Source code for brainpy._src.dynsys

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import collections
import inspect
import numbers
import warnings
from typing import Union, Dict, Callable, Sequence, Optional, Any

import numpy as np

from brainpy import tools, math as bm
from brainpy._src.context import share
from brainpy._src.deprecations import _update_deprecate_msg
from brainpy._src.initialize import parameter, variable_
from brainpy._src.mixin import SupportAutoDelay, Container, SupportInputProj, DelayRegister, _get_delay_tool
from brainpy.errors import NoImplementationError, UnsupportedError
from brainpy.types import ArrayType, Shape

__all__ = [
  # general

  # containers
  'DynSysGroup', 'Network', 'Sequential',

  # category
  'Dynamic', 'Projection',

IonChaDyn = None
SLICE_VARS = 'slice_vars'
the_top_layer_reset_state = True
clear_input = None
reset_state = None

def not_implemented(fun):
  def new_fun(*args, **kwargs):
    return fun(*args, **kwargs)

  new_fun._not_implemented = True
  return new_fun

[docs] class DynamicalSystem(bm.BrainPyObject, DelayRegister, SupportInputProj): """Base Dynamical System class. .. note:: In general, every instance of :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem` implemented in BrainPy only defines the evolving function at each time step :math:`t`. If users want to define the logic of running models across multiple steps, we recommend users to use :py:func:`~.for_loop`, :py:class:`~.LoopOverTime`, :py:class:`~.DSRunner`, or :py:class:`~.DSTrainer`. To be compatible with previous APIs, :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem` inherits from the :py:class:`~.DelayRegister`. It's worthy to note that the methods of :py:class:`~.DelayRegister` will be removed in the future, including: - ``.register_delay()`` - ``.get_delay_data()`` - ``.update_local_delays()`` - ``.reset_local_delays()`` Parameters ---------- name : optional, str The name of the dynamical system. mode: optional, Mode The model computation mode. It should be an instance of :py:class:`~.Mode`. """ supported_modes: Optional[Sequence[bm.Mode]] = None '''Supported computing modes.''' def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, ): # mode setting mode = bm.get_mode() if mode is None else mode if not isinstance(mode, bm.Mode): raise ValueError(f'Should be instance of {bm.Mode.__name__}, ' f'but we got {type(mode)}: {mode}') self._mode = mode if self.supported_modes is not None: if not self.mode.is_parent_of(*self.supported_modes): raise UnsupportedError(f'The mode only supports computing modes ' f'which are parents of {self.supported_modes}, ' f'but we got {self.mode}.') # Attribute for "SupportInputProj" # each instance of "SupportInputProj" should have a "cur_inputs" attribute self._current_inputs: Optional[Dict[str, Callable]] = None self._delta_inputs: Optional[Dict[str, Callable]] = None # the before- / after-updates used for computing # added after the version of 2.4.3 self._before_updates: Optional[Dict[str, Callable]] = None self._after_updates: Optional[Dict[str, Callable]] = None # super initialization super().__init__(name=name) @property def current_inputs(self): if self._current_inputs is None: self._current_inputs = bm.node_dict() return self._current_inputs @property def delta_inputs(self): if self._delta_inputs is None: self._delta_inputs = bm.node_dict() return self._delta_inputs @property def before_updates(self): if self._before_updates is None: self._before_updates = bm.node_dict() return self._before_updates @property def after_updates(self): if self._after_updates is None: self._after_updates = bm.node_dict() return self._after_updates
[docs] def add_bef_update(self, key: Any, fun: Callable): """Add the before update into this node""" if key in self.before_updates: raise KeyError(f'{key} has been registered in before_updates of {self}') self.before_updates[key] = fun
[docs] def add_aft_update(self, key: Any, fun: Callable): """Add the after update into this node""" if key in self.after_updates: raise KeyError(f'{key} has been registered in after_updates of {self}') self.after_updates[key] = fun
[docs] def get_bef_update(self, key: Any): """Get the before update of this node by the given ``key``.""" if key not in self.before_updates: raise KeyError(f'{key} is not registered in before_updates of {self}') return self.before_updates.get(key)
[docs] def get_aft_update(self, key: Any): """Get the after update of this node by the given ``key``.""" if key not in self.after_updates: raise KeyError(f'{key} is not registered in after_updates of {self}') return self.after_updates.get(key)
[docs] def has_bef_update(self, key: Any): """Whether this node has the before update of the given ``key``.""" return key in self.before_updates
[docs] def has_aft_update(self, key: Any): """Whether this node has the after update of the given ``key``.""" return key in self.after_updates
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """The function to specify the updating rule. """ raise NotImplementedError('Must implement "update" function by subclass self.')
