Source code for brainpy._src.dyn.channels.hyperpolarization_activated

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module implements hyperpolarization-activated cation channels.

from typing import Union, Callable, Optional

import brainpy.math as bm
from brainpy._src.context import share
from brainpy._src.dyn.ions.calcium import Calcium
from brainpy._src.dyn.neurons.hh import HHTypedNeuron
from brainpy._src.initialize import Initializer, parameter, variable
from brainpy._src.integrators import odeint, JointEq
from brainpy.types import Shape, ArrayType
from .base import IonChannel

__all__ = [

[docs] class Ih_HM1992(IonChannel): r"""The hyperpolarization-activated cation current model propsoed by (Huguenard & McCormick, 1992) [1]_. The hyperpolarization-activated cation current model is adopted from (Huguenard, et, al., 1992) [1]_. Its dynamics is given by: .. math:: \begin{aligned} I_h &= g_{\mathrm{max}} p \\ \frac{dp}{dt} &= \phi \frac{p_{\infty} - p}{\tau_p} \\ p_{\infty} &=\frac{1}{1+\exp ((V+75) / 5.5)} \\ \tau_{p} &=\frac{1}{\exp (-0.086 V-14.59)+\exp (0.0701 V-1.87)} \end{aligned} where :math:`\phi=1` is a temperature-dependent factor. Parameters ---------- g_max : float The maximal conductance density (:math:`mS/cm^2`). E : float The reversal potential (mV). phi : float The temperature-dependent factor. References ---------- .. [1] Huguenard, John R., and David A. McCormick. "Simulation of the currents involved in rhythmic oscillations in thalamic relay neurons." Journal of neurophysiology 68, no. 4 (1992): 1373-1383. """ master_type = HHTypedNeuron def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, g_max: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 10., E: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 43., phi: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1., method: str = 'exp_auto', name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): super().__init__(size, keep_size=keep_size, name=name, mode=mode) # parameters self.phi = parameter(phi, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.g_max = parameter(g_max, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.E = parameter(E, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # variable self.p = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) # function self.integral = odeint(self.derivative, method=method) def derivative(self, p, t, V): return self.phi * (self.f_p_inf(V) - p) / self.f_p_tau(V) def reset_state(self, V, batch_size=None): self.p.value = self.f_p_inf(V) if isinstance(batch_size, int): assert self.p.shape[0] == batch_size def update(self, V): self.p.value = self.integral(self.p.value, share['t'], V, share['dt']) def current(self, V): return self.g_max * self.p * (self.E - V) def f_p_inf(self, V): return 1. / (1. + bm.exp((V + 75.) / 5.5)) def f_p_tau(self, V): return 1. / (bm.exp(-0.086 * V - 14.59) + bm.exp(0.0701 * V - 1.87))
[docs] class Ih_De1996(IonChannel): r"""The hyperpolarization-activated cation current model propsoed by (Destexhe, et al., 1996) [1]_. The full kinetic schema was .. math:: \begin{gathered} C \underset{\beta(V)}{\stackrel{\alpha(V)}{\rightleftarrows}} O \\ P_{0}+2 \mathrm{Ca}^{2+} \underset{k_{2}}{\stackrel{k_{1}}{\rightleftarrows}} P_{1} \\ O+P_{1} \underset{k_{4}}{\rightleftarrows} O_{\mathrm{L}} \end{gathered} where the first reaction represents the voltage-dependent transitions of :math:`I_h` channels between closed (C) and open (O) forms, with :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` as transition rates. The second reaction represents the biding of intracellular :math:`\mathrm{Ca^{2+}}` ions to a regulating factor (:math:`P_0` for unbound and :math:`P_1` for bound) with four binding sites for calcium and rates of :math:`k_1 = 2.5e^7\, mM^{-4} \, ms^{-1}` and :math:`k_2=4e-4 \, ms^{-1}` (half-activation of 0.002 mM :math:`Ca^{2+}`). The calcium-bound form :math:`P_1` associates with the open form of the channel, leading to a locked open form :math:`O_L`, with rates of :math:`k_3=0.1 \, ms^{-1}` and :math:`k_4 = 0.001 \, ms^{-1}`. The current is the proportional to the relative concentration of open channels .. math:: I_h = g_h (O+g_{inc}O_L) (V - E_h) with a maximal conductance of :math:`\bar{g}_{\mathrm{h}}=0.02 \mathrm{mS} / \mathrm{cm}^{2}` and