Source code for brainpy._src.dyn.projections.align_post

from typing import Optional, Callable, Union

from brainpy import math as bm, check
from brainpy._src.delay import (delay_identifier,
from brainpy._src.dynsys import DynamicalSystem, Projection
from brainpy._src.mixin import (JointType, ParamDescriber, SupportAutoDelay, BindCondData, AlignPost)

__all__ = [
  'HalfProjAlignPostMg', 'FullProjAlignPostMg',
  'HalfProjAlignPost', 'FullProjAlignPost',


def get_post_repr(out_label, syn, out):
  return f'{out_label} // {syn.identifier} // {out.identifier}'

def align_post_add_bef_update(out_label, syn_desc, out_desc, post, proj_name):
  # synapse and output initialization
  _post_repr = get_post_repr(out_label, syn_desc, out_desc)
  if not post.has_bef_update(_post_repr):
    syn_cls = syn_desc()
    out_cls = out_desc()

    # synapse and output initialization
    post.add_inp_fun(proj_name, out_cls, label=out_label)
    post.add_bef_update(_post_repr, _AlignPost(syn_cls, out_cls))
  syn = post.get_bef_update(_post_repr).syn
  out = post.get_bef_update(_post_repr).out
  return syn, out

class _AlignPost(DynamicalSystem):
  def __init__(self,
               syn: Callable,
               out: JointType[DynamicalSystem, BindCondData]):
    self.syn = syn
    self.out = out

  def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
    self.out.bind_cond(self.syn(*args, **kwargs))

  def reset_state(self, *args, **kwargs):