[docs] def reset(self, *args, **kwargs): """Reset function which reset the whole variables in the model (including its children models). ``reset()`` function is a collective behavior which resets all states in this model. See for details. """ global reset_state if reset_state is None: from brainpy._src.helpers import reset_state reset_state(self, *args, **kwargs)
@not_implemented def reset_state(self, *args, **kwargs): """Reset function which resets local states in this model. Simply speaking, this function should implement the logic of resetting of local variables in this node. See for details. """ pass
[docs] def clear_input(self, *args, **kwargs): """Clear the input at the current time step.""" pass
[docs] def step_run(self, i, *args, **kwargs): """The step run function. This function can be directly applied to run the dynamical system. Particularly, ``i`` denotes the running index. Args: i: The current running index. *args: The arguments of ``update()`` function. **kwargs: The arguments of ``update()`` function. Returns: out: The update function returns. """ global clear_input if clear_input is None: from brainpy._src.helpers import clear_input, t=i * bm.dt) out = self.update(*args, **kwargs) clear_input(self) return out
[docs] @bm.cls_jit(inline=True) def jit_step_run(self, i, *args, **kwargs): """The jitted step function for running. Args: i: The current running index. *args: The arguments of ``update()`` function. **kwargs: The arguments of ``update()`` function. Returns: out: The update function returns. """ return self.step_run(i, *args, **kwargs)
@property def mode(self) -> bm.Mode: """Mode of the model, which is useful to control the multiple behaviors of the model.""" return self._mode @mode.setter def mode(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bm.Mode): raise ValueError(f'Must be instance of {bm.Mode.__name__}, ' f'but we got {type(value)}: {value}') self._mode = value
[docs] def register_local_delay( self, var_name: str, delay_name: str, delay_time: Union[numbers.Number, ArrayType] = None, delay_step: Union[numbers.Number, ArrayType] = None, ): """Register local relay at the given delay time. Args: var_name: str. The name of the delay target variable. delay_name: str. The name of the current delay data. delay_time: The delay time. Float. delay_step: The delay step. Int. ``delay_step`` and ``delay_time`` are exclusive. ``delay_step = delay_time / dt``. """ delay_identifier, init_delay_by_return = _get_delay_tool() delay_identifier = delay_identifier + var_name # check whether the "var_name" has been registered try: target = getattr(self, var_name) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError(f'This node {self} does not has attribute of "{var_name}".') if not self.has_aft_update(delay_identifier): # add a model to receive the return of the target model # moreover, the model should not receive the return of the update function model = not_receive_update_output(init_delay_by_return(target)) # register the model self.add_aft_update(delay_identifier, model) delay_cls = self.get_aft_update(delay_identifier) delay_cls.register_entry(delay_name, delay_time=delay_time, delay_step=delay_step)
[docs] def get_local_delay(self, var_name, delay_name): """Get the delay at the given identifier (`name`). Args: var_name: The name of the target delay variable. delay_name: The identifier of the delay. Returns: The delayed data at the given delay position. """ delay_identifier, init_delay_by_return = _get_delay_tool() delay_identifier = delay_identifier + var_name return self.get_aft_update(delay_identifier).at(delay_name)
def _compatible_update(self, *args, **kwargs): update_fun = super().__getattribute__('update') update_args = tuple(inspect.signature(update_fun).parameters.values()) if len(update_args) and update_args[0].name in ['tdi', 'sh', 'sha']: # define the update function with: # update(tdi, *args, **kwargs) # if len(args) > 0: if isinstance(args[0], dict) and all([bm.ndim(v) == 0 for v in args[0].values()]): # define: # update(tdi, *args, **kwargs) # call: # update(tdi, *args, **kwargs) ret = update_fun(*args, **kwargs) warnings.warn(_update_deprecate_msg, UserWarning) else: # define: # update(tdi, *args, **kwargs) # call: # update(*args, **kwargs) ret = update_fun(share.get_shargs(), *args, **kwargs) warnings.warn(_update_deprecate_msg, UserWarning) else: