Source code for brainpy._src.runners

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import functools
import inspect
import time
import warnings
from import Iterable
from typing import Dict, Union, Sequence, Callable, Tuple, Optional, Any

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from jax.experimental.host_callback import id_tap
from jax.tree_util import tree_map, tree_flatten

from brainpy import math as bm, tools
from brainpy._src.context import share
from brainpy._src.deprecations import _input_deprecate_msg
from brainpy._src.dynsys import DynamicalSystem
from brainpy._src.helpers import clear_input
from brainpy._src.running.runner import Runner
from brainpy.errors import RunningError
from brainpy.types import Output, Monitor

__all__ = [

SUPPORTED_INPUT_OPS = ['-', '+', '*', '/', '=']
SUPPORTED_INPUT_TYPE = ['fix', 'iter', 'func']

def _call_fun_with_share(f, *args, **kwargs):
    sha = share.get_shargs()
    inspect.signature(f).bind(sha, *args, **kwargs)
    warnings.warn(_input_deprecate_msg, UserWarning)
    return f(sha, *args, **kwargs)
  except TypeError:
    return f(*args, **kwargs)

def _is_brainpy_array(x):
  return isinstance(x, bm.Array)

def check_and_format_inputs(host, inputs):
  """Check inputs and get the formatted inputs for the given population.

  host : DynamicalSystem
    The host which contains all data.
  inputs : tuple, list
    The inputs of the population.

  formatted_inputs : tuple, list
      The formatted inputs of the population.

  # 1. check inputs
  # ---------
  if inputs is None:
    inputs = []
  if not isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list)):
    raise RunningError('"inputs" must be a tuple/list.')
  if len(inputs) > 0 and not isinstance(inputs[0], (list, tuple)):
    if isinstance(inputs[0], (str, bm.Variable)):
      inputs = [inputs]
      raise RunningError('Unknown input structure, only support inputs '
                         'with format of "(target, value, [type, operation])".')
  for one_input in inputs:
    if not 2 <= len(one_input) <= 4:
      raise RunningError('For each target, you must specify '
                         '"(target, value, [type, operation])".')
    if len(one_input) == 3 and one_input[2] not in SUPPORTED_INPUT_TYPE:
      raise RunningError(f'Input type only supports '
                         f'"{SUPPORTED_INPUT_TYPE}", '
                         f'not "{one_input[2]}".')
    if len(one_input) == 4 and one_input[3] not in SUPPORTED_INPUT_OPS:
      raise RunningError(f'Input operation only supports '
                         f'"{SUPPORTED_INPUT_OPS}", '
                         f'not "{one_input[3]}".')

  # 2. get targets and attributes
  # ---------
  inputs_which_found_target = []

  # checking 1: absolute access
  #    Check whether the input target node is accessible,
  #    and check whether the target node has the attribute
  for one_input in inputs:
    key = one_input[0]
    if isinstance(key, bm.Variable):
      real_target = key
    elif isinstance(key, str):
      splits = key.split('.')
      target = host
        for split in splits:
          target = getattr(target, split)
      except AttributeError:
        raise AttributeError(f'target {target} does not have "{split}"')
      real_target = target
      raise RunningError(f'For each input, input[0] must be a string  to '
                         f'specify variable of the target, but we got {key}.')
    inputs_which_found_target.append((real_target,) + tuple(one_input[1:]))

  # 3. format inputs
  # ---------
  formatted_inputs = []
  for one_input in inputs_which_found_target:
    # input value
    data_value = one_input[1]

    # input type
    if len(one_input) >= 3:
      if one_input[2] == 'iter':
        if not isinstance(data_value, Iterable):
          raise ValueError(f'Input "{data_value}" for "{one_input[0]}" \n'
                           f'is set to be "iter" type, however we got the value with '
                           f'the type of {type(data_value)}')
      elif one_input[2] == 'func':
        if not callable(data_value):
          raise ValueError(f'Input "{data_value}" for "{one_input[0]}" \n'
                           f'is set to be "func" type, however we got the value with '
                           f'the type of {type(data_value)}')
      elif one_input[2] != 'fix':
        raise RunningError(f'Only support {SUPPORTED_INPUT_TYPE} input type, but '
                           f'we got "{one_input[2]}"')

      data_type = one_input[2]
      data_type = 'fix'