[docs] class HalfProjAlignPostMg(Projection): r"""Defining the half part of synaptic projection with the align-post reduction and the automatic synapse merging. The ``half-part`` means that the model only needs to provide half information needed for a projection, including ``comm`` -> ``syn`` -> ``out`` -> ``post``. Therefore, the model's ``update`` function needs the manual providing of the spiking input. The ``align-post`` means that the synaptic variables have the same dimension as the post-synaptic neuron group. The ``merging`` means that the same delay model is shared by all synapses, and the synapse model with same parameters (such like time constants) will also share the same synaptic variables. All align-post projection models prefer to use the event-driven computation mode. This means that the ``comm`` model should be the event-driven model. **Code Examples** To define an E/I balanced network model. .. code-block:: python import brainpy as bp import brainpy.math as bm class EINet(bp.DynSysGroup): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.N = bp.dyn.LifRef(4000, V_rest=-60., V_th=-50., V_reset=-60., tau=20., tau_ref=5., V_initializer=bp.init.Normal(-55., 2.)) self.delay = bp.VarDelay(self.N.spike, entries={'I': None}) self.E = bp.dyn.HalfProjAlignPostMg(comm=bp.dnn.EventJitFPHomoLinear(3200, 4000, prob=0.02, weight=0.6), syn=bp.dyn.Expon.desc(size=4000, tau=5.), out=bp.dyn.COBA.desc(E=0.), post=self.N) self.I = bp.dyn.HalfProjAlignPostMg(comm=bp.dnn.EventJitFPHomoLinear(800, 4000, prob=0.02, weight=6.7), syn=bp.dyn.Expon.desc(size=4000, tau=10.), out=bp.dyn.COBA.desc(E=-80.), post=self.N) def update(self, input): spk ='I') self.E(spk[:3200]) self.I(spk[3200:]) self.delay(self.N(input)) return self.N.spike.value model = EINet() indices = bm.arange(1000) spks = bm.for_loop(lambda i: model.step_run(i, 20.), indices) bp.visualize.raster_plot(indices, spks, show=True) Args: comm: The synaptic communication. syn: The synaptic dynamics. out: The synaptic output. post: The post-synaptic neuron group. out_label: str. The prefix of the output function. name: str. The projection name. mode: Mode. The computing mode. """ def __init__( self, comm: DynamicalSystem, syn: ParamDescriber[JointType[DynamicalSystem, AlignPost]], out: ParamDescriber[JointType[DynamicalSystem, BindCondData]], post: DynamicalSystem, out_label: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): super().__init__(name=name, mode=mode) # synaptic models check.is_instance(comm, DynamicalSystem) check.is_instance(syn, ParamDescriber[JointType[DynamicalSystem, AlignPost]]) check.is_instance(out, ParamDescriber[JointType[DynamicalSystem, BindCondData]]) check.is_instance(post, DynamicalSystem) self.comm = comm # synapse and output initialization syn, out = align_post_add_bef_update(out_label, syn_desc=syn, out_desc=out, post=post, # references self.refs = dict(post=post) # invisible to ``self.nodes()`` self.refs['syn'] = syn self.refs['out'] = out self.refs['comm'] = comm # unify the access
[docs] def update(self, x): current = self.comm(x) self.refs['syn'].add_current(current) # synapse post current return current
syn = property(lambda self: self.refs['syn']) out = property(lambda self: self.refs['out']) post = property(lambda self: self.refs['post'])
[docs] class FullProjAlignPostMg(Projection): """Full-chain synaptic projection with the align-post reduction and the automatic synapse merging. The ``full-chain`` means that the model needs to provide all information needed for a projection, including ``pre`` -> ``delay`` -> ``comm`` -> ``syn`` -> ``out`` -> ``post``. The ``align-post`` means that the synaptic variables have the same dimension as the post-synaptic neuron group. The ``merging`` means that the same delay model is shared by all synapses, and the synapse model with same parameters (such like time constants) will also share the same synaptic variables. All align-post projection models prefer to use the event-driven computation mode. This means that the ``comm`` model should be the event-driven model. Moreover, it's worth noting that ``FullProjAlignPostMg`` has a different updating order with all align-pre projection models. The updating order of align-post projections is ``spikes`` -> ``comm`` -> ``syn`` -> ``out``. While, the updating order of all align-pre projection models is usually ``spikes`` -> ``syn`` -> ``comm`` -> ``out``. **Code Examples** To define an E/I balanced network model. .. code-block:: python import brainpy as bp import brainpy.math as bm class EINet(bp.DynSysGroup): def __init__(self): super().