Source code for brainpy._src.transform

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import functools
from typing import Union, Optional, Dict, Sequence

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.tree_util import tree_flatten, tree_unflatten, tree_map

from brainpy import tools, math as bm
from brainpy._src.context import share
from brainpy._src.dynsys import DynamicalSystem
from brainpy._src.helpers import clear_input
from brainpy.check import is_float, is_integer
from brainpy.types import PyTree

__all__ = [

[docs] class LoopOverTime(DynamicalSystem): """Transform a single step :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem` into a multiple-step forward propagation :py:class:`~.BrainPyObject`. .. note:: This object transforms a :py:class:`~.DynamicalSystem` into a :py:class:`~.BrainPyObject`. If the `target` has a batching mode, before sending the data into the wrapped object, reset the state (``.reset_state(batch_size)``) with the same batch size as in the given data. For more flexible customization, we recommend users to use :py:func:`~.for_loop`, or :py:class:`~.DSRunner`. Examples -------- This model can be used for network training: >>> import brainpy as bp >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> >>> n_time, n_batch, n_in = 30, 128, 100 >>> model = bp.Sequential(l1=bp.layers.RNNCell(n_in, 20), >>> l2=bm.relu, >>> l3=bp.layers.RNNCell(20, 2)) >>> over_time = bp.LoopOverTime(model, data_first_axis='T') >>> over_time.reset_state(n_batch) (30, 128, 2) >>> >>> hist_l3 = over_time(bm.random.rand(n_time, n_batch, n_in)) >>> print(hist_l3.shape) >>> >>> # monitor the "l1" layer state >>> over_time = bp.LoopOverTime(model, out_vars=model['l1'].state, data_first_axis='T') >>> over_time.reset_state(n_batch) >>> hist_l3, hist_l1 = over_time(bm.random.rand(n_time, n_batch, n_in)) >>> print(hist_l3.shape) (30, 128, 2) >>> print(hist_l1.shape) (30, 128, 20) It is also able to used in brain simulation models: .. plot:: :include-source: True >>> import brainpy as bp >>> import brainpy.math as bm >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> >>> hh = bp.neurons.HH(1) >>> over_time = bp.LoopOverTime(hh, out_vars=hh.V) >>> >>> # running with a given duration >>> _, potentials = over_time(100.) >>> plt.plot(bm.as_numpy(potentials), label='with given duration') >>> >>> # running with the given inputs >>> _, potentials = over_time(bm.ones(1000) * 5) >>> plt.plot(bm.as_numpy(potentials), label='with given inputs') >>> plt.legend() >>> Parameters ---------- target: DynamicalSystem The target to transform. no_state: bool Denoting whether the `target` has the shared argument or not. - For ANN layers which are no_state, like :py:class:`~.Dense` or :py:class:`~.Conv2d`, set `no_state=True` is high efficiently. This is because :math:`Y[t]` only relies on :math:`X[t]`, and it is not necessary to calculate :math:`Y[t]` step-bt-step. For this case, we reshape the input from `shape = [T, N, *]` to `shape = [TN, *]`, send data to the object, and reshape output to `shape = [T, N, *]`. In this way, the calculation over different time is parralelized. out_vars: PyTree The variables to monitor over the time loop. t0: float, optional The start time to run the system. If None, ``t`` will be no longer generated in the loop. i0: int, optional The start index to run the system. If None, ``i`` will be no longer generated in the loop. dt: float The time step. shared_arg: dict The shared arguments across the nodes. For instance, `shared_arg={'fit': False}` for the prediction phase. data_first_axis: str Denoting the type of the first axis of input data. If ``'T'``, we treat the data as `(time, ...)`. If ``'B'``, we treat the data as `(batch, time, ...)` when the `target` is in Batching mode. Default is ``'T'``. name: str The transformed object name. """ def __init__( self, target: DynamicalSystem, out_vars: Union[bm.Variable, Sequence[bm.Variable], Dict[str, bm.Variable]] = None, no_state: bool = False, t0: Optional[float] = 0., i0: Optional[int] = 0, dt: Optional[float] = None, shared_arg: Optional[Dict] = None, data_first_axis: str = 'T', name: str = None, jit: bool = True, remat: bool = False, ): super().