    # operation
    if len(one_input) == 4:
      data_op = one_input[3]
      data_op = '+'
    if data_op not in SUPPORTED_INPUT_OPS:
      raise RunningError(f'Only support {SUPPORTED_INPUT_OPS}, while we got '
                         f'{data_op} in {one_input}')

    # final
    format_inp = (one_input[0], data_value, data_type, data_op)

  fix_inputs = {'=': [], '+': [], '-': [], '*': [], '/': []}
  next_inputs = {'=': [], '+': [], '-': [], '*': [], '/': []}
  func_inputs = {'=': [], '+': [], '-': [], '*': [], '/': []}
  array_inputs = {'=': [], '+': [], '-': [], '*': [], '/': []}

  for variable, value, type_, op in formatted_inputs:
    # variable
    if not isinstance(variable, bm.Variable):
      raise RunningError(f'{variable}\n is not a dynamically changed Variable, '
                         f'its value will not change, we think there is no need to '
                         f'give its input.')

    # input data
    if type_ == 'iter':
      if isinstance(value, (bm.ndarray, np.ndarray, jnp.ndarray)):
        array_inputs[op].append([variable, bm.as_jax(value)])
        next_inputs[op].append([variable, iter(value)])
    elif type_ == 'func':
      func_inputs[op].append([variable, value])
      fix_inputs[op].append([variable, value])

  return {'fixed': fix_inputs,
          'iterated': next_inputs,
          'functional': func_inputs,
          'array': array_inputs}

def _f_ops(ops, var, data):
  if ops == '=':
    var[:] = data
  elif ops == '+':
    var += data
  elif ops == '-':
    var -= data
  elif ops == '*':
    var *= data
  elif ops == '/':
    var /= data
    raise ValueError(f'Unknown input operation: {ops}')