__init__() ne, ni = 3200, 800 self.E = bp.dyn.LifRef(ne, V_rest=-60., V_th=-50., V_reset=-60., tau=20., tau_ref=5., V_initializer=bp.init.Normal(-55., 2.)) self.I = bp.dyn.LifRef(ni, V_rest=-60., V_th=-50., V_reset=-60., tau=20., tau_ref=5., V_initializer=bp.init.Normal(-55., 2.)) self.E2E = bp.dyn.FullProjAlignPostMg(pre=self.E, delay=0.1, comm=bp.dnn.EventJitFPHomoLinear(ne, ne, prob=0.02, weight=0.6), syn=bp.dyn.Expon.desc(size=ne, tau=5.), out=bp.dyn.COBA.desc(E=0.), post=self.E) self.E2I = bp.dyn.FullProjAlignPostMg(pre=self.E, delay=0.1, comm=bp.dnn.EventJitFPHomoLinear(ne, ni, prob=0.02, weight=0.6), syn=bp.dyn.Expon.desc(size=ni, tau=5.), out=bp.dyn.COBA.desc(E=0.), post=self.I) self.I2E = bp.dyn.FullProjAlignPostMg(pre=self.I, delay=0.1, comm=bp.dnn.EventJitFPHomoLinear(ni, ne, prob=0.02, weight=6.7), syn=bp.dyn.Expon.desc(size=ne, tau=10.), out=bp.dyn.COBA.desc(E=-80.), post=self.E) self.I2I = bp.dyn.FullProjAlignPostMg(pre=self.I, delay=0.1, comm=bp.dnn.EventJitFPHomoLinear(ni, ni, prob=0.02, weight=6.7), syn=bp.dyn.Expon.desc(size=ni, tau=10.), out=bp.dyn.COBA.desc(E=-80.), post=self.I) def update(self, inp): self.E2E() self.E2I() self.I2E() self.I2I() self.E(inp) self.I(inp) return self.E.spike model = EINet() indices = bm.arange(1000) spks = bm.for_loop(lambda i: model.step_run(i, 20.), indices) bp.visualize.raster_plot(indices, spks, show=True) Args: pre: The pre-synaptic neuron group. delay: The synaptic delay. comm: The synaptic communication. syn: The synaptic dynamics. out: The synaptic output. post: The post-synaptic neuron group. name: str. The projection name. mode: Mode. The computing mode. """ def __init__( self, pre: JointType[DynamicalSystem, SupportAutoDelay], delay: Union[None, int, float], comm: DynamicalSystem, syn: ParamDescriber[JointType[DynamicalSystem, AlignPost]], out: ParamDescriber[JointType[DynamicalSystem, BindCondData]], post: DynamicalSystem, out_label: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): super().__init__(name=name, mode=mode) # synaptic models check.is_instance(pre, JointType[DynamicalSystem, SupportAutoDelay]) check.is_instance(comm, DynamicalSystem) check.is_instance(syn, ParamDescriber[JointType[DynamicalSystem, AlignPost]]) check.is_instance(out, ParamDescriber[JointType[DynamicalSystem, BindCondData]]) check.is_instance(post, DynamicalSystem) self.comm = comm # delay initialization delay_cls = register_delay_by_return(pre) delay_cls.register_entry(, delay) # synapse and output initialization syn, out = align_post_add_bef_update(out_label, syn_desc=syn, out_desc=out, post=post, # references self.refs = dict(pre=pre, post=post) # invisible to ``self.nodes()`` self.refs['syn'] = syn # invisible to ``self.node()`` self.refs['out'] = out # invisible to ``self.node()`` # unify the access self.refs['comm'] = comm self.refs['delay'] = pre.get_aft_update(delay_identifier)
[docs] def update(self): x = self.refs['pre'].get_aft_update(delay_identifier).at( current = self.comm(x) self.refs['syn'].add_current(current) # synapse post current return current
syn = property(lambda self: self.refs['syn']) out = property(lambda self: self.refs['out']) delay = property(lambda self: self.refs['delay']) pre = property(lambda self: self.refs['pre']) post = property(lambda self: self.refs['post'])
[docs] class HalfProjAlignPost(Projection): """Defining the half-part of synaptic projection with the align-post reduction. The ``half-part`` means that the model only needs to provide half information needed for a projection, including ``comm`` -> ``syn`` -> ``out`` -> ``post``. Therefore, the model's ``update`` function needs the manual providing of the spiking input. The ``align-post`` means that the synaptic variables have the same dimension as the post-synaptic neuron group. All align-post projection models prefer to use the event-driven computation mode. This means that the ``comm`` model should be the event-driven model. To simulate an E/I balanced network: .. code-block:: class EINet(bp.DynSysGroup): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.N = bp.dyn.LifRef(4000, V_rest=-60., V_th=-50., V_reset=-60., tau=20., tau_ref=5., V_initializer=bp.init.Normal(-55., 2.)) self.delay = bp.VarDelay(self.N.spike, entries={'I': None}) self.E = bp.dyn.HalfProjAlignPost(comm=bp.dnn.EventJitFPHomoLinear(3200, 4000, prob=0.02, weight=0.6), syn=bp.dyn.Expon(size=4000, tau=5.), out=bp.dyn.COBA(E=0.), post=self.N) self.I = bp.dyn.HalfProjAlignPost(comm=bp.dnn.EventJitFPHomoLinear(800, 4000, prob=0.02, weight=6.7), syn=bp.dyn.Expon(size=4000, tau=10.), out=bp.dyn.COBA(E=-80.), post=self.N) def update(self, input): spk ='I') self.E(spk[:3200]) self.I(spk[3200:]) self.delay(self.N(input)) return self.N.spike.value model = EINet() indices = bm.arange(1000) spks = bm.for_loop(lambda i: model.step_run(i, 20.), indices) bp.visualize.raster_plot(indices, spks, show=True) Args: comm: The synaptic communication. syn: The synaptic dynamics. out: The synaptic output. post: The post-synaptic neuron group. name: str. The projection name. mode: Mode. The computing mode. """ def __init__( self, comm: DynamicalSystem, syn: JointType[DynamicalSystem, AlignPost], out: JointType[DynamicalSystem, BindCondData], post: DynamicalSystem, out_label: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): super().__init__(name=name, mode=mode) # synaptic models check.is_instance(comm, DynamicalSystem) check.is_instance(syn, JointType[DynamicalSystem, AlignPost]) check.is_instance(out, JointType[DynamicalSystem, BindCondData]) check.is_instance(post, DynamicalSystem) self.comm = comm self.syn = syn self.out = out # synapse and output initialization post.add_inp_fun(, out, label=out_label) # reference self.refs = dict() # invisible to ``self.nodes()`` self.refs['post'] = post self.refs['syn'] = syn self.refs['out'] = out # unify the access self.refs['comm'] = comm