if update_args[0].name in kwargs: # define: # update(tdi, *args, **kwargs) # call: # update(tdi=??, **kwargs) ret = update_fun(**kwargs) warnings.warn(_update_deprecate_msg, UserWarning) else: # define: # update(tdi, *args, **kwargs) # call: # update(**kwargs) ret = update_fun(share.get_shargs(), *args, **kwargs) warnings.warn(_update_deprecate_msg, UserWarning) return ret try: ba = inspect.signature(update_fun).bind(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: if len(args) and isinstance(args[0], dict): # user define ``update()`` function which does not receive the shared argument, # but do provide these shared arguments when calling ``update()`` function # ----- # change # update(tdi, *args, **kwargs) # as # update(*args, **kwargs)**args[0]) ret = update_fun(*args[1:], **kwargs) warnings.warn(_update_deprecate_msg, UserWarning) return ret else: # user define ``update()`` function which receives the shared argument, # but not provide these shared arguments when calling ``update()`` function # ----- # change # update(*args, **kwargs) # as # update(tdi, *args, **kwargs) ret = update_fun(share.get_shargs(), *args, **kwargs) warnings.warn(_update_deprecate_msg, UserWarning) return ret else: if len(args) and isinstance(args[0], dict) and all([bm.ndim(v) == 0 for v in args[0].values()]): try: ba = inspect.signature(update_fun).bind(*args[1:], **kwargs) except TypeError: pass else: # ----- # define as: # update(x=None) # call as # update(tdi)**args[0]) ret = update_fun(*args[1:], **kwargs) warnings.warn(_update_deprecate_msg, UserWarning) return ret return update_fun(*args, **kwargs) def _compatible_reset_state(self, *args, **kwargs): global the_top_layer_reset_state the_top_layer_reset_state = False try: if hasattr(self.reset_state, '_not_implemented'): self.reset(*args, **kwargs) warnings.warn( ''' From version >= 2.4.6, the policy of ``.reset_state()`` has been changed. See for details. 1. If you are resetting all states in a network by calling "net.reset_state(*args, **kwargs)", please use "bp.reset_state(net, *args, **kwargs)" function, or "net.reset(*args, **kwargs)". ".reset_state()" only defines the resetting of local states in a local node (excluded its children nodes). 2. If you does not customize "reset_state()" function for a local node, please implement it in your subclass. ''', DeprecationWarning ) else: self.reset_state(*args, **kwargs) finally: the_top_layer_reset_state = True def _get_update_fun(self): return object.__getattribute__(self, 'update') def __getattribute__(self, item): if item == 'update': return self._compatible_update # update function compatible with previous ``update()`` function if item == 'reset_state': if the_top_layer_reset_state: return self._compatible_reset_state # reset_state function compatible with previous ``reset_state()`` function return super().__getattribute__(item) def __repr__(self): return f'{}(mode={self.mode})' def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """The shortcut to call ``update`` methods.""" # ``before_updates`` for model in self.before_updates.values(): if hasattr(model, '_receive_update_input'): model(*args, **kwargs) else: model() # update the model self ret = self.update(*args, **kwargs) # ``after_updates`` for model in self.after_updates.values(): if hasattr(model, '_not_receive_update_output'): model() else: model(ret) return ret def __rrshift__(self, other): """Support using right shift operator to call modules. Examples -------- >>> import brainpy as bp >>> x = bp.math.random.rand((10, 10)) >>> l = bp.layers.Activation(bm.tanh) >>> y = x >> l """ return self.__call__(other)
[docs] class DynSysGroup(DynamicalSystem, Container): """A group of :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem`s in which the updating order does not matter. Args: children_as_tuple: The children objects. children_as_dict: The children objects. name: The object name. mode: The mode which controls the model computation. child_type: The type of the children object. Default is :py:class:`DynamicalSystem`. """ def __init__( self, *children_as_tuple, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, child_type: type = DynamicalSystem, **children_as_dict ): super().__init__(name=name, mode=mode) # Attribute of "Container" self.children = bm.node_dict(self.format_elements(child_type, *children_as_tuple, **children_as_dict))