[docs] class DSRunner(Runner): """The runner for :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem`. Parameters ---------- target : DynamicalSystem The target model to run. inputs : list, tuple, callable The inputs for variables in the target model. .. note:: This argument can be used to set the inputs to the :py:class:`~.Variable` instances in the ``target``. If you peruse to give time-dependent inputs, please use ``DSRunner.predict()`` or ```` function. - It can be a list/tuple with the format of `[(target, value, [type, operation])]`, where `target` is the input target, `value` is the input value, `type` is the input type (such as "fix", "iter", "func"), `operation` is the operation for inputs (such as "+", "-", "*", "/", "="). - ``target``: should be a string or :py:class:`~.Variable`. Can be specified by the *absolute access* or *relative access*. - ``value``: should be a scalar, vector, matrix. - ``type``: should be a string. "fix" means the input `value` is a constant. "iter" means the input `value` can be changed over time. "func" mean the input is obtained through the functional call. - ``operation``: should be a string, support `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `=`. - Also, if you want to specify multiple inputs, just give multiple ``(target, value, [type, operation])``, for example ``[(target1, value1), (target2, value2)]``. - It can also be a callable function which receives the shared argument. In this functional input, users can manually specify the inputs for the target variables. This input function should receive one argument ``shared`` which contains the shared arguments like time ``t``, time step ``dt``, and index ``i``. .. versionchanged:: 2.3.1 ``fun_inputs`` are merged into ``inputs``. fun_inputs: callable The functional inputs. Manually specify the inputs for the target variables. This input function should receive one argument ``shared`` which contains the shared arguments like time ``t``, time step ``dt``, and index ``i``. .. deprecated:: 2.3.1 Will be removed since version 2.4.0. monitors: Optional, sequence of str, dict, Monitor Variables to monitor. - A list of string. Like ``monitors=['a', 'b', 'c']``. - A list of string with index specification. Like ``monitors=[('a', 1), ('b', [1,3,5]), 'c']`` - A dict with the explicit monitor target, like: ``monitors={'a': model.spike, 'b': model.V}`` - A dict with the index specification, like: ``monitors={'a': (model.spike, 0), 'b': (model.V, [1,2])}`` - A dict with the callable function, like ``monitors={'a': lambda: model.spike[:5]}`` .. versionchanged:: 2.3.1 ``fun_monitors`` are merged into ``monitors``. fun_monitors: dict Monitoring variables by a dict of callable functions. The dict ``key`` should be a string for the later retrieval by ``runner.mon[key]``. The dict ``value`` should be a callable function which receives two arguments: ``t`` and ``dt``. .. code-block:: fun_monitors = {'spike': lambda: model.spike[:10], 'V10': lambda: model.V[10]} .. deprecated:: 2.3.1 Will be removed since version 2.4.0. jit: bool, dict The JIT settings. Using dict is able to set the jit mode at different phase, for instance, ``jit={'predict': True, 'fit': False}``. progress_bar: bool Use progress bar to report the running progress or not? dyn_vars: Optional, dict The dynamically changed variables. Instance of :py:class:`~.Variable`. These variables together with variable retrieved from the ``target`` constitute all dynamical variables in this runner. numpy_mon_after_run : bool When finishing the network running, transform the JAX arrays into numpy ndarray or not? data_first_axis: str Set the default data dimension arrangement. To indicate whether the first axis is the batch size (``data_first_axis='B'``) or the time length (``data_first_axis='T'``). In order to be compatible with previous API, default is set to be ``False``. .. versionadded:: 2.3.1 memory_efficient: bool Whether using the memory-efficient way to just-in-time compile the given target. Default is False. .. versionadded:: 2.3.8 """ target: DynamicalSystem def __init__( self, target: DynamicalSystem, # inputs for target variables inputs: Union[Sequence, Callable] = (), # monitors monitors: Optional[Union[Sequence, Dict]] = None, numpy_mon_after_run: bool = True, # jit jit: Union[bool, Dict[str, bool]] = True, dyn_vars: Optional[Union[bm.Variable, Sequence[bm.Variable], Dict[str, bm.Variable]]] = None, memory_efficient: bool = False, # extra info dt: Optional[float] = None, t0: Union[float, int] = 0., progress_bar: bool = True, data_first_axis: Optional[str] = None, # deprecated fun_inputs: Optional[Callable] = None, fun_monitors: Optional[Dict[str, Callable]] = None, ): if not isinstance(target, DynamicalSystem): raise RunningError(f'"target" must be an instance of {DynamicalSystem.