_{sh}) / 50]} where :math:`\phi_p = 5^{\frac{T-24}{10}}` and :math:`\phi_q = 3^{\frac{T-24}{10}}` are temperature-dependent factors (:math:`T` is the temperature in Celsius), :math:`E_{Ca}` is the reversal potential of Calcium channel. Parameters ---------- T : float, ArrayType The temperature. T_base_p : float, ArrayType The brainpy_object temperature factor of :math:`p` channel. T_base_q : float, ArrayType The brainpy_object temperature factor of :math:`q` channel. g_max : float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The maximum conductance. V_sh : float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The membrane potential shift. phi_p : optional, float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The temperature factor for channel :math:`p`. phi_q : optional, float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The temperature factor for channel :math:`q`. References ---------- .. [1] Huguenard JR, Prince DA (1992) A novel T-type current underlies prolonged Ca2+- dependent burst firing in GABAergic neurons of rat thalamic reticular nucleus. J Neurosci 12: 3804–3817. See Also -------- ICa_p2q_form """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, T: Union[float, ArrayType] = 36., T_base_p: Union[float, ArrayType] = 5., T_base_q: Union[float, ArrayType] = 3., g_max: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1.75, V_sh: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = -3., phi_p: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = None, phi_q: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = None, method: str = 'exp_auto', name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): phi_p = T_base_p ** ((T - 24) / 10) if phi_p is None else phi_p phi_q = T_base_q ** ((T - 24) / 10) if phi_q is None else phi_q super().__init__(size, keep_size=keep_size, name=name, method=method, g_max=g_max, phi_p=phi_p, phi_q=phi_q, mode=mode) # parameters self.T = parameter(T, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.T_base_p = parameter(T_base_p, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.T_base_q = parameter(T_base_q, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.V_sh = parameter(V_sh, self.varshape, allow_none=False) def f_p_inf(self, V): return 1. / (1. + bm.exp(-(V + 52. - self.V_sh) / 7.4)) def f_p_tau(self, V): return 3. + 1. / (bm.exp((V + 27. - self.V_sh) / 10.) + bm.exp(-(V + 102. - self.V_sh) / 15.)) def f_q_inf(self, V): return 1. / (1. + bm.exp((V + 80. - self.V_sh) / 5.)) def f_q_tau(self, V): return 85. + 1. / (bm.exp((V + 48. - self.V_sh) / 4.) + bm.exp(-(V + 407. - self.V_sh) / 50.))
[docs] class ICaHT_HM1992(_ICa_p2q_ss): r"""The high-threshold T-type calcium current model proposed by (Huguenard & McCormick, 1992) [1]_. The high-threshold T-type calcium current model is adopted from [1]_. Its dynamics is given by .. math:: \begin{aligned} I_{\mathrm{Ca/HT}} &= g_{\mathrm{max}} p^2 q (V-E_{Ca}) \\ {dp \over dt} &= {\phi_{p} \cdot (p_{\infty} - p) \over \tau_{p}} \\ &\tau_{p} =\frac{1}{\exp \left(\frac{V+132-V_{sh}}{-16.7}\right)+\exp \left(\frac{V+16.8-V_{sh}}{18.2}\right)}+0.612 \\ & p_{\infty} = {1 \over 1+exp[-(V+59-V_{sh}) / 6.2]} \\ {dq \over dt} &= {\phi_{q} \cdot (q_{\infty} - h) \over \tau_{q}} \\ & \begin{array}{l} \tau_q = \exp \left(\frac{V+467-V_{sh}}{66.6}\right) \quad V< (-80 +V_{sh})\, mV \\ \tau_q = \exp \left(\frac{V+22-V_{sh}}{-10.5}\right)+28 \quad V \geq (-80 + V_{sh})\, mV \end{array} \\ &q_{\infty} = {1 \over 1+exp[(V+83 -V_{shift})/4]} \end{aligned} where :math:`phi_p = 3.55^{\frac{T-24}{10}}` and :math:`phi_q = 3^{\frac{T-24}{10}}` are temperature-dependent factors (:math:`T` is the temperature in Celsius), :math:`E_{Ca}` is the reversal potential of Calcium channel. Parameters ---------- T : float, ArrayType The temperature. T_base_p : float, ArrayType The brainpy_object temperature factor of :math:`p` channel. T_base_q : float, ArrayType The brainpy_object temperature factor of :math:`q` channel. g_max : float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable The maximum conductance. V_sh : float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable The membrane potential shift. References ---------- .. [1] Huguenard JR, McCormick DA (1992) Simulation of the currents involved in rhythmic oscillations in thalamic relay neurons. J Neurophysiol 68:1373–1383. See Also -------- ICa_p2q_form """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, T: Union[float, ArrayType] = 36., T_base_p: Union[float, ArrayType] = 3.55, T_base_q: Union[float, ArrayType] = 3., g_max: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 2., V_sh: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 25., method: str = 'exp_auto', name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): super().