Source code for brainpy._src.dynold.synapses.learning_rules

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Union, Dict, Callable, Optional

from brainpy._src.connect import TwoEndConnector
from brainpy._src.dyn import synapses
from brainpy._src.dynold.synouts import CUBA
from brainpy._src.dynold.synapses import _TwoEndConnAlignPre
from brainpy._src.dynsys import Sequential
from brainpy._src.dyn.base import NeuDyn
from brainpy._src.initialize import Initializer
from brainpy._src.mixin import ParamDesc
from brainpy.types import ArrayType

__all__ = [

class _STPModel(Sequential, ParamDesc):
  def __init__(self, size, keep_size, tau, U, tau_f, tau_d, mode=None, method='exp_euler'):
    stp = synapses.STP(size, keep_size, U=U, tau_f=tau_f, tau_d=tau_d, method=method, mode=mode)
    exp = synapses.Expon(size, keep_size, tau=tau, method=method, mode=mode)
    super().__init__(stp, exp)

[docs] class STP(_TwoEndConnAlignPre): r"""Short-term plasticity model. **Model Descriptions** Short-term plasticity (STP) [1]_ [2]_ [3]_, also called dynamical synapses, refers to the changes of synaptic strengths over time in a way that reflects the history of presynaptic activity. Two types of STP, with opposite effects on synaptic efficacy, have been observed in experiments. They are known as Short-Term Depression (STD) and Short-Term Facilitation (STF). In the model proposed by Tsodyks and Markram [4]_ [5]_, the STD effect is modeled by a normalized variable :math:`x (0 \le x \le 1)`, denoting the fraction of resources that remain available after neurotransmitter depletion. The STF effect is modeled by a utilization parameter :math:`u`, representing the fraction of available resources ready for use (release probability). Following a spike, - (i) :math:`u` increases due to spike-induced calcium influx to the presynaptic terminal, after which - (ii) a fraction :math:`u` of available resources is consumed to produce the post-synaptic current. Between spikes, :math:`u` decays back to zero with time constant :math:`\tau_f` and :math:`x` recovers to 1 with time constant :math:`\tau_d`. In summary, the dynamics of STP is given by .. math:: \begin{aligned} \frac{du}{dt} & = -\frac{u}{\tau_f}+U(1-u^-)\delta(t-t_{sp}),\nonumber \\ \frac{dx}{dt} & = \frac{1-x}{\tau_d}-u^+x^-\delta(t-t_{sp}), \\ \frac{dI}{dt} & = -\frac{I}{\tau_s} + Au^+x^-\delta(t-t_{sp}), \end{aligned} where :math:`t_{sp}` denotes the spike time and :math:`U` is the increment of :math:`u` produced by a spike. :math:`u^-, x^-` are the corresponding variables just before the arrival of the spike, and :math:`u^+` refers to the moment just after the spike. The synaptic current generated at the synapse by the spike arriving at :math:`t_{sp}` is then given by .. math:: \Delta I(t_{spike}) = Au^+x^- where :math:`A` denotes the response amplitude that would be produced by total release of all the neurotransmitter (:math:`u=x=1`), called absolute synaptic efficacy of the connections. **Model Examples** - `STP for Working Memory Capacity <>`_ **STD** >>> import brainpy as bp >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> >>> neu1 = bp.neurons.LIF(1) >>> neu2 = bp.neurons.LIF(1) >>> syn1 = bp.synapses.STP(neu1, neu2, bp.connect.All2All(), U=0.2, tau_d=150., tau_f=2.) >>> net = bp.Network(pre=neu1, syn=syn1, post=neu2) >>> >>> runner = bp.DSRunner(net, inputs=[('pre.input', 28.)], monitors=['syn.I', 'syn.u', 'syn.x']) >>> >>> >>> >>> # plot >>> fig, gs = bp.visualize.get_figure(2, 1, 3, 7) >>> >>> fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) >>> plt.plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon['syn.u'][:, 0], label='u') >>> plt.plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon['syn.x'][:, 0], label='x') >>> plt.legend() >>> >>> fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) >>> plt.plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon['syn.I'][:, 