a reversal potential of :math:`E_{\mathrm{h}}=-40 \mathrm{mV}`. Because of the factor :math:`g_{\text {inc }}=2`, the conductance of the calcium-bound open state of :math:`I_{\mathrm{h}}` channels is twice that of the unbound open state. This produces an augmentation of conductance after the binding of :math:`\mathrm{Ca}^{2+}`, as observed in sino-atrial cells (Hagiwara and Irisawa 1989). The rates of :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` are: .. math:: & \alpha = m_{\infty} / \tau_m \\ & \beta = (1-m_{\infty}) / \tau_m \\ & m_{\infty} = 1/(1+\exp((V+75-V_{sh})/5.5)) \\ & \tau_m = (5.3 + 267/(\exp((V+71.5-V_{sh})/14.2) + \exp(-(V+89-V_{sh})/11.6))) and the temperature regulating factor :math:`\phi=2^{(T-24)/10}`. References ---------- .. [1] Destexhe, Alain, et al. "Ionic mechanisms underlying synchronized oscillations and propagating waves in a model of ferret thalamic slices." Journal of neurophysiology 76.3 (1996): 2049-2070. """ master_type = Calcium def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, E: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = -40., k2: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 4e-4, k4: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 1e-3, V_sh: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0., g_max: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 0.02, g_inc: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 2., Ca_half: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = 2e-3, T: Union[float, ArrayType] = 36., T_base: Union[float, ArrayType] = 3., phi: Union[float, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = None, method: str = 'exp_auto', name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): super().__init__(size, keep_size=keep_size, name=name, mode=mode) # parameters self.T = parameter(T, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.T_base = parameter(T_base, self.varshape, allow_none=False) if phi is None: self.phi = self.T_base ** ((self.T - 24.) / 10) else: self.phi = parameter(phi, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.E = parameter(E, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.k2 = parameter(k2, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.Ca_half = parameter(Ca_half, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.k1 = self.k2 / self.Ca_half ** 4 self.k4 = parameter(k4, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.k3 = self.k4 / 0.01 self.V_sh = parameter(V_sh, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.g_max = parameter(g_max, self.varshape, allow_none=False) self.g_inc = parameter(g_inc, self.varshape, allow_none=False) # variable self.O = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) self.OL = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) self.P1 = variable(bm.zeros, self.mode, self.varshape) # function self.integral = odeint(JointEq(self.dO, self.dOL, self.dP1), method=method) def dO(self, O, t, OL, V): inf = self.f_inf(V) tau = self.f_tau(V) alpha = inf / tau beta = (1 - inf) / tau return alpha * (1 - O - OL) - beta * O def dOL(self, OL, t, O, P1): return self.k3 * P1 * O - self.k4 * OL def dP1(self, P1, t, C_Ca): return self.k1 * C_Ca ** 4 * (1 - P1) - self.k2 * P1 def update(self, V, C_Ca, E_Ca): self.O.value, self.OL.value, self.P1.value = self.integral(self.O.value, self.OL.value, self.P1.value, share['t'], V=V, C_Ca=C_Ca, dt=share['dt']) def current(self, V, C_Ca, E_Ca): return self.g_max * (self.O + self.g_inc * self.OL) * (self.E - V) def reset_state(self, V, C_Ca, E_Ca, batch_size=None): varshape = self.varshape if (batch_size is None) else ((batch_size,) + self.varshape) self.P1.value = bm.broadcast_to(self.k1 * C_Ca ** 4 / (self.k1 * C_Ca ** 4 + self.k2), varshape) inf = self.f_inf(V) tau = self.f_tau(V) alpha = inf / tau beta = (1 - inf) / tau self.O.value = alpha / (alpha + alpha * self.k3 * self.P1 / self.k4 + beta) self.OL.value = self.k3 * self.P1 * self.O / self.k4 if isinstance(batch_size, int): assert self.P1.shape[0] == batch_size assert self.O.shape[0] == batch_size assert self.OL.shape[0] == batch_size def f_inf(self, V): return 1 / (1 + bm.exp((V + 75 - self.V_sh) / 5.5)) def f_tau(self, V): return (20. + 1000 / (bm.exp((V + 71.5 - self.V_sh) / 14.2) + bm.exp(-(V + 89 - self.V_sh) / 11.6))) / self.phi