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """Step function of a network. In this update function, the update functions in children systems are iteratively called. """ nodes = self.nodes(level=1, include_self=False).subset(DynamicalSystem).unique().not_subset(DynView) # update nodes of projections for node in nodes.subset(Projection).values(): node() # update nodes of dynamics for node in nodes.subset(Dynamic).values(): node() # update nodes with other types, including delays, ... for node in nodes.not_subset(Dynamic).not_subset(Projection).values(): node()
[docs] class Network(DynSysGroup): """A group of :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem`s which defines the nodes and edges in a network. """ pass
[docs] class Sequential(DynamicalSystem, SupportAutoDelay, Container): """A sequential `input-output` module. Modules will be added to it in the order they are passed in the constructor. Alternatively, an ``dict`` of modules can be passed in. The ``update()`` method of ``Sequential`` accepts any input and forwards it to the first module it contains. It then "chains" outputs to inputs sequentially for each subsequent module, finally returning the output of the last module. The value a ``Sequential`` provides over manually calling a sequence of modules is that it allows treating the whole container as a single module, such that performing a transformation on the ``Sequential`` applies to each of the modules it stores (which are each a registered submodule of the ``Sequential``). What's the difference between a ``Sequential`` and a :py:class:`Container`? A ``Container`` is exactly what it sounds like--a container to store :py:class:`DynamicalSystem` s! On the other hand, the layers in a ``Sequential`` are connected in a cascading way. Examples -------- >>> import brainpy as bp >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> >>> # composing ANN models >>> l = bp.Sequential(bp.layers.Dense(100, 10), >>> bm.relu, >>> bp.layers.Dense(10, 2)) >>> l(bm.random.random((256, 100))) >>> >>> # Using Sequential with Dict. This is functionally the >>> # same as the above code >>> l = bp.Sequential(l1=bp.layers.Dense(100, 10), >>> l2=bm.relu, >>> l3=bp.layers.Dense(10, 2)) >>> l(bm.random.random((256, 100))) Args: modules_as_tuple: The children modules. modules_as_dict: The children modules. name: The object name. mode: The object computing context/mode. Default is ``None``. """ def __init__( self, *modules_as_tuple, name: str = None, mode: bm.Mode = None, **modules_as_dict ): super().__init__(name=name, mode=mode) # Attribute of "Container" self.children = bm.node_dict(self.format_elements(object, *modules_as_tuple, **modules_as_dict))
[docs] def update(self, x): """Update function of a sequential model. """ for m in self.children.values(): x = m(x) return x
def return_info(self): last = self[-1] if not isinstance(last, SupportAutoDelay): raise UnsupportedError(f'Does not support "return_info()" because the last node is ' f'not instance of {SupportAutoDelay.__name__}') return last.return_info() def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice, str]): if isinstance(key, str): if key in self.children: return self.children[key] else: raise KeyError(f'Does not find a component named {key} in\n {str(self)}') elif isinstance(key, slice): return Sequential(**dict(tuple(self.children.items())[key])) elif isinstance(key, int): return tuple(self.children.values())[key] elif isinstance(key, (tuple, list)): _all_nodes = tuple(self.children.items()) return Sequential(**dict(_all_nodes[k] for k in key)) else: raise KeyError(f'Unknown type of key: {type(key)}') def __repr__(self): nodes = self.children.values() entries = '\n'.join(f' [{i}] {tools.repr_object(x)}' for i, x in enumerate(nodes)) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(\n{entries}\n)'
[docs] class Projection(DynamicalSystem): """Base class to model synaptic projections. Args: name: The name of the dynamic system. mode: The computing mode. It should be an instance of :py:class:`~.Mode`. """
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): nodes = tuple(self.nodes(level=1, include_self=False).subset(DynamicalSystem).unique().values()) if len(nodes): for node in nodes: node.update(*args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Do not implement the update() function.')