__init__(name=name) assert data_first_axis in ['B', 'T'] is_integer(i0, 'i0', allow_none=True) is_float(t0, 't0', allow_none=True) is_float(dt, 'dt', allow_none=True) dt = share.dt if dt is None else dt if shared_arg is None: shared_arg = dict(dt=dt) else: assert isinstance(shared_arg, dict) shared_arg['dt'] = dt self.dt = dt self._t0 = t0 self._i0 = i0 self.t0 = None if t0 is None else bm.Variable(bm.as_jax(t0)) self.i0 = None if i0 is None else bm.Variable(bm.as_jax(i0)) self.jit = jit self.remat = remat self.shared_arg = shared_arg self.data_first_axis = data_first_axis = target if not isinstance(target, DynamicalSystem): raise TypeError(f'Must be instance of {DynamicalSystem.__name__}, ' f'but we got {type(target)}') self.no_state = no_state self.out_vars = out_vars if out_vars is not None: out_vars, _ = tree_flatten(out_vars, is_leaf=lambda s: isinstance(s, bm.Variable)) for v in out_vars: if not isinstance(v, bm.Variable): raise TypeError('out_vars must be a PyTree of Variable.') def __call__( self, duration_or_xs: Union[float, PyTree], ): """Forward propagation along the time or inputs. Parameters ---------- duration_or_xs: float, PyTree If `float`, it indicates a running duration. If a PyTree, it is the given inputs. Returns ------- out: PyTree The accumulated outputs over time. """ # inputs if isinstance(duration_or_xs, float): shared = tools.DotDict() if self.t0 is not None: shared['t'] = jnp.arange(0, duration_or_xs, self.dt) + self.t0.value if self.i0 is not None: shared['i'] = jnp.arange(0, shared['t'].shape[0]) + self.i0.value xs = None if self.no_state: raise ValueError('Under the `no_state=True` setting, input cannot be a duration.') length = shared['t'].shape else: inp_err_msg = ('\n' 'Input should be a Array PyTree with the shape ' 'of (B, T, ...) or (T, B, ...) with `data_first_axis="T"`, ' 'where B the batch size and T the time length.') xs, tree = tree_flatten(duration_or_xs, lambda a: isinstance(a, bm.Array)) if b_idx, t_idx = (1, 0) if self.data_first_axis == 'T' else (0, 1) try: batch = tuple(set([x.shape[b_idx] for x in xs])) except (AttributeError, IndexError) as e: raise ValueError(inp_err_msg) from e if len(batch) != 1: raise ValueError('\n' 'Input should be a Array PyTree with the same batch dimension. ' f'but we got {tree_unflatten(tree, batch)}.') try: length = tuple(set([x.shape[t_idx] for x in xs])) except (AttributeError, IndexError) as e: raise ValueError(inp_err_msg) from e if len(batch) != 1: raise ValueError('\n' 'Input should be a Array PyTree with the same batch size. ' f'but we got {tree_unflatten(tree, batch)}.') if len(length) != 1: raise ValueError('\n' 'Input should be a Array PyTree with the same time length. ' f'but we got {tree_unflatten(tree, length)}.') if self.no_state: xs = [bm.reshape(x, (length[0] * batch[0],) + x.shape[2:]) for x in xs] else: if self.data_first_axis == 'B': xs = [jnp.moveaxis(x, 0, 1) for x in xs] xs = tree_unflatten(tree, xs) origin_shape = (length[0], batch[0]) if self.data_first_axis == 'T' else (batch[0], length[0]) else: try: length = tuple(set([x.shape[0] for x in xs])) except (AttributeError, IndexError) as e: raise ValueError(inp_err_msg) from e if len(length) != 1: raise ValueError('\n' 'Input should be a Array PyTree with the same time length. ' f'but we got {tree_unflatten(tree, length)}.') xs = tree_unflatten(tree, xs) origin_shape = (length[0],) # computation if self.no_state:**self.shared_arg) outputs = self._run(self.shared_arg, dict(), xs) results = tree_map(lambda a: jnp.reshape(a, origin_shape + a.shape[1:]), outputs) if self.i0 is not None: self.i0 += length[0] if self.t0 is not None: self.t0 += length[0] * self.dt return results else: shared = tools.DotDict() if self.t0 is not None: shared['t'] = jnp.arange(0, self.dt * length[0], self.dt) + self.t0.value if self.i0 is not None: shared['i'] = jnp.arange(0, length[0]) + self.i0.value assert not self.no_state results = bm.for_loop(functools.partial(self._run, self.shared_arg), (shared, xs), jit=self.jit, remat=self.remat) if self.i0 is not None: self.i0 += length[0] if self.t0 is not None: self.t0 += length[0] * self.dt return results def reset_state(self, batch_size=None): if self.i0 is not None: self.i0.value = bm.as_jax(self._i0) if self.t0 is not None: self.t0.value = bm.as_jax(self._t0) def _run(self, static_sh, dyn_sh, x):**static_sh, **dyn_sh) outs = if self.out_vars is not None: outs = (outs, tree_map(bm.as_jax, self.out_vars)) clear_input( return outs