__init__(size, keep_size=keep_size, name=name, method=method, g_max=g_max, phi_p=T_base_p ** ((T - 24) / 10), phi_q=T_base_q ** ((T - 24) / 10), mode=mode) # parameters self.T = parameter(T, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.T_base_p = parameter(T_base_p, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.T_base_q = parameter(T_base_q, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.V_sh = parameter(V_sh, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # variables self.p = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) self.q = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) # function self.integral = odeint(JointEq([self.dp, self.dq]), method=method) def f_p_inf(self, V): return 1. / (1. + bm.exp(-(V + 59. - self.V_sh) / 6.2)) def f_p_tau(self, V): return 1. / (bm.exp(-(V + 132. - self.V_sh) / 16.7) + bm.exp((V + 16.8 - self.V_sh) / 18.2)) + 0.612 def f_q_inf(self, V): return 1. / (1. + bm.exp((V + 83. - self.V_sh) / 4.)) def f_q_tau(self, V): return bm.where(V >= (-80. + self.V_sh), bm.exp(-(V + 22. - self.V_sh) / 10.5) + 28., bm.exp((V + 467. - self.V_sh) / 66.6))
[docs] class ICaHT_Re1993(_ICa_p2q_markov): r"""The high-threshold T-type calcium current model proposed by (Reuveni, et al., 1993) [1]_. HVA Calcium current was described for neocortical neurons by Sayer et al. (1990). Its dynamics is given by (the rate functions are measured under 36 Celsius): .. math:: \begin{aligned} I_{L} &=\bar{g}_{L} q^{2} r\left(V-E_{\mathrm{Ca}}\right) \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} q}{\mathrm{~d} t} &= \phi_p (\alpha_{q}(V)(1-q)-\beta_{q}(V) q) \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} r}{\mathrm{~d} t} &= \phi_q (\alpha_{r}(V)(1-r)-\beta_{r}(V) r) \\ \alpha_{q} &=\frac{0.055(-27-V+V_{sh})}{\exp [(-27-V+V_{sh}) / 3.8]-1} \\ \beta_{q} &=0.94 \exp [(-75-V+V_{sh}) / 17] \\ \alpha_{r} &=0.000457 \exp [(-13-V+V_{sh}) / 50] \\ \beta_{r} &=\frac{0.0065}{\exp [(-15-V+V_{sh}) / 28]+1}, \end{aligned} Parameters ---------- size: int, tuple of int The size of the simulation target. keep_size: bool Keep size or flatten the size? method: str The numerical method name: str The name of the object. g_max : float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The maximum conductance. V_sh : float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The membrane potential shift. T : float, ArrayType The temperature. T_base_p : float, ArrayType The brainpy_object temperature factor of :math:`p` channel. T_base_q : float, ArrayType The brainpy_object temperature factor of :math:`q` channel. phi_p : optional, float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The temperature factor for channel :math:`p`. If `None`, :math:`\phi_p = \mathrm{T_base_p}^{\frac{T-23}{10}}`. phi_q : optional, float, ArrayType, Callable, Initializer The temperature factor for channel :math:`q`. If `None`, :math:`\phi_q = \mathrm{T_base_q}^{\frac{T-23}{10}}`. References ---------- .. [1] Reuveni, I., et al. "Stepwise repolarization from Ca2+ plateaus in neocortical pyramidal cells: evidence for nonhomogeneous distribution of HVA Ca2+ channels in dendrites." Journal of Neuroscience 13.11 (1993): 4609-4621. """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, T: Union[float, ArrayType] = 36., T_base_p: Union[float, ArrayType] = 2.3, T_base_q: Union[float, ArrayType] = 2.3, phi_p: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = None, phi_q: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = None, g_max: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1., V_sh: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0., method: str = 'exp_auto', name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): phi_p = T_base_p ** ((T - 23.) / 10.) if phi_p is None else phi_p phi_q = T_base_q ** ((T - 23.) / 10.) if phi_q is None else phi_q super().__init__(size, keep_size=keep_size, name=name, method=method, g_max=g_max, phi_p=phi_p, phi_q=phi_q, mode=mode) self.T = parameter(T, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.T_base_p = parameter(T_base_p, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.T_base_q = parameter(T_base_q, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.V_sh = parameter(V_sh, self.varshape, allow_none=False) def f_p_alpha(self, V): temp = -27 - V + self.V_sh return 0.055 * temp / (bm.exp(temp / 3.8) - 1) def f_p_beta(self, V): return 0.94 * bm.exp((-75. - V + self.V_sh) / 17.) def f_q_alpha(self, V): return 0.000457 * bm.exp((-13. - V + self.V_sh) / 50.) def f_q_beta(self, V): return 0.0065 / (bm.exp((-15. - V + self.V_sh) / 28.) + 1.)
