Source code for brainpy._src.measure.lfp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from jax import numpy as jnp

import brainpy._src.math as bm

__all__ = [

[docs] def unitary_LFP(times, spikes, spike_type, xmax=0.2, ymax=0.2, va=200., lambda_=0.2, sig_i=2.1, sig_e=2.1 * 1.5, location='soma layer', seed=None): """A kernel-based method to calculate unitary local field potentials (uLFP) from a network of spiking neurons [1]_. .. note:: This method calculates LFP only from the neuronal spikes. It does not consider the subthreshold synaptic events, or the dendritic voltage-dependent ion channels. Examples -------- If you have spike data of excitatory and inhibtiory neurons, you can get the LFP by the following methods: >>> import brainpy as bp >>> n_time = 1000 >>> n_exc = 100 >>> n_inh = 25 >>> times = bm.arange(n_time) * 0.1 >>> exc_sps = bp.math.random.random((n_time, n_exc)) < 0.3 >>> inh_sps = bp.math.random.random((n_time, n_inh)) < 0.4 >>> lfp = bp.measure.unitary_LFP(times, exc_sps, 'exc') >>> lfp += bp.measure.unitary_LFP(times, inh_sps, 'inh') Parameters ---------- times: ndarray The times of the recording points. spikes: ndarray The spikes of excitatory neurons recorded by brainpy monitors. spike_type: str The neuron type of the spike trains. It can be "exc" or "inh". location: str The location of the spikes recorded. It can be "soma layer", "deep layer", "superficial layer" and "surface". xmax: float Size of the array (in mm). ymax: float Size of the array (in mm). va: int, float The axon velocity (mm/sec). lambda_: float The space constant (mm). sig_i: float The std-dev of inhibition (in ms) sig_e: float The std-dev for excitation (in ms). seed: int The random seed. References ---------- .. [1] Telenczuk, Bartosz, Maria Telenczuk, and Alain Destexhe. "A kernel-based method to calculate local field potentials from networks of spiking neurons." Journal of Neuroscience Methods 344 (2020): 108871. """ times = bm.as_jax(times) spikes = bm.as_jax(spikes) if spike_type not in ['exc', 'inh']: raise ValueError('"spike_type" should be "exc or ""inh". ') if spikes.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('"E_spikes" should be a matrix with shape of (num_time, num_neuron). ' f'But we got {spikes.shape}') if times.shape[0] != spikes.shape[0]: raise ValueError('times and spikes should be consistent at the firs axis. ' f'Bug we got {times.shape[0]} != {spikes.shape}.') # Distributing cells in a 2D grid rng = bm.random.RandomState(seed) num_neuron = spikes.shape[1] pos_xs, pos_ys = rng.rand(2, num_neuron).value * jnp.array([[xmax], [ymax]]) pos_xs, pos_ys = jnp.asarray(pos_xs), jnp.asarray(pos_ys) # distance/coordinates xe, ye = xmax / 2, ymax / 2 # coordinates of electrode dist = jnp.sqrt((pos_xs - xe) ** 2 + (pos_ys - ye) ** 2) # distance to electrode in mm # amplitude if location == 'soma layer': amp_e, amp_i = 0.48, 3. # exc/inh uLFP amplitude (soma layer) elif location == 'deep layer': amp_e, amp_i = -0.16, -0.2 # exc/inh uLFP amplitude (deep layer) elif location == 'superficial layer': amp_e, amp_i = 0.24, -1.2 # exc/inh uLFP amplitude (superficial layer) elif location == 'surface layer': amp_e, amp_i = -0.08, 0.3 # exc/inh uLFP amplitude (surface) else: raise NotImplementedError A = jnp.exp(-dist / lambda_) * (amp_e if spike_type == 'exc' else amp_i) # delay delay = 10.4 + dist / va # delay to peak (in ms) # LFP Calculation iis, ids = jnp.where(spikes) tts = times[iis] + delay[ids] exc_amp = A[ids] tau = (2 * sig_e * sig_e) if spike_type == 'exc' else (2 * sig_i * sig_i) return bm.for_loop(lambda t: jnp.sum(exc_amp * jnp.exp(-(t - tts) ** 2 / tau)), times)