__name__}, ' f'but we got {type(target)}: {target}') super().__init__(target=target, monitors=monitors, fun_monitors=fun_monitors, jit=jit, progress_bar=progress_bar, dyn_vars=dyn_vars, numpy_mon_after_run=numpy_mon_after_run) # t0 and i0 self.i0 = 0 self.t0 = t0 if data_first_axis is None: data_first_axis = 'B' if isinstance(, bm.BatchingMode) else 'T' assert data_first_axis in ['B', 'T'] self.data_first_axis = data_first_axis # parameters dt = bm.get_dt() if dt is None else dt if not isinstance(dt, float): raise RunningError(f'"dt" must be float, but got {dt}') self.dt = dt # Build input function if fun_inputs is not None: warnings.warn('`fun_inputs` is deprecated since version 2.3.1. ' 'Define `fun_inputs` as `inputs` instead.', UserWarning) self._fun_inputs = fun_inputs if callable(inputs): self._inputs = inputs else: self._inputs = check_and_format_inputs(host=target, inputs=inputs) # run function self._jit_step_func_predict = bm.jit(self._step_func_predict, static_argnames=['shared_args']) # monitors self._memory_efficient = memory_efficient if memory_efficient and not numpy_mon_after_run: raise ValueError('When setting "gpu_memory_efficient=True", "numpy_mon_after_run" can not be False.') def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ indent = " " * len(name) + ' ' indent2 = indent + " " * len("target") return (f'{name}(target={tools.repr_context(str(, indent2)}, \n' f'{indent}jit={self.jit},\n' f'{indent}dt={self.dt},\n' f'{indent}data_first_axis={self.data_first_axis})')
[docs] def reset_state(self): """Reset state of the ``DSRunner``.""" self.i0 = 0
[docs] def predict( self, duration: float = None, inputs: Any = None, reset_state: bool = False, eval_time: bool = False, shared_args: Dict = None, # deprecated inputs_are_batching: bool = None, ) -> Union[Output, Tuple[float, Output]]: """Running a duration with the given target model. See `.predict()` function for more details. This function use the JIT compilation to accelerate the model simulation. Moreover, it can automatically monitor the node variables, states, inputs, and its output. Parameters ---------- duration: float The simulation time length. If you have provided ``inputs``, there is no longer need to provide ``duration``. inputs: ArrayType, dict of ArrayType, sequence of ArrayType The input data. - If the mode of ``target`` is instance of :py:class:`~.BatchingMode`, ``inputs`` must be a PyTree of data with two dimensions: ``(batch, time, ...)`` when ``data_first_axis='B'``, or ``(time, batch, ...)`` when ``data_first_axis='T'``. - If the mode of ``target`` is instance of :py:class:`~.NonBatchingMode`, the ``inputs`` should be a PyTree of data with one dimension: ``(time, ...)``. inputs_are_batching: bool Whether the ``inputs`` are batching. If `True`, the batching axis is the first dimension. .. deprecated:: 2.3.1 Will be removed after version 2.4.0. reset_state: bool Whether reset the model states. eval_time: bool Whether ro evaluate the running time. shared_args: optional, dict The shared arguments across different layers. Returns ------- output: ArrayType, dict, sequence The model output. """ if inputs_are_batching is not None: raise warnings.warn( f''' `inputs_are_batching` is no longer supported. The target mode of {} has already indicated the input should be batching. ''', UserWarning ) if duration is None: if inputs is None: raise ValueError('Please provide "duration" or "inputs".') else: if inputs is not None: warnings.warn('"inputs" has already has the time information. ' 'Therefore there no longer need to provide "duration".', UserWarning) duration = None num_step = self._get_input_time_step(duration, inputs) description = f'Predict {num_step} steps: ' # reset the states of the model and the runner if reset_state: self.reset_state() # shared arguments and inputs indices = np.arange(self.i0, self.i0 + num_step, dtype=bm.int_) if isinstance(, bm.BatchingMode) and self.data_first_axis == 'B': inputs = tree_map(lambda x: jnp.moveaxis(x, 0, 1), inputs) # build monitor for key in self._monitors.keys(): self.mon[key] = [] # reshape the monitor items # init progress bar if self.progress_bar: self._pbar = self._pbar.set_description(description, refresh=True) # running if eval_time: t0 = time.time() if inputs is None: inputs = tuple() if not isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list)): inputs = (inputs,) outputs, hists = self._predict(indices, *inputs, shared_args=shared_args) if eval_time: running_time = time.time() - t0 # close the progress bar if self.progress_bar: self._pbar.close() # post-running for monitors if self._memory_efficient: self.mon['ts'] = indices * self.dt + self.t0 for key in self._monitors.keys(): self.mon[key] = np.asarray(self.mon[key]) else: hists['ts'] = indices * self.dt + self.t0 if self.numpy_mon_after_run: hists = tree_map(lambda a: np.asarray(a), hists, is_leaf=lambda a: isinstance(a, bm.Array)) else: hists['ts'] = bm.as_jax(hists['ts']) for key in hists.keys(): self.mon[key] = hists[key] self.i0 += num_step return outputs if not eval_time else (running_time, outputs)