0], label='I') >>> plt.legend() >>> >>> plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') >>> **STF** >>> import brainpy as bp >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> >>> neu1 = bp.neurons.LIF(1) >>> neu2 = bp.neurons.LIF(1) >>> syn1 = bp.neurons.STP(neu1, neu2, bp.connect.All2All(), U=0.1, tau_d=10, tau_f=100.) >>> net = bp.Network(pre=neu1, syn=syn1, post=neu2) >>> >>> runner = bp.DSRunner(net, inputs=[('pre.input', 28.)], monitors=['syn.I', 'syn.u', 'syn.x']) >>> >>> >>> >>> # plot >>> fig, gs = bp.visualize.get_figure(2, 1, 3, 7) >>> >>> fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) >>> plt.plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon['syn.u'][:, 0], label='u') >>> plt.plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon['syn.x'][:, 0], label='x') >>> plt.legend() >>> >>> fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) >>> plt.plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon['syn.I'][:, 0], label='I') >>> plt.legend() >>> >>> plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') >>> **Model Parameters** ============= ============== ======== =========================================== **Parameter** **Init Value** **Unit** **Explanation** ------------- -------------- -------- ------------------------------------------- tau_d 200 ms Time constant of short-term depression. tau_f 1500 ms Time constant of short-term facilitation. U .15 \ The increment of :math:`u` produced by a spike. A 1 \ The response amplitude that would be produced by total release of all the neurotransmitter delay 0 ms The decay time of the current :math:`I` output onto the post-synaptic neuron groups. ============= ============== ======== =========================================== **Model Variables** =============== ================== ===================================================================== **Member name** **Initial values** **Explanation** --------------- ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- u 0 Release probability of the neurotransmitters. x 1 A Normalized variable denoting the fraction of remain neurotransmitters. I 0 Synapse current output onto the post-synaptic neurons. =============== ================== ===================================================================== **References** .. [1] Stevens, Charles F., and Yanyan Wang. "Facilitation and depression at single central synapses." Neuron 14, no. 4 (1995): 795-802. .. [2] Abbott, Larry F., J. A. Varela, Kamal Sen, and S. B. Nelson. "Synaptic depression and cortical gain control." Science 275, no. 5297 (1997): 221-224. .. [3] Abbott, L. F., and Wade G. Regehr. "Synaptic computation." Nature 431, no. 7010 (2004): 796-803. .. [4] Tsodyks, Misha, Klaus Pawelzik, and Henry Markram. "Neural networks with dynamic synapses." Neural computation 10.4 (1998): 821-835. .. [5] Tsodyks, Misha, and Si Wu. "Short-term synaptic plasticity." Scholarpedia 8, no. 10 (2013): 3153. """
[docs] def __init__( self, pre: NeuDyn, post: NeuDyn, conn: Union[TwoEndConnector, ArrayType, Dict[str, ArrayType]], U: Union[float, ArrayType] = 0.15, tau_f: Union[float, ArrayType] = 1500., tau_d: Union[float, ArrayType] = 200., tau: Union[float, ArrayType] = 8., A: Union[float, ArrayType] = 1., delay_step: Union[int, ArrayType, Initializer, Callable] = None, method: str = 'exp_auto', name: Optional[str] = None ): # parameters self.tau_d = tau_d self.tau_f = tau_f self.tau = tau self.U = U self.A = A syn = _STPModel(pre.size, pre.keep_size, tau, U, tau_f, tau_d, method=method) super().__init__(pre=pre, post=post, syn=syn, conn=conn, g_max=A, output=CUBA(), comp_method='sparse', delay_step=delay_step, name=name) # variables self.x = self.syn[0].x self.u = self.syn[0].u self.I = self.syn[1].g