[docs] def update(self, x): current = self.comm(x) g = self.syn(self.comm(x)) self.refs['out'].bind_cond(g) # synapse post current return current
post = property(lambda self: self.refs['post'])
[docs] class FullProjAlignPost(Projection): """Full-chain synaptic projection with the align-post reduction. The ``full-chain`` means that the model needs to provide all information needed for a projection, including ``pre`` -> ``delay`` -> ``comm`` -> ``syn`` -> ``out`` -> ``post``. The ``align-post`` means that the synaptic variables have the same dimension as the post-synaptic neuron group. All align-post projection models prefer to use the event-driven computation mode. This means that the ``comm`` model should be the event-driven model. Moreover, it's worth noting that ``FullProjAlignPost`` has a different updating order with all align-pre projection models. The updating order of align-post projections is ``spikes`` -> ``comm`` -> ``syn`` -> ``out``. While, the updating order of all align-pre projection models is usually ``spikes`` -> ``syn`` -> ``comm`` -> ``out``. To simulate and define an E/I balanced network model: .. code-block:: python class EINet(bp.DynSysGroup): def __init__(self): super().__init__() ne, ni = 3200, 800 self.E = bp.dyn.LifRef(ne, V_rest=-60., V_th=-50., V_reset=-60., tau=20., tau_ref=5., V_initializer=bp.init.Normal(-55., 2.)) self.I = bp.dyn.LifRef(ni, V_rest=-60., V_th=-50., V_reset=-60., tau=20., tau_ref=5., V_initializer=bp.init.Normal(-55., 2.)) self.E2E = bp.dyn.FullProjAlignPost(pre=self.E, delay=0.1, comm=bp.dnn.EventJitFPHomoLinear(ne, ne, prob=0.02, weight=0.6), syn=bp.dyn.Expon(size=ne, tau=5.), out=bp.dyn.COBA(E=0.), post=self.E) self.E2I = bp.dyn.FullProjAlignPost(pre=self.E, delay=0.1, comm=bp.dnn.EventJitFPHomoLinear(ne, ni, prob=0.02, weight=0.6), syn=bp.dyn.Expon(size=ni, tau=5.), out=bp.dyn.COBA(E=0.), post=self.I) self.I2E = bp.dyn.FullProjAlignPost(pre=self.I, delay=0.1, comm=bp.dnn.EventJitFPHomoLinear(ni, ne, prob=0.02, weight=6.7), syn=bp.dyn.Expon(size=ne, tau=10.), out=bp.dyn.COBA(E=-80.), post=self.E) self.I2I = bp.dyn.FullProjAlignPost(pre=self.I, delay=0.1, comm=bp.dnn.EventJitFPHomoLinear(ni, ni, prob=0.02, weight=6.7), syn=bp.dyn.Expon(size=ni, tau=10.), out=bp.dyn.COBA(E=-80.), post=self.I) def update(self, inp): self.E2E() self.E2I() self.I2E() self.I2I() self.E(inp) self.I(inp) return self.E.spike model = EINet() indices = bm.arange(1000) spks = bm.for_loop(lambda i: model.step_run(i, 20.), indices) bp.visualize.raster_plot(indices, spks, show=True) Args: pre: The pre-synaptic neuron group. delay: The synaptic delay. comm: The synaptic communication. syn: The synaptic dynamics. out: The synaptic output. post: The post-synaptic neuron group. name: str. The projection name. mode: Mode. The computing mode. """ def __init__( self, pre: JointType[DynamicalSystem, SupportAutoDelay], delay: Union[None, int, float], comm: DynamicalSystem, syn: JointType[DynamicalSystem, AlignPost], out: JointType[DynamicalSystem, BindCondData], post: DynamicalSystem, out_label: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): super().__init__(name=name, mode=mode) # synaptic models check.is_instance(pre, JointType[DynamicalSystem, SupportAutoDelay]) check.is_instance(comm, DynamicalSystem) check.is_instance(syn, JointType[DynamicalSystem, AlignPost]) check.is_instance(out, JointType[DynamicalSystem, BindCondData]) check.is_instance(post, DynamicalSystem) self.comm = comm self.syn = syn # delay initialization delay_cls = register_delay_by_return(pre) delay_cls.register_entry(, delay) # synapse and output initialization post.add_inp_fun(, out, label=out_label) # references self.refs = dict() # invisible to ``self.nodes()`` self.refs['pre'] = pre self.refs['post'] = post self.refs['out'] = out # unify the access self.refs['delay'] = delay_cls self.refs['comm'] = comm self.refs['syn'] = syn
[docs] def update(self): x = self.refs['delay'].at( g = self.syn(self.comm(x)) self.refs['out'].bind_cond(g) # synapse post current return g
delay = property(lambda self: self.refs['delay']) pre = property(lambda self: self.refs['pre']) post = property(lambda self: self.refs['post']) out = property(lambda self: self.refs['out'])