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[Output, Tuple[float, Output]]: """Same as :py:func:`~.DSRunner.predict`. """ return self.predict(*args, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[Output, Tuple[float, Output]]: """Same as :py:func:`~.DSRunner.predict`. """ return self.predict(*args, **kwargs) def _predict(self, indices, *xs, shared_args=None) -> Union[Output, Monitor]: """Predict the output according to the inputs. Parameters ---------- xs: sequence If `inputs` is not None, it should be a tensor with the shape of :math:`(num_time, ...)`. shared_args: optional, dict The shared keyword arguments. Returns ------- outputs, hists A tuple of pair of (outputs, hists). """ if shared_args is None: shared_args = dict() shared_args = tools.DotDict(shared_args) outs_and_mons = self._fun_predict(indices, *xs, shared_args=shared_args) if isinstance(, bm.BatchingMode) and self.data_first_axis == 'B': outs_and_mons = tree_map(lambda x: jnp.moveaxis(x, 0, 1) if x.ndim >= 2 else x, outs_and_mons) return outs_and_mons def _step_func_monitor(self): res = dict() for key, val in self._monitors.items(): if callable(val): res[key] = _call_fun_with_share(val) else: (variable, idx) = val if idx is None: res[key] = variable.value else: res[key] = variable[bm.as_jax(idx)] return res def _step_func_input(self): if self._fun_inputs is not None: self._fun_inputs(share.get_shargs()) if callable(self._inputs): _call_fun_with_share(self._inputs) else: for ops, values in self._inputs['fixed'].items(): for var, data in values: _f_ops(ops, var, data) for ops, values in self._inputs['array'].items(): for var, data in values: _f_ops(ops, var, data[share['i']]) for ops, values in self._inputs['functional'].items(): for var, data in values: _f_ops(ops, var, _call_fun_with_share(data)) for ops, values in self._inputs['iterated'].items(): for var, data in values: _f_ops(ops, var, next(data)) def _get_input_batch_size(self, xs=None) -> Optional[int]: """Get the batch size in the given input data.""" if xs is None: return None if isinstance(, bm.NonBatchingMode): return None if isinstance(xs, (bm.Array, jax.Array, np.ndarray)): return xs.shape[1] if self.data_first_axis == 'T' else xs.shape[0] leaves, _ = tree_flatten(xs, is_leaf=_is_brainpy_array) if self.data_first_axis == 'T': num_batch_sizes = [x.shape[1] for x in leaves] else: num_batch_sizes = [x.shape[0] for x in leaves] if len(set(num_batch_sizes)) != 1: raise ValueError(f'Number of batch size is different across arrays in ' f'the provided "xs". We got {set(num_batch_sizes)}.') return num_batch_sizes[0] def _get_input_time_step(self, duration=None, xs=None) -> int: """Get the length of time step in the given ``duration`` and ``xs``.""" if duration is not None: return int(duration / self.dt) if xs is not None: if isinstance(xs, (bm.Array, jax.Array, np.ndarray)): return xs.shape[0] if self.data_first_axis == 'T' else xs.shape[1] else: leaves, _ = tree_flatten(xs, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, bm.Array)) if self.data_first_axis == 'T': num_steps = [x.shape[0] for x in leaves] else: num_steps = [x.shape[1] for x in leaves] if len(set(num_steps)) != 1: raise ValueError(f'Number of time step is different across arrays in ' f'the provided "xs". We got {set(num_steps)}.') return num_steps[0] else: raise ValueError def _step_mon_on_cpu(self, args, transforms): for key, val in args.items(): self.mon[key].append(val) def _step_func_predict(self, i, *x, shared_args=None): # input step if shared_args is not None: assert isinstance(shared_args, dict)**shared_args) + i * self.dt, i=i, dt=self.dt) self._step_func_input() # dynamics update step out =*x) # monitor step mon = self._step_func_monitor() # finally if self.progress_bar: id_tap(lambda *arg: self._pbar.update(), ()) # share.clear_shargs() clear_input( if self._memory_efficient: id_tap(self._step_mon_on_cpu, mon) return out, None else: return out, mon def _fun_predict(self, indices, *inputs, shared_args=None): if self._memory_efficient: if self.jit['predict']: run_fun = self._jit_step_func_predict else: run_fun = self._step_func_predict outs = None for i in range(indices.shape[0]): out, _ = run_fun(indices[i], *tree_map(lambda a: a[i], inputs), shared_args=shared_args) if outs is None: outs = tree_map(lambda a: [], out) outs = tree_map(lambda a, o: o.append(a), out, outs) outs = tree_map(lambda a: bm.as_jax(a), outs) return outs, None else: return bm.for_loop(self._step_func_predict, (indices, *inputs), jit=self.jit['predict'], unroll_kwargs={'shared_args': shared_args})