[docs] def clear_input(self, *args, **kwargs): """Empty function of clearing inputs.""" pass
def reset_state(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] class Dynamic(DynamicalSystem): """Base class to model dynamics. There are several essential attributes: - ``size``: the geometry of the neuron group. For example, `(10, )` denotes a line of neurons, `(10, 10)` denotes a neuron group aligned in a 2D space, `(10, 15, 4)` denotes a 3-dimensional neuron group. - ``num``: the flattened number of neurons in the group. For example, `size=(10, )` => \ `num=10`, `size=(10, 10)` => `num=100`, `size=(10, 15, 4)` => `num=600`. Args: size: The neuron group geometry. name: The name of the dynamic system. keep_size: Whether keep the geometry information. mode: The computing mode. """ def __init__( self, size: Shape, keep_size: bool = False, sharding: Optional[Any] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[bm.Mode] = None, method: str = 'exp_auto' ): # size if isinstance(size, (list, tuple)): if len(size) <= 0: raise ValueError(f'size must be int, or a tuple/list of int. ' f'But we got {type(size)}') if not isinstance(size[0], (int, np.integer)): raise ValueError('size must be int, or a tuple/list of int.' f'But we got {type(size)}') size = tuple(size) elif isinstance(size, (int, np.integer)): size = (size,) else: raise ValueError('size must be int, or a tuple/list of int.' f'But we got {type(size)}') self.size = size self.keep_size = keep_size # number of neurons self.num = tools.size2num(size) # axis names for parallelization self.sharding = sharding # integration method self.method = method # initialize super().__init__(name=name, mode=mode) @property def varshape(self): """The shape of variables in the neuron group.""" return self.size if self.keep_size else (self.num,) def get_batch_shape(self, batch_size=None): if batch_size is None: return self.varshape else: return (batch_size,) + self.varshape
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """The function to specify the updating rule. """ raise NotImplementedError(f'Subclass of {self.__class__.__name__} must ' f'implement "update" function.')
[docs] def init_param(self, param, shape=None, sharding=None): """Initialize parameters. If ``sharding`` is provided and ``param`` is array, this function will partition the parameter across the default device mesh. See :py:func:`~.brainpy.math.sharding.device_mesh` for the mesh setting. """ shape = self.varshape if shape is None else shape sharding = self.sharding if sharding is None else sharding return parameter(param, sizes=shape, allow_none=False, sharding=sharding)
[docs] def init_variable(self, var_data, batch_or_mode, shape=None, sharding=None): """Initialize variables. If ``sharding`` is provided and ``var_data`` is array, this function will partition the variable across the default device mesh. See :py:func:`~.brainpy.math.sharding.device_mesh` for the mesh setting. """ shape = self.varshape if shape is None else shape sharding = self.sharding if sharding is None else sharding return variable_(var_data, sizes=shape, batch_or_mode=batch_or_mode, axis_names=sharding, batch_axis_name=bm.sharding.BATCH_AXIS)
def __repr__(self): return f'{}(mode={self.mode}, size={self.size})' def __getitem__(self, item): return DynView(target=self, index=item)
[docs] def clear_input(self, *args, **kwargs): """Empty function of clearing inputs.""" pass
class DynView(Dynamic): """DSView, an object used to get a view of a dynamical system instance. It can get a subset view of variables in a dynamical system instance. For instance, >>> import brainpy as bp >>> hh = bp.neurons.HH(10) >>> DynView(hh, slice(5, 10, None)) >>> # or, simply >>> hh[5:] """ def __init__( self, target: Dynamic, index: Union[slice, Sequence, ArrayType], name: Optional[str] = None, ): # check target if not isinstance(target, Dynamic): raise TypeError(f'Should be instance of {Dynamic.__name__}, but we got {type(target)}.') = target # the target object to slice # check slicing if isinstance(index, (int, slice)): index = (index,) self.index = index # the slice if len(self.index) > len(target.varshape): raise ValueError(f"Length of the index should be less than " f"that of the target's varshape. But we " f"got {len(self.index)} > {len(target.varshape)}") # get all variables for slicing if hasattr(, SLICE_VARS): all_vars = {} for var_str in getattr(, SLICE_VARS): v = eval(f'target.