[docs] class ICaL_IS2008(_ICa_p2q_ss): r"""The L-type calcium channel model proposed by (Inoue & Strowbridge, 2008) [1]_. The L-type calcium channel model is adopted from (Inoue, et, al., 2008) [1]_. Its dynamics is given by: .. math:: I_{CaL} &= g_{max} p^2 q(V-E_{Ca}) \\ {dp \over dt} &= {\phi_p \cdot (p_{\infty}-p)\over \tau_p} \\ & p_{\infty} = {1 \over 1+\exp [-(V+10-V_{sh}) / 4.]} \\ & \tau_{p} = 0.4+{0.7 \over \exp [(V+5-V_{sh}) / 15]+\exp [-(V+5-V_{sh}) / 15]} \\ {dq \over dt} &= {\phi_q \cdot (q_{\infty}-q) \over \tau_q} \\ & q_{\infty} = {1 \over 1+\exp [(V+25-V_{sh}) / 2]} \\ & \tau_q = 300 + {100 \over \exp [(V+40-V_{sh}) / 9.5]+\exp [-(V+40-V_{sh}) / 9.5]} where :math:`phi_p = 3.55^{\frac{T-24}{10}}` and :math:`phi_q = 3^{\frac{T-24}{10}}` are temperature-dependent factors (:math:`T` is the temperature in Celsius), :math:`E_{Ca}` is the reversal potential of Calcium channel. Parameters ---------- T : float The temperature. T_base_p : float The brainpy_object temperature factor of :math:`p` channel. T_base_q : float The brainpy_object temperature factor of :math:`q` channel. g_max : float The maximum conductance. V_sh : float The membrane potential shift. References ---------- .. [1] Inoue, Tsuyoshi, and Ben W. Strowbridge. "Transient activity induces a long-lasting increase in the excitability of olfactory bulb interneurons." Journal of neurophysiology 99, no. 1 (2008): 187-199. See Also -------- ICa_p2q_form """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, T: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 36., T_base_p: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 3.55, T_base_q: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 3., g_max: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1., V_sh: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0., method: str = 'exp_auto', name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): super().__init__(size, keep_size=keep_size, name=name, method=method, g_max=g_max, phi_p=T_base_p ** ((T - 24) / 10), phi_q=T_base_q ** ((T - 24) / 10), mode=mode) # parameters self.T = parameter(T, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.T_base_p = parameter(T_base_p, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.T_base_q = parameter(T_base_q, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.V_sh = parameter(V_sh, self.varshape, allow_none=False) def f_p_inf(self, V): return 1. / (1 + bm.exp(-(V + 10. - self.V_sh) / 4.)) def f_p_tau(self, V): return 0.4 + .7 / (bm.exp(-(V + 5. - self.V_sh) / 15.) + bm.exp((V + 5. - self.V_sh) / 15.)) def f_q_inf(self, V): return 1. / (1. + bm.exp((V + 25. - self.V_sh) / 2.)) def f_q_tau(self, V): return 300. + 100. / (bm.exp((V + 40 - self.V_sh) / 9.5) + bm.exp(-(V + 40 - self.V_sh) / 9.5))