Source code for brainpy._src.dyn.projections.inputs

import numbers
from typing import Any
from typing import Union, Optional

from brainpy import check, math as bm
from brainpy._src.context import share
from brainpy._src.dynsys import Dynamic
from brainpy._src.dynsys import Projection
from brainpy._src.mixin import SupportAutoDelay
from brainpy.types import Shape

__all__ = [

[docs] class InputVar(Dynamic, SupportAutoDelay): """Define an input variable. Example:: import brainpy as bp class Exponential(bp.Projection): def __init__(self, pre, post, prob, g_max, tau, E=0.): super().__init__() self.proj = bp.dyn.ProjAlignPostMg2( pre=pre, delay=None, comm=bp.dnn.EventCSRLinear(bp.conn.FixedProb(prob, pre=pre.num, post=post.num), g_max), syn=bp.dyn.Expon.desc(post.num, tau=tau), out=bp.dyn.COBA.desc(E=E), post=post, ) class EINet(bp.DynSysGroup): def __init__(self, num_exc, num_inh, method='exp_auto'): super(EINet, self).__init__() # neurons pars = dict(V_rest=-60., V_th=-50., V_reset=-60., tau=20., tau_ref=5., V_initializer=bp.init.Normal(-55., 2.), method=method) self.E = bp.dyn.LifRef(num_exc, **pars) self.I = bp.dyn.LifRef(num_inh, **pars) # synapses w_e = 0.6 # excitatory synaptic weight w_i = 6.7 # inhibitory synaptic weight # Neurons connect to each other randomly with a connection probability of 2% self.E2E = Exponential(self.E, self.E, 0.02, g_max=w_e, tau=5., E=0.) self.E2I = Exponential(self.E, self.I, 0.02, g_max=w_e, tau=5., E=0.) self.I2E = Exponential(self.I, self.E, 0.02, g_max=w_i, tau=10., E=-80.) self.I2I = Exponential(self.I, self.I, 0.02, g_max=w_i, tau=10., E=-80.) # define input variables given to E/I populations self.Ein = bp.dyn.InputVar(self.E.varshape) self.Iin = bp.dyn.InputVar(self.I.varshape) self.E.add_inp_fun('', self.Ein) self.I.add_inp_fun('', self.Iin) net = EINet(3200, 800, method='exp_auto') # "method": the numerical integrator method runner = bp.DSRunner(net, monitors=['E.spike', 'I.spike'], inputs=[('Ein.input', 20.), ('Iin.input', 20.)]) # visualization bp.visualize.raster_plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon['E.spike'], title='Spikes of Excitatory Neurons', show=True) bp.visualize.raster_plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon['I.spike'], title='Spikes of Inhibitory Neurons', show=True) """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, sharding: Optional[Any] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, method: str = 'exp_auto' ): super().__init__(size=size, keep_size=keep_size, sharding=sharding, name=name, mode=mode, method=method) self.reset_state(self.mode) def reset_state(self, batch_or_mode=None, **kwargs): self.input = self.init_variable(bm.zeros, batch_or_mode)
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.input.value
def return_info(self): return self.input
[docs] def clear_input(self, *args, **kwargs): self.reset_state(self.mode)
[docs] class PoissonInput(Projection): """Poisson Input to the given :py:class:`~.Variable`. Adds independent Poisson input to a target variable. For large numbers of inputs, this is much more efficient than creating a `PoissonGroup`. The synaptic events are generated randomly during the simulation and are not preloaded and stored in memory. All the inputs must target the same variable, have the same frequency and same synaptic weight. All neurons in the target variable receive independent realizations of Poisson spike trains. Args: target_var: The variable that is targeted by this input. Should be an instance of :py:class:`~.Variable`. num_input: The number of inputs. freq: The frequency of each of the inputs. Must be a scalar. weight: The synaptic weight. Must be a scalar. name: The target name. mode: The computing mode. """
[docs] def __init__( self, target_var: bm.Variable, num_input: int, freq: Union[int, float], weight: Union[int, float], mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): super().__init__(name=name, mode=mode) if not isinstance(target_var, bm.Variable): raise TypeError(f'"target_var" must be an instance of Variable. ' f'But we got {type(target_var)}: {target_var}') self.target_var = target_var self.num_input = check.is_integer(num_input, min_bound=1) self.freq = check.is_float(freq, min_bound=0., allow_int=True) self.weight = check.is_float(weight, allow_int=True)
def reset_state(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def update(self): p = self.freq * share['dt'] / 1e3 a = self.num_input * p b = self.num_input * (1 - p) if isinstance(share['dt'], numbers.Number): # dt is not traced if (a > 5) and (b > 5): inp = bm.random.normal(a, b * p, self.target_var.shape) else: inp = bm.random.binomial(self.num_input, p, self.target_var.shape) else: # dt is traced inp = bm.cond((a > 5) * (b > 5), lambda: bm.random.normal(a, b * p, self.target_var.shape), lambda: bm.random.binomial(self.num_input, p, self.target_var.shape)) # inp = bm.sharding.partition(inp, self.target_var.sharding) self.target_var += inp * self.weight
def __repr__(self): return f'{}(num_input={self.num_input}, freq={self.freq}, weight={self.weight})'