{var_str}') all_vars[var_str] = v else: all_vars = target.vars(level=1, include_self=True, method='relative') all_vars = {k: v for k, v in all_vars.items()} # TODO # all_vars = {k: v for k, v in all_vars.items() if v.nobatch_shape == varshape} # slice variables self.slice_vars = dict() for k, v in all_vars.items(): if v.batch_axis is not None: index = ( (self.index[:v.batch_axis] + (slice(None, None, None),) + self.index[v.batch_axis:]) if (len(self.index) > v.batch_axis) else (self.index + tuple([slice(None, None, None) for _ in range(v.batch_axis - len(self.index) + 1)])) ) else: index = self.index self.slice_vars[k] = bm.VariableView(v, index) # sub-nodes # nodes = target.nodes(method='relative', level=0, include_self=True).subset(DynamicalSystem) # for k, node in nodes.items(): # if isinstance(node, Dynamic): # node = DynView(node, self.index) # else: # node = DynView(node, self.index) # setattr(self, k, node) # initialization # get size size = [] for i, idx in enumerate(self.index): if isinstance(idx, int): size.append(1) elif isinstance(idx, slice): size.append(_slice_to_num(idx, target.varshape[i])) else: # should be a list/tuple/array of int # do not check again if not isinstance(idx, raise TypeError('Should be an iterable object of int.') size.append(len(idx)) size += list(target.varshape[len(self.index):]) super().__init__(size, keep_size=target.keep_size, name=name, mode=target.mode) def __repr__(self): return f'{}(target={}, index={self.index})' def __getattribute__(self, item): try: slice_vars = object.__getattribute__(self, 'slice_vars') if item in slice_vars: value = slice_vars[item] return value return object.__getattribute__(self, item) except AttributeError: return object.__getattribute__(self, item) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if hasattr(self, 'slice_vars'): slice_vars = super().__getattribute__('slice_vars') if key in slice_vars: v = slice_vars[key] v.value = value return super(DynView, self).__setattr__(key, value) def update(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NoImplementationError(f'{DynView.__name__} {self} cannot be updated. ' f'Please update its parent {}') def reset_state(self, batch_size=None): pass @tools.numba_jit def _slice_to_num(slice_: slice, length: int): # start start = slice_.start if start is None: start = 0 if start < 0: start = length + start start = max(start, 0) # stop stop = slice_.stop if stop is None: stop = length if stop < 0: stop = length + stop stop = min(stop, length) # step step = slice_.step if step is None: step = 1 # number num = 0 while start < stop: start += step num += 1 return num def receive_update_output(cls: object): """ The decorator to mark the object (as the after updates) to receive the output of the update function. That is, the `aft_update` will receive the return of the update function:: ret = model.update(*args, **kwargs) for fun in model.aft_updates: fun(ret) """ # assert isinstance(cls, DynamicalSystem), 'The input class should be instance of DynamicalSystem.' if hasattr(cls, '_not_receive_update_output'): delattr(cls, '_not_receive_update_output') return cls def not_receive_update_output(cls: object): """ The decorator to mark the object (as the after updates) to not receive the output of the update function. That is, the `aft_update` will not receive the return of the update function:: ret = model.update(*args, **kwargs) for fun in model.aft_updates: fun() """ # assert isinstance(cls, DynamicalSystem), 'The input class should be instance of DynamicalSystem.' cls._not_receive_update_output = True return cls def receive_update_input(cls: object): """ The decorator to mark the object (as the before updates) to receive the input of the update function. That is, the `bef_update` will receive the input of the update function:: for fun in model.bef_updates: fun(*args, **kwargs) model.update(*args, **kwargs) """ # assert isinstance(cls, DynamicalSystem), 'The input class should be instance of DynamicalSystem.' cls._receive_update_input = True return cls def not_receive_update_input(cls: object): """ The decorator to mark the object (as the before updates) to not receive the input of the update function. That is, the `bef_update` will not receive the input of the update function:: for fun in model.bef_updates: fun() model.update() """ # assert isinstance(cls, DynamicalSystem), 'The input class should be instance of DynamicalSystem.' if hasattr(cls, '_receive_update_input'): delattr(cls, '_receive_update_input') return cls